Libraries are full of books, magazines, music, computers and more — and now the “more” includes some special educational help for family caregivers.
The Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging announced that 50 libraries are participating in a program in which a “caregiver backpack” can be checked out for three weeks — and renewed — just the same as a book. The backpacks include brochures, books, DVDS, instructional tips and other materials designed for caregivers to use at their own pace.
Five libraries began providing the backpacks last summer as a pilot program and officials deemed it worth expanding their availability this spring. The Allegheny County Library Association is a partner in the project. For more information, contact your library, as the AAA says the 50 designated libraries that store the backpacks on-site can also send them to other libraries.
Gary Rotstein: or 412-263-1255.
First Published: May 3, 2017, 5:30 p.m.