For the life of me, I can’t fathom a reason several of Pennsylvania’s congressmen have not backed the coal-field reclamation bill (“Pa. Legislators Slow to Back Coal-Field Reclamation Bill,” July 31 Region). Hundreds of millions of dollars will be distributed by the federal government via the Reclaim Act over the next five years if our congressional representatives will only support the legislation to free it. Stonewalling on the part of U.S. Reps. Tim Murphy, Keith Rothfus and Mike Kelly stinks worse than the fumes and toxins emanating from the abandoned coal fields and ultimately the rivers that should sustain livelihood and lives.
Thousands of abandoned mines polluting thousands of miles of streams in Pennsylvania could be reclaimed in support of our wildlife, ourselves and future generations — even providing much-needed jobs in the process.
Another article, in the Aug 2 Local section (“Susquehanna River Declared ‘Impaired’ ”), likely adds to the anger and perplexity many voters in the commonwealth must be feeling over this apparent betrayal by our representatives. The state DEP has declared that part of the Susquehanna River is impaired and contributing to fish diseases and pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay. If you’re not concerned about this, you should be. From the short-term inconvenience of fewer fish and shellfish choices on our plates to the long-term effects on the entire food chain for future generations, this pollution should be the cause of much alarm. The fact that foolish legislators won’t support the no-brainer federal funds to help clean up our rivers should absolutely guide your next votes.
First Published: August 4, 2016, 4:00 a.m.