The state Game Commission is expected to earn nearly $1.5 million in bonus payments after a deal to extract natural gas from beneath some 370 acres of State Game Land 223 in Greene County.
The agency reported the five-year agreement with Energy Corporation of America will include no surface disturbance of hunting grounds. ECA agreed to pay an 18 percent royalty on oil, gas and other resources acquired at the site, plus a $4,000 per-acre bonus. Commissioners said the revenue would be invested in the Game Fund.
The board signed off on another agreement to develop gas rights under 0.36 acres at Mount Wheeler Tower, a site in Washington County that the Game Commission acquired in 2008. In a five-year lease in which no on-site surface disturbance will be allowed, Range Resources will pay the agency a 20 percent royalty on all resources extracted from or produced at the site, as well as a $2,000 bonus.
The Game Commission also reported that an estimated $1 million could be generated from the reclamation of refuse coal under about 23 acres of State Game Lands 332 in Indiana County.
Ladies night
For years, Amidea Daniel ran the state Fish and Boat Commission’s Trout in the Classroom program. Recently promoted to Youth and Women’s Program Coordinator, she’ll discuss the agency’s Women’s Initiative at meeting of Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited, 7 p.m. Monday at Grazie Event Center at the Oxford Athletic Club, 100 Village Run Road, Wexford, 15090. Free, 724-934-7880.
First Published: February 12, 2017, 5:00 a.m.