Swin Cash has lived in many different places during her accomplished, 10--plus-year professional basketball career, from Russia to Seattle, and locations in between. Yet, despite her globetrotting lifestyle, she has always felt a responsibility to give back to Western Pennsylvania.
“I never abandoned where I came from,” Cash said. “I think it’s important for the kids here in Western Pa. to see me. I think it’s important for young boys and especially young girls to see someone that has had the success that I’ve had but still [comes] back, no matter what.”
Ten years ago, She started a charity to empower local youths in the Pittsburgh area, as well as the places where she played and lived, by keeping them active through cost-free enrichment opportunities. Cash for Kids has managed to continue its mission for the past decade. At 6 p.m. today at PNC Park, Cash will host a fundraising gala to celebrate this milestone.
“We thought it was just a perfect opportunity, not only to celebrate, but also to make sure we can make the community aware and continue to grow,” Cash said.
It’s the first year the foundation has done this type of event, which will include a silent auction. It also will be the first time that someone receives the distinction of Cash for Kids honoree of the year. Helene Phelps, founder and organizer of the McKeesport Black Berets, a youth drill team, for more than 30 years, is the recipient of this year’s award.
“I wanted to honor a local hero that doesn’t get the press at all. People might not know her,” said Cash of Phelps. Cash was a member of the group as a child. “She was kind of an inspiration to me.”
Cash aims to make the recognition of an important local community figure by the foundation an annual tradition. She also has plans to continue expanding the reach of her charity.
“The biggest thing is for us is to really try to broaden the horizons of our kids. To show them that through sports, through activities, that they can achieve a lot of different things in life,” Cash said.
Specials guests at the event will include Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, as well as former Steelers players Charlie Batch and Mike Logan.
Jasper Wilson: jwilson@post-gazette.com and Twitter @wilson_jasper.
First Published: October 30, 2015, 4:00 a.m.