I never realized that as a conservative Republican, Christian, white male and veteran what a horrible hate-filled racist, xenophobic, misogynist and all-around horrible person I am. Thanks to Rob Rogers’ July 21 cartoon and Oren Spiegler’s July 21 letter (“Republicans Should Regret Their Nominee Choice”), I now know that Republicans are racists, bigots and intolerant. I now realize how tolerant liberals are. I could definitely feel the love.
To a liberal, compassion is when the government forcibly takes someone’s hard-earned money to give to someone else who didn’t earn it so that the government can create a culture of dependency and rob people of the joy of being self-reliant and free to determine their own future — thus stealing that person’s dignity. And that is what a liberal calls compassion?
To a conservative, compassion is giving of one’s self, time, heart and money to help our fellow man.
Gentlemen, please don’t pretend to know what is in my heart. I wonder if they have ever really been exposed to the disaster created by liberal government social programs. Please don’t try to clear your conscience by diminishing others who hold a different opinion and experience than yours. Practice tolerance!
First Published: July 27, 2016, 4:00 a.m.