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Steelers tight end Eric Ebron celebrates with Pat Freiermuth after he scored a touchdown against the Seahawks in the second quarter, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021, at Heinz Field.

NFL Week 6: Steelers-Seahawks chat transcript

Matt Freed/Post-Gazette

NFL Week 6: Steelers-Seahawks chat transcript

Zeise: It is about time to kick it off!!!
Zeise: Run DMC is getting them fired up!
Zeise: Welcome ae

John: Quo basis?
AB Tennessee: Can’t wait to see #43 in Pittsburgh
Joe: This game is going to be another embarrassment for Tomlin if they lose. But Tomlin has had a lot of those games…
Ian: Your thoughts on Connor suddenly being a productive RBC?
yitzer: I want to see a blow out tonight
Zeise: Me too - especially one that goes over 43 points
Zeise: Good return by Ray Ray

Steeler guest: Here we go Steelers, here we go..
SteelersPDX: Collinsworth said if the Steelers lose it will be their third in a row at home. Guess he didn’t watch the game last week.
Javi: Hello friends
Javi: Lets get it Paul
Bubby_Blister: DMC in the house
Hritz: Someone please tell me that we cannot lose to a team QBed by Genius Smith!
Joe: I don't see us winning. ben throws 3 picks
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: STEELER 45 Seapigeons 0
Steeler guest: Run DmC run run run
Zeise: Harris and Harris to start the game


Ian: Wow a watt sighting
Joe: Why do we lose every coin toss? I've never seen anything like it.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: STEELERS 45
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Predictable
Steeler guest: Joe your buddy Browns threw the interceptions ha
Zeise: Well we got false start out of the way
Zeise: Short of the sticks

Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt heads for warmups before taking on the Seahawks, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021, at Heinz Field.
Adam Bittner
T.J. Watt's punches confuse broadcasters, get social media buzzing

Joe b: hi Paul. Expecting big game from defense tonight. Huge break with no Wilson
Michael Mozart: Are you ahead of the broadcast
Ian: Chucks. At least it wasn’t me
Joe: Turner has been a complete dud here.
Joe: Again, stop throwing short of the sticks! So frustrating
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: 3-9... Of course a 5 yard pass
Angie: Agree Joe
Joe: Ben sucks now. Watching this guy continue to try and impersonate a quarterback is depressing.
Ian: Nice kick
Guest: Presley Harvin goes boom. Decent punt
Bubby_Blister: At least they didn’t throw behind the line
Zeise: Thats progress. Great punt. Great first play for the defense

WeatherDan: Harris needed to run to the sticks before catching the pass.
Zeise: He was the safety outlet and that's not how the play is designed and Ben didn't let it develop like that

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Don't waste your energy flexN Buggs... Do your job.
AB Tennessee: Nice stop by Biggs!
Michael Mozart: You are definitely ahead of us
Zeise: There is an idiot running on the field
Zeise: The security and cops got him
Zeise: He tried to juke the cops and well his feet slipped out from under him.


WeatherDan: Finally it feels like fall around here. Been way too hot.
Steeler guest: Here comes a pick or sack
AB Tennessee: For the record I’m at home
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Is that Batko on the field?
Rico: Is that you Paul running?
Steeler guest: with a sack
Zeise: Geno Smith ain't ready

Ian: wheres Harrison
AB Tennessee: Too bad James Harrison wasn’t on the sideline to ight
Joe b: I thought that only happened in England. Come on Pittsburgh. You are better than that.
Zeise: This feels like sack or pick

Dwight: Call it PZ!!
Zeise: Apparently both teams believe in the short of the sticks philosophy

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Norwood!!!
BrooklynAdam: Zeise, How full are the stands? Did the fireworks put butts in seats for kickoff?
Zeise: Not full full yet but there are plenty of people still filing in

Ben Roethlisberger celebrates a touchdown with Cam Heyward during the 1st quarter Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021, at Lambeau Field.
Adam Bittner
Steelers' Cam Heyward makes history with 60th career sack

AB Tennessee: Great stop … Metcalf is a beast
Bubby_Blister: I find myself amused by those field shenanigans
WeatherDan: I did a lot of research and the changing climate has hurt the Steelers home field advantage we once had.
Angie: Open field stop!
Ian: Stop celebrating you’ve got a whole game to lose
Michael Mozart: Short stick worked for Arizona today
Joe: short of the sticks = fearful
Guest: Nice defense!!!
WeatherDan: Well the Steelers are not the only team that throws short of the sticks. :-)
Zeise: Geno Smith has happy, happy feet back there

Jw: I’d hate to have to bring that met calf down
Dwight: Good call Whether Dan...its climate change!!
Bosaroni: Boringgggg, the fan on field is highlight so far
Papa: Fireworks to remind fans to enter the stadium. What a joke!
Zeise: Maybe allow people to use paper tickets so you don't have idiots trying to refresh their browsers on their phone while in line with no signal because there are so many people trying to use it

WeatherDan: Dwight it used to snow a lot in November and December which gave us a nice edge. Now it doesn't.
BrooklynAdam: Ray Ray looked good on the kickoff—maybe tonight he finally breaks one
Ian: The fireworks woke up Ben. Being it’s a night game
Papa: Yeah. The etickets are not perfected yet.
Zeise: It is early but the pace of this game is awful

WeatherDan: Paul, the little insecure coward imitator is back, talking about global warming and weather. Not me.
Dwight: ok you were serious! I thought you were just joking
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: The noe-fans can't obey everthing... all at once... don't worry it won't be the National Football League for much longer
WeatherDan: Paul I still go into restaurants and they don't let me use cash and blame covid lol. Joke.
Jw: Almost a 10 yd pass… the timing!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: The pace is predictable & boring
Zeise: Seattle has an awful defense. The Steelers should be aggressive here otnight
Zeise: A little bit underthrown but at least they took a shot

Bosaroni: two Hour wait to get Troy to sign my jersey….he spoke to everybody as we came up….what a nice guy….amazing player
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Neo-fans
BrooklynAdam: That was a very Juju-ish route and catch by Washington
Rungame0: What is the qb saying when he snaps it
Papa: 2 very average teams. What do u expect?
Ian: Aggressive right
Javi: Hulu doesnt have game up yet..unreal.
Zeise: A nice play by the defender to break it up but it was underthrown
Zeise: Ballage is in the game already for some reason

AB Tennessee: What is Ballage doing in the game?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Lookin for a flag instead of fightin for the ball
Guest: Aggressive, you mean 4 yd passes instead of 3?
Dwight: Ben under threw that one to DJ
Steeler guest: Papa Brown
WeatherDan: Ball badly underthrown
Joe: No Paul, it’s a poorly thrown ball…underthrown
Zeise: That's what I said, Joe

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Weak
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Wea
Zeise: Good God was that an awful sequence of plays

Bubby_Blister: Did anyone catch that Fitzpatrick’s PFF ranking was next to last in the NFL?
Zeise: Benny Snell blew up the play - and hurt himself in the process

Jw: Muth!
TD: two drives in a row, throwing before the sticks. not a great pattern
WeatherDan: This offense is a dumpster fire.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Ben needs to get hit... hope he can take it
Guest: This is embarrassing
Papa: Well, another punt
TD: also, MUTH!
Dwight: Didn't see that on Minkah but not surprised
Ian: Old Ben escaped
Joe b: back to horrible start on offense. Defense needs to win this it appears
Joe: Moore beaten handily
lvjimmie: Another short pass.
Michael Mozart: Paul, please delay your comments on every play.
WeatherDan: Moore got so beat there, haven't been impressed with him at all.
Zeise: Snell hurt himself there

AB Tennessee: Snell hurt on the play
Bubby_Blister: Snell broke his arm?
Ian: Didn’t look good
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: But Bubby he's All Pro... just ask anyone at the PPG... right Zeise?
Zeise: Who is All Pro?

AB Tennessee: looks broken
Zeise: Nothing screams coaches paranoia more than these idiotic sideline medical tents

Angie: Blessing in disguise. Although Ballage just as bad
Guest: It’s broken
Maryann noll: Broken
Michael Mozart: So, where is the commitment to the running game?
Joe: I don’t wish I’ll on anyone, but Snell being hurt can only benefit the Steelers offense
Steeler: Now is it his wrist or arm that’s broken
Zeise: Snell is fine

Rungame0: Nate Carroll son of Pete Carroll is WR coach
Maryann noll: According to dr Richard rydze
Ian: looked wrist
Steeler guest: How can the Ravens use a 3 an 4th running back and the Steelers.......
Bubby_Blister: Fractured radius is my diagnosis
Guest: How can it benefit the offense? It means more Ballage
Dwight: So what happened to the running game that looked so good last week?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Zeise8:39Who is All Pro?... Minkah
Zeise: He isn't All Pro but he is a very good player

Papa: Bengals 5-1 going to play Ravens next week. Somebody will be 6-1 in the Division soon
Zeise: It will be the Ravens

Jw: Now claypool hurt?
Zeise: He is on the bike so just stretching something

Ian: Claypool hurt too?
Zeise: No he is on the bike

yitzer: false start nice
Maryann noll: Ravens should have 4 loses
Zeise: But they don't

Maryann noll: Highway robbery in detroit
Zeise: If Ifs were fifths we would all be drunk

Steeler guest: Long season but must get better
Bubby_Blister: Is it just me or is this game hit garbage so far?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: All Pro made a open fielder... good!
Joe: Bengals are 4-2
Angie: Nice open field tackling tonight!
Rich: If these plays are scripted terrible planning. Same old same old.
Jw: Watts!
Ian: Don’t get z started
Leonard: I see a 6-3 game
Steeler guest: Bungles hopefully win
TD: how sad would it be for 3 AFC North teams to make the playoffs but not the steelers?
AB Tennessee: Chris Collingswoth is saying Geno Smith has a chance to build a new career … how does he have a job?
Dwight: its not you Bubby...
Zeise: The Browns ain't making the playoffs

