Hanya Yanagihara, author of the acclaimed novel “A Little Life,” will speak in Pittsburgh at 6:30 p.m. April 1 at Carnegie Museum of Art’s 200-seat theater in Oakland.
“A Little Life” was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2015. That same year, the novel made the short list for the Man Booker Prize for fiction.
Ms. Yanagihara is also author of “The People in the Trees,” another successful novel published in 2013. The author, who was born in Hawaii, is the deputy editor of T: The New York Times Style Magazine. A book signing will follow her remarks.
The author’s appearance is part of a new series, begun last year, called “Authors on Tour.” The series is presented by Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Carnegie Museum of Art is a co-presenter of Ms. Yanagihara.
Tickets are $22 each and include a complimentary paperback copy of “A Little Life.” Tickets are available at www.pittsburghlectures.org or by calling 412-622-8866.
First Published: February 9, 2016, 10:12 p.m.