Pennsylvania is blessed with many talented public servants committed to protecting and enhancing our state’s natural resources — none more so than Terry Bossert. I’m certain Terry regrets his comments made recently at a legal forum (“Range Resources Exec’s Well-Site Remarks Drawing Sharp Criticism,” April 18) and has publicly apologized. Certainly all of us have said things we later regretted, yours truly among them.
I’d ask that Terry not be judged by one offhand comment. Instead, let’s remember that it was under Terry’s watch that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection established its Environmental Justice Office, created to prevent any perception that environmental regulatory decisions are based on anything but their legal and scientific merits.
I have known Terry since 1995, when he was appointed chief counsel of DEP in my administration. Even then he was known for having a history of environmental enforcement experience, a distinguished private law practice and was the co-editor of the definitive text on Pennsylvania environmental law.
Terry made a mistake for which he has publicly apologized. It would be a disservice to his decades of good work to allow one ill-advised comment to distract from what has been an exemplary career of service to our commonwealth.
Washington, D.C.
Mr. Ridge was the 43rd governor of Pennsylvania.
First Published: April 27, 2016, 4:00 a.m.