Joe b: Afc weak this year. Hope bills make it over Ravens.
Joe: Lol…The a Steelers tackling
Ian: Horrible tackling
yitzer: are you kidding me what terrible tackling
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Zeise8:41He isn't All Pro but he is a very good player... I agree he isn't but he Was voted so... & I see nothing to warrant a big contract
Angie: Edmunds whiffed again
Bubby_Blister: Angie you spoke too soon
Papa: That was ridiculous tackling
Dwight: Edmunds is horr
lvjimmie: 4 missed tackles
Picksixlisberger: Edmunds again
AB Tennessee: Awful tackling just awful
Ian: 3 whiffs
Bill: Great defense Steelers, another missed tackle by Minkah smh. Let him walk, no contract extension for him.
Rungame0: nice job Geno
Zeise: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you guys are all not happy with the Steelers tackling on this drive

Angie: Sorry guys. I jinxed them
Rudy: Just what I feared, we play down to the competition.
Joe: Hawks offense with Geno looks better than the Steelers with Ben lol
Ian: Steelers make jets qbs look like all pros
Zeise: Theres a good tackle

lvjimmie: Where’s the blitz
Rungame0: Driving towards the generic end zone
Papa: Just stay under 43
Bill: I'm sure I'll get hate for this but I'd rather have Geno at this point then Ben. Yes.
yitzer: Defense not looking good so far. got to get it together
Picksixlisberger: Any offense looks better than one with Roethlisberger
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I thought All Pro's open field tackle was good
DW: What’s up w Claypool?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Like that! HIGHSMITH
Maryann noll: High smith trash
Amanda's mom: Has my daughter been on tonight? She is bi-polar.
Patrick B: Sadly the best tackler is Benny Snell and it looks like he hurt himself making the tackle on special teams.
Dwight: Wake me up next time Edmunds makes an impactful play
Papa: Nice D. Big stop
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Norwood again!!!
Angie: Norwood does what Edmunds should be doing
lvjimmie: Norwood is playing well
Papa: Norwood came to play tonight so far
Steeler guest: Highsmith is good, Minkah will be fine, D is good, O line getting stronger, It is up to Ben's play
Scott: Defense better tighten up. Looks like Ben has reverted to Captain Inaccurate.
AB Tennessee: Tre “Swiss army knife”
Jw: Norwood close to a pick soon
Ebz: Norwood having a good start.
Rungame0: If anyone likes special teams fakes it’s Pete Carroll. Heads up this game.
Mark: Claypool update?
Steeler guest: New Hilton/Norwood
Jw: Smart play!
Zeise: Claypool is out on the field and in the huddle

Mark: Any chance we see our FB tonight?
Zeise: You already have
Zeise: To review - Claypool and Snell are both back with their helmets on and ready to play. Neither are injured

Patrick B: Tre Norwood is outplaying the two first round draft picks Edmunds and Fitzpatrick.
Ian: Challenge and safety on the way
Papa: Seemed like he had possession and took a couple of steps. Maybe got away with a call there
MikeM65: Anybody else a minute or two behind Paul?
Zeise: I'm here in the press box so I am ahead of TV and live streaming

Jw: First play he was in. Saw him standing there
Guest: Hate to say it but i think that might be a steeler safety
Mark: Great news on Clay and Snell
Zeise: Why would it be a safety?

Guest: Why are the steelers touching that ball there?
Joe b: No problem. We can go 96 yards if they reverse it. Ha
Rungame0: What kind of food in the press box Paul?
Zeise: Run of the mill press box stuff - nothing to write home about but it fills the stomach!

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Can you delay your comments for :20s Zeise?
Bosaroni: Where’s Al michels tonight
Carl: Hey Paul wait a few secs before telling us the play dude. You're ahead of us.
TD: so. many. short. passes.
DW: After the ball is touched by cover team, return team can try to advance with worst cas scenario being where the ball was touched.
Steeler guest: Glad Claypool is back
Zeise: Looks like holding on 18

Jw: Muth ! More of it
Guest: why won't they run the football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zeise: Better yet, pass interference.

TD: if that's holding on the OL...
Ian: madness
Steeler guest: Paul, I think you are seeing the plays at the same time you are just a genius
Zeise: That the Steelers can't move the ball on this defense is ridiculous

Bosaroni: We need zeise to make some of his famous grill cheese to make this game tolerable
Zeise: Absolutely!!!!

Mutt: Poni picked Steelers so of course we aren't gonna win tonight. Guy is the biggest jinx I've ever seen.
TD: if we go to 2-4, what do we think the chances are of mixing things up? is that even an option?
Zeise: If they can't beat this team with Geno Smith running the offense they should go back to St Vincent and practice until next season

Ian: Are you really surprised
yitzer: That was a b ad call
Mutt: This oline blows
Papa: No chance of mixing anything up
Rudy: I agree with Paul.
Guest: The offense on this team is dreadful
Dwight: What happened to the running game?
yitzer: nice
Guest: Is banner active tonight?
Papa: Passed to the marker. How about that
Zeise: Banner is not active tonight. They need him so far

Jw: Our next QB plays in this stadium. Picket!
yitzer: no
Ian: Is this 1989?
Picksixlisberger: Did that ball travel 10 yds in the air?
TD: Ben will have 75 throws tonight
DW: Deactivated
Steeler guest: It is early, but .... that's what I'm talking about
Zeise: This is an awful pace of play so far
Zeise: Did I mention that

Papa: If they keep stacking the box then yes they will throw a ton
Rudy: Maybe our running game tricked us last week
Mutt: this is unreal, the oline can't open any damn holes!!
yitzer: Seattle playing to stop Najie
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Essence of 'Pull My Finctner'
DW: Gonna have to throw it
Joe b: offensive line is awful again early
Nick: Why don't we throw to Najee?
AB Tennessee: daring 7 to throw
Angie: Paul I just said the same thing to my hubby
TD: good strategy I guess, put it on Ben
Ian: It seems Seattle is giving them the pass
Rungame0: Looked like a Tom Wakefield knuckleball
Jw: Muth over middle. Come on
Papa: Maybe they are finding a groove here
Rich: Stacking the box they want Ben to beat them.
Steeler guest: Ha Pull my
Ebz: Can't run with 9 sitting in the box.
yitzer: awful play
Ian: Drops back 15 goes 2 past line
BrooklynAdam: I would love for someone to explain to me what advantage is gained by putting an offensive tackle in motion pre snap because it seems kind of ridiculous
TD: hahaha
Mutt: This offense is pathetic. Mason needs to play.
Papa: Just bad. Bad bad bad
Zeise: The defense is going to need to get the scoring started

Angie: Love press coverage. Wish we would do it
Jw: OMG. What was that. Throw one to middle
Ian: Booo
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Pittsburgh playing to stop Najee
Picksixlisberger: Can NBC please switch to Heidi?
TD: punts have seemed better
Zeise: Harvin has been punting it better

Rungame0: Blast from the past. Tight formation. An Ode to Cowher.
AB Tennessee: Third punt of the quarter for Harvin coming up
Guest: At what point does the organization say this is just embarrassing to watch vs the rest of the nfl?
Steeler guest: As bad as passing is so far, I think we have some excellent wr and te - just gotta be less predictable
Joe b: either a bomb or short of sticks on 3rd down.
yitzer: It's not Ben it's the play calling I'm not a Canada fan at all'
Papa: He is getting enough practice punting. He should get better
Jw: Best Derrick play this season! Great hit
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Speaking of Heidi... Edmunds intro shot... smh
Picksixlisberger: Did Justin Layne just tackle himself?
Rich: You need 6 yds get the 1st down
Dwight: Just horrible football. Embarrassing
Guest: The cardinals shredded the Browns today. Points are being scored all over the league and the Steelers literally can't make a first down.
yitzer: It's not Ben it's the play calling I'm not a Canada fan at all
Bosaroni: Put Percy havin at fullback…
Guest: Has Layne ever made a tackle on a punt?
BrooklynAdam: It seems like it’s a trend league wide that punt returners either don’t known or aren’t taught not to field the ball inside the 10 yard line
Mark: We need to provide Najee a lead blocker.
Scott: Everyone else is putting up 500 uds a week on Seattle. Look at this crap show.
Bubby_Blister: Kind of sad that the punting game is the highlight
Zeise: This is brutal

Joe: Why not run the hurry up or something? My god this game is boring
Zeise: So far, why not just punt on first down

yitzer: Harvin punting better is no consolation
Ian: we embrace our fears
Guest: Why wouldn't it be brutal?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Wonder if Harvin did the full immersion Rivers dip?
Zeise: Someone used this line last week and I am gonna steal it - if these two offenses were horses, both would be in the Elmer glue factory by the morning

Guest: Nothing changes with this team.
Bosaroni: how much is watts brother paid to do nothing….I can do it better
Picksixlisberger: What a prime-time display.
Rungame0: Ken Norton is the DC.
Steeler guest: Mr. Zeise, common man
AB Tennessee: Justin Layne appeared to make a juke move to ensure he missed the tackle. Priceless
Patrick B: For those Harvin haters, Jordan Berry had a punt blocked today. Pittsburgh made the right call on the punter. On the other positions…..
Papa: Offense is behind the times with an old QB. Fun watching other teams today though
BrooklynAdam: Why aren’t we exploiting the Najee vs Bobby Wagner matchup in space? Najee has several steps on Wagner at this point in his career
Scott: Let's keep running when the safety is at the line of scrimmage so Najee can keep getting blasted behind the line. Maybe they'll get tired.
Mutt: Art Rooney insisting on Ben coming back was the single biggest offseason debacle.
TD: if we get a taunting there
Javi: Cant watch game it just awful so far?
Angie: Whiff #3 for 34
Bosaroni: Anybody got any iron city?
Joe b: Team needs to sign a better fourth receiver. They need help on offense now that Juju is out.
Ian: Easy block back
Zeise: That was by far the worst quarter of football I watched this weekend. And I am a Temple fan

Dwight: Another missed tackle by Edmunds...
AB Tennessee: Isaiah Biggs is our game mvp so far
Bosaroni: Anybody got any Starbucks coffee
Picksixlisberger: I’m missing American Rust for this?
Ian: What.
Papa: As long as it stays under 43.
Mutt: Joe B, Ben can't throw the ball anymore and the OLine stinks
Guest: Edmonds is torture to watch
lvjimmie: First to 20 will win.
Guest: How is this the best this team can bring in a must win game against a back up QB and no running backs?
Papa: You know who is fun to watch, Cowboys. Their offense can be scary good
Javi: Great game so far from reading chat lol
Guest: The highlight of this quarter is the fan running on the field
Zeise: It would have been better had he not slipped and fell when he made that cut!!

