After the Power Point presentation at the early afternoon session of Wednesday’s bus rapid transit public meeting in Oakland, several people wanted to respond before the entire assembly (“Bus Transit Proposal Gets Good Reviews: About 200 Attend Two Public Sessions,” April 6). The county executive, who moderated this meeting, refused these requests, insisting that all public comments be made at breakout stations, staffed by Port Authority or city officials.
However, at these breakout stations, the staff only wanted to hear which of four proposed routing options people preferred. Thus far, during this so-called “public process,” there has been no actual public hearing for general comments, including the no-build option for those who may feel that such a $240 million project is unwarranted. It seems these breakout stations were set up to diffuse opposition to this project.
All other major Port Authority projects have included such a public hearing for general comments. Before this public process goes any further, the Port Authority board of directors should sponsor a general public hearing regarding all aspects of this proposed public transit project, including all transit mode options.
Mt. Lebanon
First Published: April 8, 2017, 4:00 a.m.