Theresa Brown (“Abortion and a Woman’s Centrality,” Feb. 26 Forum) uses an ectopic pregnancy to justify any abortion after five months of pregnancy, as if this were a typical reason given for all abortions. It isn’t. This would be the equivalent of expelling a thousand high schoolers when one student is caught smoking in the bathroom.
Moreover, she never gives any sources when she states that pro-lifers would want the mother to die to save the child. This is just a false talking point that pro-abortion advocates have been spewing for years in the attempt to paint pro-lifers as against women. In reality, pro-lifers believe in loving the woman and the child, saving the woman’s life when threatened. Moreover, that does include free prenatal care, expert medical care for both mother and child, and everything from diapers to day care from over 3,200 pregnancy resource centers in America, 22 right here in our area (1.800.712.HELP).
Yes, pregnancy is, in Ms. Brown’s own words, “a mother-child dyad.” It’s a mother and a child. Only a “rigid” pro-abortion supporter would deny that two human beings are involved in a pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies are rare and deserve medical treatment. Killing a preborn child should be just as rare.
First Published: March 5, 2017, 5:00 a.m.