Ian: That’s highballing more like 3
yitzer: What the heck happened to our home field advantage?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Starbucks? Seattle based... Twin Tailed Destroyer of Men as their Corp. Logo...
Joe b: hope you all took the under.
Bubby_Blister: Might flip to CSPAN for a little excitement between quarters
Ebz: Remember when it was the browns and the bungles that were this bad. Ah, the gold old days...
Papa: I got the under
Rudy: Somebody needs to get the line to block and help Canada with the play calling. This is not all on Ben.
Zeise: If you can't call plays to move the ball against that defense you should be fired

Bosaroni: that fan has been promoted to air conditioner
Javi: Had cowboys and over..lil lucky haha
Guest: This team looks so behind other offenses
Rungame0: Neat seeing USSteel logos in the house
yitzer: Agreed Rudy Canada sucks
Angie: Agree Rudy
Dwight: I think you are safe Papa. You could stop watching now...
Patrick B: The guy running on the field would have been tackled earlier but Edmunds and Fitzpatrick whiffed on him too.
Bosaroni: I can’t stand this game….good nite
Ian: Top to bottom. Fired
lvjimmie: No talent on the O line
Picksixlisberger: Stop will the Roethlisberger apologists
Jw: Watts on a scoop and score. Soon. Let’s go
Joe b: Dodgers vs braves looks interesting. Hope the second quarter is more entertaining
Papa: Cowboys should have won by 20. Made a lot of mistakes. They look like they can go far though
Steeler guest: May be time to light a fire under Ben and replace him early and bring him back in the second half.
Guest: Every defense looks like the 85 Bears against this offense
Zeise: Ha ha ha ha ha - NOT THE BRONCOS!!!!

BrooklynAdam: It’s odd because the offense does indeed look like an ineffective group trying to learn a new offense but the offense they’re running doesn’t look any different than anything they’ve done the past few years. Except for those amazing pre snap motions by the tackles.
NC Steeler: First tie in football at 0-0
TD: is the game more exciting in person?
Scott: It really is stunning to see an offense so inept in the current NFL where teams seemed to move the ball at will in every other game.
Guest: A Pirates game in September has more drama than this
Rich: Turnoyer time
Zeise: Tried to throw it to Watt

Jw: Big hit again on metcalf. Wow
Zeise: The only bad thing about the Seahawks punting is we have to watch the Steelers offense again

Papa: big stop
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Enjoyed watching Belicheat and his Ocord stop Mac Jones from winning in regulation... :20s & a TO at their own 25 let clock run out instead of trying to get to FG... coaches.
Steeler guest: A Pirates game, that is funny
Guest: It’s a pitchers duel tonight
Carl: Zeise you're ahead of us dude plz stop.
Papa: Sweet punt
Michael Mozart: I need to leave this chat. Paul is telling us what is happening in advance. See you all in 2 weeks.
Steeler guest: Keep going Zeise
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Hey T.J. juggs machine!
Dwight: Does it really matter that Zeise is ahead? Is it ruining the great drama in this game?
Ian: Don’t worry penalties will back them up
Ebz: Now let's shake things up. Punt on first.
Joe b: Paul can predict the future
Zeise: Wait people are upset because I am reacting to plays about five seconds before they happen on TV?

Can’t spell: Both teams stink
Bubby_Blister: Can we score on an Arena Football sized field?
Steeler guest: Steelers win the Super Bowl
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Where was Dixson going... Leeeeead Block son!
Rich: Open it up
Ian: No flag wow
Picksixlisberger: Has there been 50 yards of offense combined yet?
Angie: Pay no attention Paul. Keep doin what ur doin
Rudy: 31st in the league against the rush and our line cannot get a push.
Papa: up the middle to TE. Do they run a play like that?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Najee juked when he needn't... uh oh
AB Tennessee: Najee with any momentum is tough to bring down
Zeise: Let me know when you can see the Ebron catch

Guest: Paul why are they mad because you see the incompletion before they do LOL
Jw: Omg. Ebron caught it.
yitzer: Damn Ebron caught a ball
Ebz: So far this game has shown me that the Broncos are really bad.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: No huddle
Bubby_Blister: Paul ????
Dj: Paul ignore them
AB Tennessee: Eric Ebron with a solid catch? What’s next?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Change the cleats!
Dave: Nice progression reads by Ben there to Ebron.
Rico: Yo Paul respect the chat pal
Steeler guest: Ebron is good too
Angie: Who called that play?
yitzer: Now that was a call!!!
Jw: Nice play!
Zeise: What needs to happen is a touchdown so that both teams open up a little on offense

Rags: Game is pitiful so far.
Papa: We will take it
Guest: If Ben wasn’t a hall of farmer this offense would really struggle haha
Hawkeye: How did the Steelers beat the Bills ?
Jw: Muth on the block!
Nick: I will make a bold prediction. The steelers will be in super bowl either as players or spectators!
Papa: MUTH block
Joe: There we go…at least a play where something happened
Joe b: finally. Excitement. Now let’s get 7 points
Rags: Finally a pass to muth
yitzer: I love the Muth
Dave: Muth is automatic.
Jw: Muth! Roll n
Ian: Muth
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Muuuuuth... new guy?
Papa: Go right back to him
Papa: And they take him
Papa: out
Zeise: Should have been picked there. Ill wait to say it though.....

Angie: Lucky……!
Rico: Paul has disappeared so I'm running things now.
yitzer: Why put him on the side line now??
AB Tennessee: Najee and Muth … a great 1 2 punch
Zeise: I have no idea when I am allowed to post on my own chat

Picksixlisberger: Ben being Ben
Joe: Definitely should have been an INT
Steeler guest: Freemuth, Ebron, Washington, Johnson, Claypool I'll take it
Jw: Ben starring down his targets bad
Ian: Yup
Papa: Post whenever you want Paul. No worries
Ian: Come away with 3
Joe b: Ben is very lucky lately.
Dwight: Just post Paul
AB Tennessee: Good defense by Claypool there
Don: Just wait 5 seconds after the play you watch so we can see it
Papa: People can look at their chat well after each play
yitzer: Post when you want to Zeise
Ian: Let it fly z
Rags: Throw to muth in the end zone.
Don: Ben should have like 9 picks this season so far
Joe: Teams are putting 20+ points on the Hawks’ D and the Steelers will be lucky to put up 14
Angie: Post whatever whenever Paul.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Just a quick pass to Muth
Guest: happens to a six five qb evert week
Zeise: There you go, TD to Harris

Guest: No...that was a good defensive play...just like Watt made a few minutes earlier......
Bob in TN: Just post when you know. They can look away until the play is over.
Jw: Sweet!
Dave: Nice TD!
Patrick B: You are amazing Paul. Thanks for these chats.
Bubby_Blister: Billy Barry would have fewer tipped passes than Ben.
Rags: That works too. Nice play najee.
Rudy: Yes, TD!
Joe: Nice! Finally
Papa: Harris. Our lone offensive bright spot. Okay, maybe MUTH too

  1. About time

Ian: by the way z Harris just scored
Angie: Najee will learn to continue to run forward and not stutter step.
Zeise: I think what needs to happen now is Geno Smith throw a Pick 6. And that will mean the Seahawks will have to air it out a little and hopefully that leads to an entertaining game


AB Tennessee: That was a nice catch and dive forward by 22
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Or that... same idea... but Najee... It ain't complicated...
Bubby_Blister: *Billy Barty
Lisa: Why y'all tellin Paul not to post? Bunch of cry babies on here.
Steeler guest: O line is young they are going to be better than if we held on to the old pros, (loved them in their day).
Ian: Najee is leading receiver?
Rudy: Ben is happy. The score my cause the line to get pumped and get some push.
Rich: Must feed Muth more
Robert Layne: Hope the Hawks continue to press LOS w 6-7 in box. It’s a gift to the Steelers
Zeise: The Steelers needed that. Now they need a turnover. I think this Geno Smith is due to make a big mistake. He has had happy feet all game

Angie: Why doesn't the clock stop when a player goes out of bounds? I'm confused.
Zeise: It does in like the last few minutes of a half

MikeM65: Paul you're a hoot!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Agree Zeise... Think Norwood will get it... just a matter of time
Joe b: Last week you needed to detect imposters. This week you need to time your posts better. Running this chat is a tough gig. ;) We are on the board. Here we go.
Steeler guest: yep Robert Lane
Zeise: More empty seats than i thought

Guest: Norwood’s already better than Edmunds
Rudy: Happy Feet, you go Paul!
Patrick B: Kudos to Brooklyn for earlier identifying the Harris mismatch vs Wagner. Maybe she should be our Offensive coordinator. Anyone is better than Canada. He’s terrible.
Guest: The only time I like to throw inside the 5 is when it works
Guest: Paul would you pay to watch this.
Joe b: This chat used to be a lot better tho
Zeise: I cannot control the quality of the post

Picksixlisberger: Next it’ll be bobble heads and fireworks
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: More non compliant no cash heroes... a reset is what they want...
Zeise: After discussion, it is a completed pass!!!

