With about 130 municipalities and more than 40 school districts, Allegheny County presents many opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation. While real instances of collaboration are rare despite the potential savings and efficiency for taxpayers, two new ventures — creation of a land bank and the county’s policing of Wilmerding — could be examples for other officials to emulate.
Allegheny County Council voted last Tuesday to participate in a land bank organized by the Steel Rivers and Turtle Creek Valley councils of government. The COGs, with the support of their constituent municipalities and school districts, want to acquire blighted, tax-delinquent parcels; maintain or improve them; and resell them to responsible owners, who will keep them up and pay real estate taxes. An Lewis, executive director of the Steel Rivers group, wants to extend participation to municipalities represented by various COGs countywide.
The county’s participation is important for two reasons. Like the municipalities and school districts supporting the COGs, the county has agreed to waive back taxes on properties the land bank acquires and to make an annual payment to support operational costs. The land bank also is seeking private funding to cover expenses, such as maintaining vacant lots and rehabilitating dilapidated houses. The land bank has the potential to unite municipalities and school districts in a shared agenda of beautification and development.
Also Tuesday, county Executive Rich Fitzgerald presented council with legislation that, if passed, would allow the county to begin providing police service in Wilmerding, a small borough unable to police itself. The municipality contracts with North Versailles for police coverage, but that contract expires at the end of the year and borough officials decided to seek other options. With its large force and various specialty units, the county is an excellent choice. More municipalities should consider closer ties with the county, and Mr. Fitzgerald has expressed a willingness to consider such partnerships.
County council’s approval of the land bank was a forward-thinking move. It should approve the Wilmerding police contract, too, and find other economies of scale for taxpayers. When it comes to government, flatter is better and less is more.
First Published: June 27, 2016, 4:00 a.m.