The God revealed through evolution, history and scripture abounds with love. Evolution reveals that without love to create and sustain life, the human species would never have made it. History has witnessed gradual changes in the institution of marriage from ones based on power and property to ones based on mutual commitment, caring and love. In the Jewish-Christian tradition, Jesus reportedly said that out of the many laws of his Jewish faith, the greatest was the commandment of love: to love God by loving others.
Pulpits throughout the commonwealth that embrace this God of love have been celebrating the news that the law of Pennsylvania finally caught up with God’s higher law. That law affirms that if any committed and loving couple deserves the support of the state, then all committed and loving couples do.
History is riddled with unjust laws forced by the majority on an unwilling, marginalized and often despised minority. U.S. District Judge John E. Jones III's decision offers a ringing affirmation of the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
When the subject is marriage equality, the voices of the religious right are all too often the loudest and most-quoted. But several faiths have steadfastly affirmed equal justice for same-sex couples, opposed discrimination and bigotry based on sexual orientation, and recognized the full humanity of all people.
This victory for equity and dignity in our commonwealth is an important step forward in our long journey toward a more perfect union. And it brings us a little closer to realizing God’s law of love.
First Unitarian Churchof Pittsburgh
Allegheny UnitarianUniversalist Church
First Published: June 30, 2014, 4:00 a.m.