Guest: You people are a joke. Watt bats down a pass..."great all pro defensive play"!!! BR gets a pass batted down, "Ben's fault"....
Carl: Paul STOP!
Zeise: Stop what?

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: They're giving the 2 Seahawks their HoF rings at Halftime, too?
Steeler guest: ha
Carl: You're ahead of us again
Nick: Paul, is there a chance Tuitt will be back after the bye?
TD: I think the chat reflects how many Steelers' fans are following closely, which reflects how fun it is to watch games
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Lunch
Guest: Thanks for the chat Zeise. Helps me get thru the games without throwing the remote thru the tv. Appreciate your efforts!
Steeler guest: What a D
Zeise: Geno Smith is painful to watch

Guest: Why did tuition wait all off season for surgery
Papa: Carl, look at chat after each play
Ian: Cam save your arms to tackle
Bob in TN: Why in the world would you not want to know info as soon as possible. Keep posting Mr Zeise.
AB Tennessee: 97 … boom
Joe: Isn’t this Hawks D like the worst D in every statistical category this year so far? That tells you what an abomination the Steelers O is…
Zeise: Yes and it is on pace to be the worst defense ever by yardage

Steeler guest: Let there be a lot of pain
Guest: Paul any word on why tuition waited so long
Joe: Geno Smith is not any worse to watch than Ben, Paul….
Tony: Hey Paul what do you think of Highsmith? Hasn't done jack so far in any game. Wasn't he supposed to take a big step up this year?
Zeise: He was in on that last sack, sort of

Ian: And Steelers will fail to exploit the Seattle d
I miss the O: I miss the O
Steeler guest: We do not want this game to be close going into the second half.
Bubby_Blister: Maybe some wine will help this game go down easier
On The Road: This is a rhetorical question often prompted while watching Pirate games, but I think appropriate here as well..."Why would anyone pay money to watch this?"
Zeise: Well it is still the experience, I suppose

MikeM65: It is interesting that Spillane seems to be out there in pass situations. Why?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Pray they take the Pepsi sign down
Steeler guest: Bubbly is providing
Patrick B: Ray-Ray is terrible-terrible
Papa: The Experience of being around drunk people, swearing and more
Zeise: And getting into fights!!
Zeise: They are playing that song "Levitating" -- not a bad little jam considering most new music sucks

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Spillane is a Pass Coverage Engineer
Guest: any word on Snell?
Zeise: He has his helmet and is just waiting to play

Papa: And you get to throw away a good amount of money.
Guest: Steelers need to move on from tuitt at end of season
Ian: Anyone else to move in?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: And we're still waiting for him to... play
Guest: I'm watching the game ... listening to the Steelers broadcast and enjoying the chat.
Guest: Boom !
Angie1: Agree long as Buggs continues to improve
Guest: Tuitt is good but often injured and overpaid
I miss the O: Hey Paul you think the Steelers draft Pickett? I do.
Zeise: If he is around in the third round, maybe

AB Tennessee: Having Muth and Gentry in the game would be a good counter to the Hawks D scheme
On The Road: There should be some sort of law against charging money to watch this.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Nice touch on that pass
Ian: They can charge it’s a museum of past greats
lvjimmie: Where’s Washington?
Joe: It’s the DJ show it looks like…
Papa: keep that clock ticking
Jw: I line held up!
Ian: Beautiful
Papa: Najee looking like Bell
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Najee stutter step for no reason... needs to hit the gear and Gooooooooo
Gb: That was a nice check down
Guest: What play action really works.
Ian: They are not going to run
Bubby_Blister: Madam Tussaud’s NFL museum
Dwight: This defense is so bad that the Steelers short passing game is beginning to work.
Rudy: Line needs to get their act together and half time as we need some push.
Zeise: There was a seal here and a seal here and he ran up the middle

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Najee trying to do too much/thinking too much
Jw: Muth. Gotta luv that chant
Ian: Muuuuth
Papa: Why do they not go to MUTH at least 10 times per game? Could be huge for them
Zeise: That was a stupid penalty on No. 90

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: CheatiN Bs
Ian: We will take it
Gb: I feel deep pass to chase coming soon.
Zeise: Najee has a little wiggle to him

Bubby_Blister: Seattle’s defense is… Kraken ????????‍♂️
Zeise: You get an A for effort......

Rags: Agree go to muth at least 10 times a game. Catches everything
pjsmith67: you go with what works, and if the short passing game is working so be it. NFL does not give out style points like college football.
Zeise: It has worked really well, here. The Steelers are playing the worst defense in football and have seven points with three minutes left in the half and needed a terrible punt to pull that off

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Can you tackle that far out of bounds now?
Nick: Is Ben saying 2-20 same as saying hut-hut?
Dwight: Najee should have kept going on that one
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: See what I'm sayin... thinkin too much
Papa: Run the half out.
Joe: Najee hesitated too much there
Guest: Najee deserves better than this line
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Just Go guy!
Ian: run them over. Stop Dancing
Amanda: Hi everybody. Does anyone want to sign my petition to remove Paul Zeise from this chat and the Nightly Sports Call with Rick Walls?
Zeise: Hi everybody. Does anyone want to sign my petition to have Amanda committed to the nearest alcohol rehab facility or psyche ward? She has real issues and is becoming a stalker!!!

TD Tom: does Ben complete a long pass this game?
Guest: This offense is abysmal
Steeler guest: Good to see Ben throw a perfect ball, Johnson has to catch that one
Jw: Wow he had a hand on it
Papa: Amanda has issues. Ignore him.
Rags: Johnson should of had that catch.
Rudy: Nope
Steeler guest: Good night Amanda,
Dj: Amanda go away
Guest: Amanda stop it
Ian: Stop picking on poor Paul
Dwight: Paul is one of the few PG folks that tells it like it is
AB Tennessee: Najee is going to wear the hawks D out
Bubby_Blister: Amanda = a persistent rash
Guest: Chill out, have a beer (or six) and enjoy the game....
Papa: What a hit!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Claypool-ball
TD Tom: I can't believe we have 7 points this entire game.
Gb: Let’s start Paul fab

Babe, tomorrow's so far away
There's something I just have to say
I don't think I can hide what I'm feelin' inside
Another day
Knowin' I love you
And I, I'm getting too close again
I don't want to see it end
If I tell you tonight 
Would you turn out the lights
And walk away knowin' I love you?

I'm gonna take you by surprise
And make you realize
I'm gonna tell you right away
I can't wait another day
I'm gonna say it like a man
And make you understand
I love you


Papa: Amanda is comedy for us. Let him be. Always provides some good laughs. He is funny
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Someone needs a hug
Angie1: Paul I’ll have my cousin Vinny Boombutz take care of your problem.
Gb: pauk
Ian: Need 7 to get this game out of Genos reach
Gb: Paul fan club I meant
Bubby_Blister: As I’ve said before Zeise is the king of the PPG!
Steeler guest: If your not fired with enthusiasm you will be fired with enthusiasm
Jw: Can’t believe nh didn’t see adams coming. What a hit
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Hey Amanda how about a petition to remove the Pepsi sign and all sponsorship
Amanda: You people can laugh but I told him and Walls off when I called that show and I'm not afraid to do it again.
Zeise: RICH WALSH. W-A-L-S-H. WALSH. Have another drink and get it right!!!

Steeler guest: ha ha
Papa: Amanda is funny. He makes so many jokes
TD Tom: that's Ben's sweet zone right there, the 1.5-yard pass
Angie1: Using Claypool in the slot quite a bit.
Rich: I think Amanda is a bartender
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Or buy a volume pak of double AAs
Guest: And all that makes you what....Amanda?
Jw: Claypool looks sore
Zeise: He is getting hit a lot

Steeler guest: Wow NH
MikeM65: Amanda is real?
Zeise: At one point she was. Now this is a parody of her. And if it isn't, I think she is more of a wacko than I thought

Ian: 20 minutes possession and 7 points
Rudy: Najee is the bomb!
Jw: Receivers block and he’d be in. Need Hines
Bob: 14-0 would look very nice at the half.
AB Tennessee: Good second effort by 22
Papa: That happens in football. Get hit a lot in games
TD Tom: perfect situation for a 1.5 yard pass
Jan: If anyone would be interested I am making a oil painting of Ben
Joe: That was a dumb call.everyone was stacked in the middle for the Hawks
Steeler guest: They better score 7, 8 might put the game away
Papa: Where is the 5 wide from the 1?
Zeise: Ebron with a rushing touchdown!!!

