If you want to swim with the “Sharks,” you might want to head for Rivers Casino.
Pittsburgh’s first local “Shark Tank” auditions are March 28 at the North Shore venue. While the lineup of regular Sharks — including Mt. Lebanon native Mark Cuban, who has denied recent allegations of a 2011 sexual assault — won’t be on hand, producers will be judging pitches from potential contestants.
“Shark Tank,” entering its 10th season, features entrepreneurs pitching business ideas to the Sharks hoping one of them will invest in their venture. Applications and more information can be found at RiversCastingCall.com, but in general, the event begins at 9 a.m. (the line starts forming an hour earlier) and runs all day.
Hey Yinzers. Shark Tank is coming to the Burgh ! pic.twitter.com/xo1X1PBsqO
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) March 6, 2018
The event will be held in the casino’s second-level banquet space. Casting call guests will be issued numbered wristbands upon arrival and assigned an audition window.
Those under 21 must preregister online and bring a government-issued ID. The under-21 event is from 9 a.m. to noon only. This preregistration closes March 26, although adults can register on site the day of auditions.
“We’re always on the hunt for entrepreneurs with an exciting business or product who are full of passion and personality,” supervising casting producer Mindy Zemrak said in a statement. “We’ve been hearing a lot about Pittsburgh lately, so it seems like the time is right to come and see what all the excitement is about.”
Maria Sciullo: msciullo@post-gazette.com or @MariaSciulloPG.
First Published: March 7, 2018, 4:38 p.m.