A note to Philip Kreckel from Oakland (“Shifting Vehicle Traffic Would Stop These Tragedies,” Nov. 9 letters). The suggestions concerning “impatient commuters” are virtually impossible to put into place. Yeah, let’s make auto traffic permissible only on “high-speed roads.” We should all ride bikes to work by using side streets to commute to our place of occupation. That would include rainy days, snowy ones and days when temperatures drop to single digits.
And what about those suburbanites who go to Downtown to shop, eat or enjoy a night out on the town? Ladies and gentlemen, put on your best attire and pedal yourselves down to the Benedum.
Agreed, operators of vehicles are careless at times, but catering to the few who cycle is not the answer. Mr. Kreckel’s plan is “pie in the sky” bordering on ludicrous.
Forest Hills
First Published: November 25, 2015, 5:00 a.m.