Jw: Great call! Oh Canada
Steeler guest: Ebron is good and Muth
Joe: Much better call there!
Bubby_Blister: That is a twist
yitzer: Ebron rushing touchdown that was nice or brilliant
Robert Layne: Nice play Mr Canada!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Great fake by Ben! Nice call!
Angie1: Agree Bubby
John b: Harris is a beast. Give him solid line and he will go to pro bowl
AB Tennessee: I love Canada’s trick plays when they work… did not see that coming
Jan: 2 foot by 3 Foot
Ian: A blind squirrel will occasionally get a nut
Papa: Now let’s not play soft D and give up some points in under 1 minute.
Joe: Defense needs a turnover
Steeler guest: Mixing it up is great less predictable. They are not good enough YET to be predictable.
Guest: Canada with the second timely jet sweep
Bubby_Blister: Canada is the greatest offensive coordinator in Steeler history!! Lol
Jan: ! One his age now and one when
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Zeise can you ask Rod about losing to Rich Eisen in the 40 at the draft... i.e. is he training for a rematch?
Ian: Now that’s asking too much of the d
Steeler guest: Ha, Bubbly that is funny
DW: Seeing Blount next to Mean Joe is such a reminder of what a beast he was as a ‘70’s DB!!!
John b: Playoffs!! Are we talking about Playoffs. Any chance Steelers can slip in. Probably not but 9-8 might do it
Steeler guest: We should have gone for 2 and put the game out of reach
Rudy: Bubby is drinking or dreaming
Amanda: You see people Paul knows how wrong he is and the man won't apologize. I want to hear an I'm sorry and I was wrong.
Zeise: You have a better chance of not getting divorce papers from your husband than you do of getting an apology from me

Papa: no way in you know what do they make the playoffs.
On The Road: Is the $28M man playing tonight?
TD Tom: let's keep the airing of grievances for the non-game-day chats
Bubby_Blister: I did crack open a new box of wine, waiting for Amanda to make a booty call
Dwight: Apologize for what? Please go away
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: No Lambert.
Baghdad_Ben: That's two Enron sightings tonight. Equals the two Edmunds sightings whiffing on tackles.
Steeler guest: Do you realize how lucky we are not to be Brownie or Bungle fans.
Rich: He's sorry you won't quit bugging him.
Joe: Well considering there are three better teams in the AFC North than the Steelers, I have no idea how they would make the playoffs lol
Jw: Omg heyward old playing like he’s 20
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: How much are restraining orders in Allegheny County ?
Rungame0: Pittsburgh got the better end of the nfc west deal than Cleveland
Zeise: There is Alex Highsmith

Angie1: See 55 on play? It’s like his brain is 2-3 seconds behind the play
Zeise: Highsmith sighting!! This Geno Smith stinks

Paul: Defense looks healthy again
yitzer: Great play
Zeise: In case you are wondering the Seahawks backup QB tonight is Jake Luton. He may actually be worse than geno Smith

Steeler guest: Highsmith is excellent
Jw: Block that punt!
Rudy: Highsmith gets his sack
yitzer: yup geno sucks real bad
Papa: How long has Geno been around now? Seems like forever
Jan: the Internet soon one painting is when the Steelers brought him
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Bubby: Crack, Wine, Booty & Amanda... all in one post... you're almost a poet
Ian: Will Ben really speed this up or lumber to the line
Joe: Ok, Ben is better than Smith…
John b: I think Bengals and browns will fold down stretch.
Guest: Did someone say where is Highsmith ?
Guest: Would 3 more be too much to ask before the half???
Jw: No huddle. All Ben. See what u got BB
lvjimmie: Can we get 3
Guest: No Wilson helps
Steeler guest: Be patient with this team and good things can happen. It is all on Ben
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Here's an idea... don't run up the middle
Patrick B: Highsmith and Hayward have had big sacks this half.
Baghdad_Ben: I don't see dino and dunk moving 60 yards in 37 sec. Let BB go deep on a few here. Punting with little stone left is not horrible.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Downfield... not a bomb but stop the dinkin
Zeise: What a horse bleep series that was

Papa: Nope
Jan: gonna put oil paintings on Internet for highest bidders it will be on
TD Tom: does Ben's mobility issues limit his ability to run a 'hurry up' offense?
Bubby_Blister: Elderberry I am the Oscar Wilde of yinzers
Papa: Well. The under still looks good
Dwight: That was awful
Ian: No deep ball why
lvjimmie: Horrible
Steeler guest: that was pathetic
WTF: What the hell did he run out of bounds for?
yitzer: that was 3 straight plays of pure crap. thats what we get with a bad 39 year old qb
Tom: That series stunk
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Start the Booing... WHY GO OUT OF BOUNDS THERE? STUPID!
Jw: That was Ben not trusting the routes. Sling it. Possible PI. For gods sake
Rudy: This series sucked, we may as well as let the clock run out
Papa: Did not need it into the endzone. Bad punt
Baghdad_Ben: Johnson needs to learn what direction the end zone is in.
Ian: o. Canada
Rich: Terrible play calling
Steeler guest: Steelers need killer instinct
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Jamie Lee Curtis could call a better game
Papa: Johnson did not want to get hurt. Ran away
Guest: More intelligent football- running out of bounds. SMH, these guys don’t know how to play the game anymore. No football intelligence, but hey, he can do a hell of an end zone dance.
Steeler guest: They should have scored at least 3
John b: Overall decent half. Solid second quarter.
On The Road: The NFL should seriously consider blacking out the 2nd half of this debacle. This game is setting the league back 40 years.
Angie1: Back to the dinky dunk. SMH
Steeler guest: Najee missed one oh well
Papa: Remember when this game looked like a tough one on the schedule before the season started?
Joe: These are two really bad teams…no idea why I’m watching this
Rudy: Canada just used up all the goodwill he gained when he called the Ebron run.
Zeise: Big round of applause for James Harrison

Amanda: Well I'm out of here. Since Paul is too chicken to apologize to me I will keep working on my petitions. Him and Walls are terrible.
Zeise: Bye, Felicia

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Seattle had no time outs & Johnson runs out of bound so... they... can... PUNT?
Patrick B: I still vote for Brooklyn to be our Offensive Coordinator. Canada is literally the worst coach in the league
Jan: when Ben was a Steelers ROOKIE
Papa: Still think they win 6 or less this year. Hard to see too many teams that cannot out score them
rman: Bottom line...Steelers had a good half.
Zeise: They did?
Zeise: As I have said many times - they are killing dead folks and not very well. If you go to a cementary, dig up a bunch of bodies, then stab them -- you don't get to call yourself a serial killer because the people you killed, they were already dead. That's basically what the Steelers have done here tonight. This is meaningless other than, they get a win

Jw: I think that was all Ben not willing to trust the routes. Deep outs/post there his not confident enuf to do it
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Sorry to hear that Bubby ;-)
Papa: What half were you watching?
AB Tennessee: I am making an oil painting of the first half
Papa: Against most other teams that half would have put them in the hole
Jan: Will be in touch again next game
Patrick B: Our only hope this season is to have Lamar Jackson, Baker Mayfield and Joe Burrow get injured so we keep playing backups. We are amazing vs backup QBs.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Lack of "Football Intelligence" of this team, as a whole, is a direct reflection of the Head Coach's lack of it.
Papa: Patrick, that’s how we won most games last year. Didn’t play too many great QB’s
John b: how many wins you predict Paul? 7?
Zeise: I said 10-7 before the season so I have to say 10-7 now

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Of course we can't see the festivities Zeise
Steeler guest: Lamar is going down at some point as he runs too much. We can handle the other two
Guest: Clemente said a superstar only makes a mistake once.
Rudy: Let's hope the O line gets a shot of whatever it takes to get some push so we can run the ball. Maybe we should keep two TE's in to block. We could also see more of Derrick Watt to help get the running wheels moving.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Have you seen the James Harrison 'A Football Life'? Entertaining & revealing.
Steeler guest: Packers, Rams and Steelers are losses for Ravers
AB Tennessee: I guess NBC is not going to show the halftime ceremony… glad to get the additional insights from Collingsworth
Baghdad_Ben: I respect Dungy for embracing the bald. Brees is too much of a try hard with that toupee/transplant..
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Is it against the rules for NBC to show the celebration of the All Time Greats at the half?
Guest: I remember AB stepping out of bounds to end a game !
lvjimmie: Is Washington dressed?
Steeler guest: Oil paint the picture of the HOF - they shall live forever, Ben did a good job in previous years, let's hope he has a little left in the tank
Guest: If the coaches point out the mistake, he might never make it again.
John: This chat is pretty depressing. I'm not sure why some of you actually watch these games because they seem to make you absolutely miserable.
Steeler guest: Sorry, Collingsworth to me is the worst, he still holds a grudge for the Steeler's whooping him over and over again
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: No Lambert...
Zeise: He never participates in these reunions.

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Clemente was right... bye Minkah.
Steeler guest: John you are correct on many fronts,
Zeise: 60,821 is the attendance for today

John b: I would take 10-7.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Not true... Lambert was there a couple times
Zeise: OK, he RARELY ever comes to these things

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: He's there in our hearts
Picksixlisberger: P.Z., how do you put up with some of these……?
Bubby_Blister: Bush is no Shazier.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Nice half time Tomlin D adjusting... sigh
Bubby_Blister: Seattle going beast mode
Angie1: Lambert is a Game & Fish officer. Unless he retired
Rudy: Looks like the Seachickens got the shot at 1/2 time we needed for our O line
Angie1: Bush is no anything Bubby. Great athlete. Not a football player.
Picksixlisberger: Can they terminate Edmunds contract immediately?
Joe: I love how Tomlin comes out and says after the half that Seattle will be throwing deep…and of course he’s wrong lol
Robert Layne: Did we suddenly forget how to tackle?
John b: Pete Carroll teams do not quit.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Forest Ranger
Zeise: The Seahawks have decided to never let Smith throw again

Steeler guest: One thing I will say there never was or will be as great of an era as the 70s Steelers. We are spoiled but Ben has brought us to the Super Bowl win that is elusive to many teams
AB Tennessee: Awful to let Seattle do this. Stack the box and make Geno throw
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Can you imagine having Lambert walk out of the woods to check your campfire?
Tim: we are getting gashed
Zeise: Did they resign Marshawn Lynch?

