WASHINGTON — House Transportation chairman Bill Shuster, R-Blair, acknowledged Thursday that he has a “close private and personal relationship” with a female lobbyist for an airline association whose job is to influence his committee.
The recently divorced congressman acknowledged that he has been dating Shelley Rubino, vice president of government affairs for Airlines for America, while the committee he leads has been working to overhaul the Federal Aviation Administration.
“Ms. Rubino and I have a private and personal relationship, and out of respect for her and my family that is all I will say about that,” Mr. Shuster said in a written statement.
The Capitol Hill news outlet Politico first reported the relationship Thursday, raising questions about conflicts of interest.
The House Ethics Manual doesn’t address lobbying by romantic partners but does urge “special caution” when a spouse or other immediate family member is a lobbyist. “At minimum, such an official should not permit the spouse to lobby either him- or herself or any of his or her subordinates.”
His office consulted with legal counsel to establish its own internal policy on personal relationships that “goes further than required by law,” Mr. Shuster wrote. “Under that policy, Ms. Rubino doesn’t lobby my office, including myself and my staff.”
That’s not good enough for government watchdogs like Bill Allison, senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation.
“I don’t know how you could not talk about what your industry — about what you’re doing during the day — with somebody you’re dating,” he said. “Of course, he’s going to be more inclined to look favorably on something supported by the person he’s dating. … It’s basic human nature to want to help somebody we’re involved with.”
Even if Ms. Rubino didn’t talk about policy, Mr. Shuster, an eight-term congressman, would know what she wants, Mr. Allison said.
“You don’t have to lobby to get what you want. He’s smart enough to know what the industry’s interests are without her sitting down and telling him. I can pick up a birthday present my wife will love without her telling me to buy her something in particular,” Mr. Allison said.
A spokeswoman for Airlines for America did not respond to a request for comment.
Mr. Shuster isn’t the only member of Congress whose personal relationships have raised questions about conflicts of interest.
John D. Dingell Jr., the recently retired Michigan Democrat, famously fought auto industry regulations while his wife was a General Motors executive, for example. And U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Butler, supported legislation favorable to shale drillers while his wife owned $1.5 million in shares of two gas companies her great-great-grandfather founded.
And Mr. Shuster’s father Bud, a former Transportation Committee chairman himself, became the focus of an investigation into whether his former chief of staff and paramour improperly lobbied him after she resigned to start her own government relations firm. There is a one-year ban on ex-employees lobbying the members or committees they worked for.
It’s troubling but not surprising that that members become romantically involved with lobbyists, Mr. Allison said.
“Lawmakers are human beings and when you spend a lot of time with somebody, these things will happen, but it shows the extent to which members of Congress are spending far more time with lobbyists than with ordinary Americans,” he said.
Formerly the Air Transport Association, Airlines for America is a trade group whose members include major industry players including American Airlines, US Airways, United, Delta and UPS.
The pending Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization before Mr. Shuster’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee could have wide-reaching implications for the industry by setting rules for airline alliances, requirements for startup airlines, establishing minimum standards for passenger comfort, and by assessing taxes and fees.
First Published: April 17, 2015, 4:00 a.m.