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Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges Tuesday against the Rev. David Poulson, 64, a Catholic priest in the Erie diocese. Father Poulson is charged with the sexual abuse of two boys.

AG Shapiro announces arrest of Erie priest on charges of sexual abuse

Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette

AG Shapiro announces arrest of Erie priest on charges of sexual abuse

ERIE, Pa. — Eight years ago, the Rev. David L. Poul­son ad­mit­ted to his bishop that he was aroused by a boy, had sent sex-themed texts to mi­nors and was spend­ing time alone with them in vi­o­la­tion of di­oc­e­san rules, ac­cord­ing to a grand jury re­port ac­com­pa­ny­ing the Roman Cath­o­lic priest’s ar­rest Tues­day.

The now-re­tired Bishop Don­ald Traut­man “ad­mon­ished” Father Poul­son and told him to “cease and de­sist” from such be­hav­ior, ac­cord­ing to an in­ter­nal church memo cited by the grand jury.

Bishop Traut­man, how­ever, kept Father Poul­son in par­ish min­is­try, where he stayed un­til this year. Bishop Law­rence Per­sico, cur­rent head of the 13-county Erie di­o­cese, said nei­ther his pre­de­ces­sor nor any­one else told him of any con­cerns about the priest af­ter he took of­fice in 2012.


The grand jury — which has been in­ves­ti­gat­ing sex­ual abuse in six Roman Cath­o­lic di­o­ceses across Penn­syl­va­nia — ob­tained the memo from the Erie di­o­cese more than a year ago.

Erie Roman Catholic Bishop Lawrence Persico speaks with reporters in 2013 after testifying at a hearing in Federal Court on the Church's lawsuit against provisions on contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care Act.
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After the di­o­cese re­ceived and passed on new ev­i­dence to in­ves­ti­ga­tors early this year, Father Poul­son was in­dicted on mul­ti­ple charges of sex­ual abuse of two boys.

Father Poul­son was ar­rested in Oil City at his mother’s home and ar­raigned in Jef­fer­son County Dis­trict Court. Bail was set at $300,000 cash, Penn­syl­va­nia At­tor­ney Gen­eral Josh Sha­piro an­nounced Tues­day at a press con­fer­ence at the Erie County Court­house.


Mr. Sha­piro said one al­leged vic­tim re­ported that the abuse oc­curred be­tween 2002 and 2010 at rec­to­ries and at a re­mote cabin in Jef­fer­son County.

The boy was even forced to con­fess the abuse at con­fes­sion to Father Poul­son, the in­dict­ment said. Father Poul­son thus “wea­p­on­ized” his faith to prey on his vic­tim, Mr. Sha­piro said.

The priest re­mained in ac­tive par­ish min­is­try un­til early this year, when Bishop Per­sico re­moved him and the priest re­signed as pas­tor of St. An­thony of Padua Par­ish in Cam­bridge Springs, Craw­ford County.

Mr. Sha­piro re­fused to com­ment when asked whether the grand jury had con­sid­ered charges against Bishop Traut­man, who re­tired in 2012.

David Poulson, a Catholic priest charged in connection with the grand jury investigation into clergy abuse, crosses Main Street for a hearing at Jefferson County Common Pleas Court, in the Jefferson County Courthouse on Wednesday Oct. 17, 2018 in Brookville. He was sentenced Friday, Jan. 11, 2019.
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There is prece­dent for such cases. Last week in Blair County, two Fran­cis­can su­per­vi­sors of an abu­sive friar were con­victed of a sin­gle count each of en­dan­ger­ing the wel­fare of chil­dren. That case emerged out of a pre­vi­ous grand jury.

The cur­rent ar­rest, and the ar­rest last year of a Greens­burg priest await­ing trial, have emerged from the 40th state­wide grand jury. Mr. Sha­piro of­fered no hints on fur­ther grand jury ac­tions.

The Dio­cese of Erie said there would be no com­ment from Bishop Traut­man, whose 2010 con­ver­sa­tion with Father Poul­son was trig­gered by a com­plaint about the priest’s be­hav­ior around a mi­nor.

The full 2010 memo was not re­leased Tues­day. While Father Poul­son did not ex­plic­itly ad­mit to abuse, the ex­cerpts in­di­cate warn­ing signs that should have been well-known to Cath­o­lic bish­ops by 2010, eight years af­ter pledg­ing to re­move any priest for even one in­ci­dent of abuse.

In a state­ment, Bishop Per­sico lamented the al­leged crimes and said the di­o­cese had co­op­er­ated ex­ten­sively with the grand jury.