Angie1: That happened to my brother in law Elderberry
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: We have 'em right where Tomlin put them.
Angie1: Bush should be stuffing those runs.
AB Tennessee: What did Geno Smith do to make the Steelers do this D
Rich: Why can't we run off tackle?
Steeler guest: Did he have his teethin in Angie
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Really... Ohio?
Zeise: Something on Watt. Was he meanie

Picksixlisberger: What did TJ Watt just do?
Angie1: Nope. Cook Forest.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Collins putting something on tape for Najee to watch
Guest: TJ Watt throwing punches. Why?
Ebz: Ha. They're gonna throw deep. Great prediction Tomlin.
Baghdad_Ben: Edmunds whiff again.
John b: What is watt doing? He is going to bust his hand up.
Zeise: I think he was trying to create a fumble

Joe: This D becomes really lame after halftime. How many points have they given up on drives right after halftime? What are they doing in the locker room during the break lol?
Robert Layne: X Ratbirds Collins handing us our asses
Papa: That was really dumb by Watt. What is he thinking?
Steeler guest: his hands are rock
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I thought Lambert worked in Ohio.
AB Tennessee: We have managed to turn the Seahawks into a powerhouse rushing offense
John b: I know but rather him not do that.
Tim: Classic Tomlin D. Easy drive, back in game now
Angie1: Bush in the wrong spot. AGAIN.
Rungame0: I remember that ravens game. They got up 28-0 or something and had to hold on to win
Papa: Really bad looking drive for the D
Joe: Smith can’t throw so the Steelers D decides to accommodate the Ha was and let them run it lol
Guest: Way to unleash hell in the second half boys. Trying to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Defense looked weak.
Rudy: Pathetic!
Rags: Seattle made adjustments at halftime. Will the Steelers do the same?
Zeise: The adjustment they made was to never allow Geno to throw the ball again

Robert Layne: As embarrassing a drive against us as I can remember. Arm tackles
Ebz: Huge holes
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: They did Rags... Tomlin told Butler... I got this.
Scott: Wow is this team bad.
Steeler guest: One series does not make a good team, one good half does not make a good team. Need to adjust
Rungame0: I hope the DC can draw up a new plan.
John b: Steelers thought game was over,guess not yet.
Paul: The defense was way too rested to get pushed around like that.
Robert Layne: this Steelers team just cannot put a team away!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Playing down to __________
Rags: Need stack the box and force geno to throw.
Tim: We need to answer. No 3 and out please. We are incapable of breezing to a victory.
Angie1: No rags. That’s my biggest complaint.
Steeler guest: Gotta go with hurried attack to loosen up D and then run in the 4th quarter all day long. At least that should be the plan
Rungame0: Nice game intro by Jeff goldblum tonite
AB Tennessee: Before last week, Geno Smith had less than 10 regular season passing attempts in over 3 years. Unbelievable that the Steelers are not playing to stop the run and pressuring Smith
Destiny: Running right at watts side
Angie1: No one fears us anymore. Haven’t in a long time. They know we don’t make halftime adjustments and that we don’t have the killer instinct anymore
Steeler guest: next two series critical for O
Scott: We'd be foolish to think this team is now quality, but that drive should remove any such confidence. Seattle blows and this team is going punch for punch.
John: They are so afraid to give up the big passing okay that they just let them run in down their throat. Would be an okay strategy if they were up 3-4 TDs.
Rudy: This terrible D play makes you kind of wonder what our Steeler Gold Jackets are thinking...
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Collins went North no East West dancing... Hey Najee...
Scott: Imagine if Seattle was good.
Jw: Here comes … trouble?
Steeler guest: In the NFL any given Sunday, go Steeers
Destiny: This is where you answer and take away their juice
Paul: Seattle finally realized no Tuitt or Alulua on DL
John b: Got to respond with points on this drive.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Is Washington dressed?
Angie1: Carroll probably ripped them new ones in the locker room. Tomlin does not know how to fire this team up.
Rich: Gotta score here.
Steeler guest: When Ray Ray has a good game and he has, good things can happen
Zeise: That looked ugly
Zeise: Dude is still down

WTF: After getting pushed all over the field on that drive, on second and goal, the brain trust sent in 2 defensive linemen, 4 backers and 5 DBs. Maybe bring some beef in the game to see if you can stop getting your ass handed to
Rungame0: Troy P as a dentist. Good commercial.
Steeler guest: Watching Troy's commercial and man he is still making money with the hair
AB Tennessee: i agree Ray Ray is having a solid game
Rich: 6-11 if lucky
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Troy with a knit cap... interesting.
Steeler guest: Oh what a night, late September back in 73
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: That's better Najee
Jw: Harris is a beast
Zeise: They just need to keep grinding

Steeler guest: 9-8 easy
Dwight: how about that throw to Claypool?
MikeM65: Faneca looked like he lost 100 lbs since is playing days.
AB Tennessee: harris carrying the pile
Guest: 7-10
Papa: Seems like that happens a lot with Claypool. He is not on the same page with Ben at least once every game
Dwight: 9-8? No chance
Zeise: There are a lot of awful teams in the NFL

Ian: Time to drain the defense for Pittsburgh
Jw: Omg. At the hash mark. Right to Johnson
AB Tennessee: No drops for 18 baby!!
Steeler guest: I -an a brownie fan
Jw: 3rd read… to Johnson.
John b: 9-8 or 10-7 is possible. Schedule is tough however
Ian: Juju who?
Steeler guest: schedule is tough
Angie1: Wonder if Claypool is getting double teamed?
Zeise: The division is tough the schedule is not the NFC North behind Green Bay sucks

AB Tennessee: Johnson lighting it up!
Angie1: There’s that stupid behind the sticks play again.
Ian: Stupid play
AB Tennessee: Ben rolling out looks like slow motion
AB Tennessee: Block in the back ugh
Joe: I hate those WR screens
Ian: Claypool
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: For the LOVE of broiled Sea bird... STOP THROWING BEHIND THE LINE... PLEASE!
John b: Still got chiefs and Titans too.
Steeler guest: Ben is getting slower
Steeler guest: Still can throw
Jw: Muth?
Papa: What is Claypool doing? Pushing on the guys numbers
Steeler guest: Muth
John: Claypool is not having a good game up to this point.
Ian: Oh wait time to be stupid moving the ball
Steeler guest: Need to use those tall receivers
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: 2nd & 20... 6 yard pass...
Bubby_Blister: In a word: uninspiring
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Behind the sticks
Dwight: 3rd and 14. throw it for 10. Unbelievable
Zeise: do they ever throw it behind the sticks on third down?
Zeise: Like ever,?

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: So that's a no on Washington?
Zeise: Do the Steelers lead the league in completed passes on third down that still lead to a punt?

Steeler guest: I will take it and now D produce 7
Ian: Will they score 20?
Dwight: Never ever
TD Tom: not sure Ben can make it behind the sticks on 3rd and long
Angie1: That’s gotta be the playcalling, right? 10 yd pass on 3rd and 14??? SMH
Guest: That 17 point high mark again for the offense
Destiny: Now we see if we make some adjustments on the D
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: You meant beyond...
Jw: Not many hits on Ben. Not many drops. Just need a pick 6 from D
AB Tennessee: Time to force Geno Smith to prove he can make the throws
John b: Conservative. Wanted two score lead I guess. Afraid of turnover. Let’s see if defense woke up.
Guest: No way we’re winning this game if Wilson is playing
Paul: Pretty solid drive good response to td
Rudy: I would bet on it
Rich: The receivers got to get beyond the sticks.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: But to answer your rhetorical q. Yes if it's 3-2 or 3rd & inches they always have the Ben Heave n Hope in the chamber... right?
John: Ben wanted to go for it so bad.
Tim: D so due for a turnover
Destiny: Linebackers have to fill those holes.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Hey buddy.. that 3rd down pass led to a FG!
Zeise: Ok “lead to a kick”

Joe: What happened to our kick coverage?
Robert Layne: Seattle wants it more right now
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Or Hisslebick
Sunner in Orlando: Can the stealer run defense step up? That was a horrible series with our linebackers in Lyman getting blown off the ball.
Ian: Time to lay down while Seattle run game steams them
Patrick B: That drive was killed by a terrible play call that led to not one but two blocks in the back penalties.
Tim: Why kick short. Just gave them 15 yds
John b: Defense misses Williams against run.
Paul: Could it be our receivers don't create any seperation downfield?
Dwight: How about a splash play from Bush? Is he playing?
Rich: Terrible special team tackling
Rudy: Why can't players be fined for missing tackles and dropping balls. There are incentives when they do good, there should be the opposite when they do bad.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: And now Tomlin plays the run and Geno is alive
Dwight: Whiff by Bush
Baghdad_Ben: Where is Ingram? Scratch?
Tim: Nice tackle bush.
Zeise: I saw Ingram in there a little
Zeise: Seems like good coverage
Zeise: Wait you think play action works?

Ian: over Pursue runner
Angie1: Bush is getting worse and worse.
Guest: Bush is so overated
Ian: Butler has Tomlin n his ear horrible d
TD Tom: not sure our offense can keep up with this
Dwight: Gino looked good on that one...
Joe: man, the tackling is atrocious and the Steelers are being outcoached again
Rags: Defense cant tackle now
Angie1: Ridiculous
Rich: That's a joke
Steeler guest: Bush needs another year for ACL to heal properly
AB Tennessee: Oh good night that was bad tackling
Rudy: Cannot tackle makes me sick! Again, I wonder what our gold jacket Steelers are thinking tonight.
Tim: Tackling is atrocious
Ian: Stinkah minkah
Guest: How do blocks in the back have ANYTHING to do with bad play calling? That's a ridiculous comment.
Scott: Why is Bush good again?
TD Tom: that was easy and quick
Angie1: Where’s the pressure?
Dwight: Edmunds late again
Bubby_Blister: Fitzpatrick missed another tackle
John b: Wow. They absolutely can’t lose this game. That would be pathetic. Let’s go.
Guest: Demons fooled again
Ian: Sucking wind watt
Guest: Missed tackle after missed tackle after missed tackle
DariusK: Thank God it's hockey season
Zeise: They are beating good teams - the Pens I mean

Rungame0: 2-4 or 3-3. Big game for both teams. The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts.
AB Tennessee: tell all those guys to take off their gold jackets and suit up…
Robert Layne: Bush is awful and others are trying to cover for him instead of doing their jobs!
Ebz: We'll one team knows how to make adjustments.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Played Tomlin... not Butler... be honest... Tomlin... like fiddle with their halftime adjustments & execution... WEAK.
Guest: You actually call yourselves fans? LOL!
Steeler guest: RElax - Ben needs to respond if not we lose
Dwight: The momentum has shifted between these two awful teams....
Rich: The 80's are back. Get used to it.
Patrick B: Edmunds is worse than Artie Burns.
Angie1: Energy. Hunger. Purpose. Three things we don’t have. Three things Tomlin does not know how to convey.
Guest: This has to be joke. At least half fake it when you’re throwing a game.
Sunner in Orlando: I am so glad the Steelers did not extend Edmunds. I’ve never seen so many whiffs by a safety in 1 game!
John: I guess tackling is a lost art.
Guest: In a dogfight at home with a geno smith led team. Let that sink in for a minute
Steeler guest: True guest
Dwight: Who thinks they will be 9-8? Really? Lucky to win 5
Ian: this D has no pride. Playing like that in front of Troy and James and the rest
SteelersPDX: This defense simply cannot tackle.
Joe: i can’t believe there are still people who think the Steelers will have a winning record lol
lvjimmie: Tomlin can’t adjust his D. Still playing 2 deep.
Steeler guest: Rich go back to Brownie land
Guest: This is looking eerily like the WFT game last year
John: Ben wanted to go for the looks like they should have.
Steeler guest: 9-8
Sunner in Orlando: Steelers need a seven minute drive with a touchdown. It looks like they cannot stop the Seahawks so we have to stay more than a touchdown ahead of these guys.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I call it like I see it and am not a fanatic
Rags: Need to get the defense aside and make adjustments fast.
Destiny: It is not the play calling. They had tackles for losses that they did not make.
Ian: 3-14
Rich: I said 6 wins.
Chuck NOLL: we have many problems and they are GREAT
Rungame0: Now they’ll get pass happy.
Guest: This team is mediocre at best
Paul: Why does it seem as soon as offense gets out of it's way defense turns to cheese. It's either great D terrible O or vise versa
Sunner in Orlando: For the Steelers miss Ty in the middle!
Tim: Two easy scores by seattle. Ridic
Scott: No way they sniff 9-8. Remember the quality of team they are getting embarrassed by this half.
Zeise: Relax there is a whole quarter to go

Sunner in Orlando: Obviously Buggs and Loudermilk aren’t cutting it.
Baghdad_Ben: Bush and. Edmunds. Two first round picks you'd like to have back. oh, and Artie Burns. Lots of whiffs in the Colbert era.
Steeler guest: NFL any given sunday
Guest: You call them like you see them? Well, your eyesight is lacking.
Ian: Leave it to Tomlin to build up scrub qbs
Rich: Wow are we going to lose to Geno Smith?
Zeise: No I can’t see it

Angie1: Looks like a different Seahawk team. That’s the mark of a good coach that makes halftime adjustments and knows how to LEAD!
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Is Deon Cain still injured?
Scott: Even IF they hang on, this shows this team is no good.
Dwight: 9-8 means they need to win 7 more games! Against who? Maybe Detroit or Chicago or even both. Cincinnati? I don't think so
Rudy: Why can't Tomlin give us a big win against teams we are supposed to beat? He must have stock in the antacids I just took.
Ian: Did when he was on the jets
Sal: Ray Ray makes bad decisions on kickoffs a lot
Steeler guest: Rich you eating Brownies with mary j
Guest: Bush and Edmonds are really 3rd round picks
Sunner in Orlando: Why did the hell are the Steelers run a ball back on the kick off. Never works out. Luckily the penalty was not on them.
Ian: Take your hands away from your face z
Sunner in Orlando: Never works out. Luckily the penalty was not on them.
Robert Layne: Why wouldn’t I have a relict?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Najee in the shotgun
Joe: Nope, I think we’re going to lose to Geno Smith…put him up in the pantheon with Ryan Finley and Tim Tebow
Sunner in Orlando: Nice block Ebron
Baghdad_Ben: Ebron! Whiff block!
John: No run blocking this game.
Steeler guest: Go to TE
Sunner in Orlando: Back to Dink and dunk
AB Tennessee: Ebron cannot block
Dwight: They are on to the short passing game.
Joe: The O playcalling is horrific…3 yards a cloud of dust
Zeise: That’s an awful series

Rich: Play calling ?
Steeler guest: It is all on Ben
Robert Layne: Steelers in big trouble now.
Joe: Yep, 3 and out there…we’re losing lol
Sunner in Orlando: Oh boy this does not look good!
Joe: Claypool has to come down with these contested catches more often
Steeler guest: yep
Guest: Dan Moore is awful
Rungame0: oh Man. The defense could have made a Tomlin splash play up 14-0. According to those press conferences
DariusK: Great punt
Sunner in Orlando: Good timing on the punt!
Sal: They are losing their grip on this game
AB Tennessee: Really bad blocking by Moore on third down
Steeler guest: joe, go
Rich: No canada
Dwight: Bad time for a short punt. I can't believe we're going to lose to Geno Smith
lvjimmie: Getting ugly fast.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: OFFSEASON: Claypool needs to get busy catching bricks on a construction site... seriously.
Angie1: Moore is a turnstile
Patrick B: fire canada and then smith.
Robert Layne: When you can’t block and can’t tackle ugh! Hawks just outgutting and out hitting Steelers
Steeler guest: Stop the negativism on Steelers your teams are pathetic
Guest: Not sure what they see in Moore
John b: sent my son to sleep at halftime Told him they got this game. What was I thinking. Ha This game is far from over.
Rudy: Another Harvin shanked punt. How did Berry do today?
Scott: 21-17 coming right up.
Guest: Is anyone surprised?
AB Tennessee: i thought Moore had a good last couple of games but looks like a step back tonight
SteelersPDX: That’s the answer to a second consecutive TD…3 and out. Embarrassing.
Ebz: Harvins kicks seem to be a reflection of how the game is going.
Guest: How many times have we seen this before from this team?
Destiny: Maybe the highest paid defensive player can stop getting blown off the line.
Robert Layne: Big Mo has deserted the Steelers
Paul: Terrible time for a shank
Guest: Don’t worry Ben said the team won’t quit
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: "That was Awful Ser"... in contention for team highlights dvd?
Angie1: If this is Tomlin’s defense, it shouldn’t be Tomlin’s defense.
Rich: Very below average play both off and def.
Bubby_Blister: Abandon hope all ye who enter here
Sunner in Orlando: How bad can Banner be when he can’t get a helmet when Moore is like a sliding gate.
Rungame0: You get the first first down in a series. D gets tired. I gets a flow. Only a penalty can stall a drive after that. Or a play.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: "THAT WAS AWFUL" STEELERS 2021 DVD
Scott: If they hold on to win, is that really reason to be encouraged? They are a tire fire.
Ian: Save your son from nightmares
Dwight: D is getting gashed
Guest: An absolute embarrassment
Steeler guest: 9-7 if coaching is recitfied
Ian: Brutal. Where’s Casey
Sunner in Orlando: Edmunds is killing me
Joe: Tomlin doesn’t know the meaning of halftime adjustment…is he still playing cover 2 out there?
lvjimmie: Bush is getting beat up.
Sunner in Orlando: Bush looks like a defensive back trying to play linebacker
Rich: Is Bush playing ?
Guest: Tomorrow we’ll hear we didn’t execute and we have to stay together
Sunner in Orlando: Seahawks doing us a favor by passing
Angie1: Bush doesn’t know how to tackle. How could Colbert have been so wrong about him?
Rungame0: 60 minute men.
Destiny: Right at watt again
Billiam: Did we really give up a draft choice for 93. He hasn’t made a significant play since he joined us and is really horrible tonight.
Bubby_Blister: Wow. Just wow.
Jw: No one sitting on a route?! That should’ve been pick 6
Guest: Bush is running pass the runners every play
Ian: Ugly and pathetic. Blink blink
Zeise: They just got run right over

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: How do you say "GASHED" in Latin?
Destiny: they take ingram out and they ran right at watt
Steeler guest: Lot;s of pretend fans here ha ha 9-7
John: This team is hopeless.
Tim: Another bad display of tackling
Ian: Can’t wait for Pittsburgh Dad
Angie1: Bush doesn’t have it. He just doesn’t.
Sunner in Orlando: Looks like they had a keg of beer in the locker room at halftime in the Steelers locker room. They are playing like they’re drunk!
John b: paul, still think we win. Ian
Zeise: Yes. 24-21

Sunner in Orlando: They look like my Florida gators who got gashed for 324 yards rushing on Saturday versus LSU!
Rich: No energy no emotion no pride
Next Coach: This might be the worst tackling I have ever seen in an NFL game. Just embarrassing.
Rungame0: They can have 2 weeks to digest it. Order the Di-gel.
Rudy: Suit up the gold jackets, PLEASE!
Ian: Ha
John b: I hope so
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Don't know Angie... Shouted it... Watch his last game at Michigan before he quit the team.
Guest: Paul , how were bush and Edmonds first round picks
Zeise: Because they are "run and hit guys" and Tomlin loves "run and hit guys" of course I prefer "guys who can actually play football" but that's just me

Guest: Running inside of Watt. Teams are starting to see that works.
Dwight: Does being a fan mean being delusional about what we see on the field?
Sunner in Orlando: How can I look so good in the first half and look so horrible the second half is my question
Patrick B: Which first round pick is worse - Bush or Edmunds? Correct answer is Both
Scott: Bush is an absolute bust.
Steeltunes88: Coaching or lack thereof
Destiny: I agree they still can win but they need to step up
Mark: This happens year after year after year. How long will Rooney tolerate Tomlin’s incompetence?
Ian: Cowher is thinking this guy won a super bowl?
Zeise: He won with Cowher's players!!