“Learn­ing the de­tails of the be­hav­ior with which Father Poul­son has been charged has been ex­tremely up­set­ting,” Bishop Per­sico said. “The vic­tims in­volved have en­dured great suf­fer­ing, and I know words can­not ade­quately ex­press my sor­row in the face of such dev­as­ta­tion.”

Bishop Per­sico said he didn’t know of the 2010 Traut­man memo un­til af­ter the grand jury in 2016 sub­poe­naed church doc­u­ments re­lated to abuse from Erie and five other di­o­ceses. The Erie di­o­cese’s le­gal team re­viewed the doc­u­ments and flagged the memo as a sign of pos­si­ble “groom­ing,” or ac­tiv­i­ties in which a sex­ual pred­a­tor uses fa­vors to gain a vic­tim’s trust.

Bishop Per­sico said the di­o­cese pro­vided the ma­terial to the grand jury and un­suc­cess­fully at­tempted to con­tact the mi­nor iden­ti­fied in the 2010 memo (who was not one of the two al­leged vic­tims in the in­dict­ment).

The break in the case came in Jan­u­ary, when a Roman Cath­o­lic chap­lain at Fort Hood, Texas, called the di­o­cese to say a young sol­dier re­ported be­ing re­peat­edly sex­u­ally abused by Father Poul­son.

The di­o­cese then con­fronted and sus­pended Father Poul­son and pro­vided his state­ment and other ev­i­dence to the grand jury, in­clud­ing names of other po­ten­tial wit­nesses, Bishop Per­sico said.

Father Poul­son faces three fel­ony and five mis­de­meanor charges, in­clud­ing three counts of in­de­cent as­sault, two each of cor­rup­tion of mi­nors and en­dan­ger­ing the wel­fare of chil­dren and one of crim­i­nal at­tempt at in­de­cent as­sault.

The first al­leged vic­tim was abused be­tween ages 8 and 16, ac­cord­ing to the in­dict­ment. The al­leged vic­tim’s fam­ily had re­cently moved to Penn­syl­va­nia, and his par­ents be­lieved the lo­cal priest would be a “good role model,” the in­dict­ment said.

The in­dict­ment de­scribes in ex­plicit de­tail how the priest al­leg­edly as­saulted the boy in ac­tions in­clud­ing kiss­ing, grop­ing and mas­tur­ba­tion on a bi­weekly ba­sis.

A sec­ond al­leged vic­tim said he was mo­lested by Father Poul­son as a teen from 2003 to 2006.

Nine other men re­ported to the grand jury that as far back as 1979, Father Poul­son would flirt and “wres­tle” with them and pro­vide them gifts and al­co­hol.

Father Poul­son, 64, has been a priest since 1979 and worked in par­ishes in Brad­ford, Clearfield, Fry­burg and Cam­bridge Springs. He also worked at Brad­ford Cen­tral Chris­tian High School, Gan­non Univer­sity in Erie and Clar­ion Univer­sity.

The re­mote cabin where Father Poul­son al­leg­edly took the boys is co-owned by a state po­lice ser­geant, Mark Bettwy, ac­cord­ing to the in­dict­ment.

Mr. Bettwy tes­ti­fied that he was aware that Father Poul­son vis­ited the cabin with boys and had once told him he wanted "prop­erty own­er­ship re­lin­quished to the Bettwy fam­ily in the event that he [Poul­son] was ever ac­cused of mo­lest­ing al­tar boys,” ac­cord­ing to the in­dict­ment.

Mr. Sha­piro asked any­one who has been abused by clergy to call a hot­line at 888-538-8541. He said to vic­tims: “We hear you, we are lis­ten­ing, and I be­lieve you. We’re tak­ing ac­tion against your abus­ers.”

First Published: May 8, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Most Rev. Donald W. Trautman, retired bishop of Erie.
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Erie Roman Catholic Bishop Lawrence Persico speaks with reporters after testifying at a hearing in Federal Court in 2013 on the Church's lawsuit against provisions on contraceptive coverage in the Affordable Care Act.
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Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges Tuesday against the Rev. David Poulson, 64, a Catholic priest in the Erie diocese. Father Poulson is charged with the sexual abuse of two boys.  (Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette)
David Poulson  (Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office)
Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges against the Rev. David Poulson, 64, during a press conference Tuesday in Erie, Pa.. Father Poulson is charged with sexually abusing two boys while working for the Erie diocese.  (Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette)
Attorney General Josh Shapiro announces charges against the Rev. David Poulson, 64, during a press conference Tuesday in Erie, Pa.. Father Poulson is charged with sexually abusing two boys while working for the Erie diocese.  (Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette)
Andrew Rush/Post-Gazette
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