lvjimmie: I’ll always be a Steeler fan, but let’s face it, they don’t have enough talent.
Zeise: They are just running straight at the Steelers

Rudy: Glad we flew up from St Pete for the game last week as if we were there tonight, I would be crying the entire flight home.
Ian: Indeed
AB Tennessee: Collins is carrying guys
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Zeise speaks the truth
Patrick B: Can we have Cowher take over?
Zeise: He would try to run out the clock

Robert Layne: Arm tackle after arm tackle
Ian: Highlight was the honor at halftime
Joe: Total embarrassment
Zeise: What a horrific play call that was
Zeise: The Seahawks did the Steelers a favor there

Angie1: Seattle looks like a totally different team. THAT means a good coach.
Destiny: need this stop
Joe: Who made the best adjustments at the half, it sure wasn't Tomlin
Guest: Well at least we won’t have to hear Tomlinson never had a losing season anymore
Scott: Paul, your 24-21 prediction implies the D stops them for a full quarter after the upcoming TD. How does that jappen?
Sunner in Orlando: Thomas just said same call on the fence. That’s awful
AB Tennessee: Big 3rd down here
John: Defense has no aggression and physicality. It's really painful to watch.
Sal: People wanted to run Cowher out of town at one point, don’t forget that…
Ian: Word is there’s a flood of spit coming from the luxury box
Dwight: I can't believe they didn't runt he ball on 3rd and 3!!!!
Sunner in Orlando: They’re lucky to be tied
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Did the testosterone just show up?
Joe: Finally! Someone on D made a play…but it’s about to be tied, which is a failure
Guest: Seattle bailed the Defense out
Sal: Highsmith can be a beast!
AB Tennessee: Big play by Highsmith
Jw: All highsmith. Wow chipped and tfl
Sunner in Orlando: Can’t believe the Seahawks tried to throw the ball they didn’t need to
Destiny: Time to turn the old Cowboy loose lol
Rungame0: Like the broncos last week. They ran out of time though.
Angie1: You learn to use both arms to tackle in pee wee league.
Zeise: That play call, wow. I mean, you are running straight at the Steelers with no issues - and you go to a sideways pass and some dumb fake rollout thing?

Steeler guest: Like I mentioned hours ago it is all up to Ben. I would have pulled him after the first couple of series. Wake him up and then put him back in.
Next Coach: No one remembers Pete throwing a Super Bowl away?
Baghdad_Ben: Have the Steelers given up on getting turnovers? Been a long time. And TJ gets flagged trying to create one.
Rudy: I bleed black and gold but I am also realistic. If we lose tonight, we should tank the season and get a top draft pick next year. Don't shoot the messenger.
Sunner in Orlando: Again the Steelers can’t dink and dunk. They either need to throw the ball down field or try to run the ball.
Ebz: Seattle over 130 rushing. Mostly in one quarter.
Rungame0: Run pass pass,
Guest: 20 points for this offense is asking alot
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I was done with Tomlin when he called FOX's Laura Okmin a racist for suggesting he was considered a "players coach"... Rooney gave him a raise.
Ian: Not the first time Seattle has outsmarted themselves. Super Bowl loss comes to mind
Guest: I agree Rudy
Steeler guest: Never, never give up
Paul: Just think what the score would be if Wilson were playing
Steeltunes88: Agreed Rudy
lvjimmie: I agree Rudy.
Bubby_Blister: I could count on one hand the number off games Tomlin has made in game adjustments that led to a win.
Destiny: Rudy keep the faith
Mountiansteel: We’re not the eagles
Rungame0: a - run pass pass. B-pass pass pass. C- run run pass.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: It's like they were channeling Finctner
Steeler guest: Need a long o drive
Zeise: You mean, by long, more than three plays that cover more than ten yards?

SC Steeler: Did Canada hack the Seattle offensive communication frequency. Saved us for now
Sal: Ray Ray botches another return
Sunner in Orlando: No start Rudy but there are too many other teams that will suck more. Plus there are no good college quarterbacks that are worth a first round pick. I think they can get Pickett in the second round and I think they should grab him.
Ian: don’t need a hand to count that Rudy
Baghdad_Ben: Horrible return. Pick a path and go Ray Ray
Sunner in Orlando: Why did the Steelers attempt to run the ball out of the end zone. They either get the ball to 15 or a bad return or they get a penalty
Zeise: BALLAGE!!

Destiny: There is a lot of football to play in this game
Steeltunes88: Look at what the Ravens have done with a new offensive line and 3rd string running backs. It all comes down to coaching
John b: Seattle defense is not good. Need to expose it here.
Patrick B: Ray-Ray needs to stop returning kicks. He’s almost as bad as coach smith
Guest: Ray Ray Mcloud is a terrible returner
Zeise: *player

Rungame0: Defense is like watching the ACC.
lvjimmie: Agree PZ
Sunner in Orlando: Ballage better than Snell for sure
Robert Layne: Take care of the ball.
Ian: Tuck rule
Joe: Lol…Ben is so bad
Zeise: Good God

Robert Layne: That’s a fumble. Game
Next Coach: How can anyone watch the Steelers return kickoffs and think that is a good idea
Destiny: ben tried to triple pump
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Tuck rule?
Rungame0: No glove on hand.
Sunner in Orlando: Oh no! That looks like a fumble
Sunner in Orlando: That looks like a fumble
Ian: No hurry up couldn’t snap it quick enough
Angie1: Why am I still watching this when I have to get up at 4:30 for work?
Guest: Bad news Bears
Rudy: It looked like a fumble to me
Bubby_Blister: Clown show in progress
Sal: This is turning into a dumpster fire
Steeler guest: Joe, Ben had a bad play remember when he made you cry when the Steelers run. go run
Robert Layne: It’s be a miracle if this held up.
Destiny: Are we blaming that on Tomlin too lol
Steeler guest: Ive seen worse calls
John: Talk about a 2nd half collapse.
Sunner in Orlando: The only chance that it was a incomplete pass call on the field.
Ian: Hey diddle diddle Ben fumbles in the middle
Robert Layne: Does any Steeler understand this is the season!
Rungame0: At home. Up 14. Night game. Nfc team. Things aren’t like the previous seasons.
Baghdad_Ben: Is this our annual ugly loss to Oakland? Oh yea, we already did that. Checking boxes early this year.
AB Tennessee: Win or lose… fumble or not… this is a bad overall performance
John b: Collapse continues. That sure looked like a fumble.
Sunner in Orlando: Talk about a tale of 2 halves
NC Steeler: Tuck rule was invented for one man. No one else gets away with it

Guest: Another second half for the ages
Patrick B: If this was Brady it’s incomplete. It’s Ben so it will be a fumble.

Baghdad_Ben: Have faith. Al Rivera is reviewing it.
Steeler guest: well at least the D gets a rest
Robert Layne: Only chance we have is that it was called Incomplete on field
Tim: Whoever said this game eerily reminding us of wash game last year is on the money.
Scott: How do they not hurry a play there?
Sunner in Orlando: Don’t know why they’re throwing the ball when they were running the ball fairly well there
SC Steeler: Gotta be a fumble, right?
Guest: Seriously how much more can us fans take of this year after year after year? Want to know why fans aren't showing up. because it's a bad product to watch
Ian: Live in your fear
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Masochism? No dvr
Guest: Great halftime adjustments coach T
Ebz: Another post game interview where he says "I have to play better" coming up
Sunner in Orlando: Unbelievable collapse!
Steeler guest: you could make a case it is the coach as they should never be in this position
On The Road: Let me guess. At the post-game news conference, Tomlin will say they acknowledge their shortcomings and own this loss. They'll get back in the lab tomorrow and start working to get better. Do I have it right?
Sunner in Orlando: I hope Terry is wrong
Javi: Wow they lose this any goodwill from denver game is gone.doom and gloom again.theyre just not very good.both sides of ball
Ian: halves try a series sumner
Rungame0: qb on sideline. Speaks volumes
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: And in a strange roundabout way Brady gets us again... sigh
MikeM65: Hey Paul what are you trying to say?
Bubby_Blister: Zeise is tripping! Lol
Zeise: That's because I am tired of idiotic Brady conspiracies. The rule was different than it is now

Sunner in Orlando: He said he brought it back but I did not see him bringing it back per se
Scott: The pump fake giveth and the pump fake taketh.
Picksixlisberger: Why does Roethlisberger still exist?
Steeler guest: Paul please ask the HOF what they thought about the game :)
Rich: Time to clean house if we lose
Steeltunes88: Seahawks make 2nd half adjustments. Our coaches do not
Guest: Seattle has three drives and three scores in this half
Rungame0: Pete!
Next Coach: The Steelers aren’t as bad as the terrible teams like Jacksonville, Detroit, etc but it is clear they are not very good either. Looking like a 5 or 6 win team.
AB Tennessee: We were up by 14
Steeler guest: Lots of time
Ian: Sad time to put Ben out to pasture
Robert Layne: Game set match
Steeler guest: It is all on Ben win or lose
Rich: I can't stand Pete Carroll
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: It was a fumble when Brady did it and tonight
Zeise: It was not. The tuck rule existed

Javi: Halftime adjustments thoughhhhh
Guest: I'd fire Mike Tomlin tomorrow
Guest: How many points have been scored off of BBS
JT: How does this even happen?
Rungame0: Pouncey would have fallen on it
Sunner in Orlando: I think Ray Ray screwed up the pattern
Ian: Shot all the ammo
Picksixlisberger: Fire Roethlisberger tonight
Joe: Lol…this team is so bad…
Robert Layne: You may not stand Pete C but his teams play hard. Tomlin meh
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: It was a fumble not a "tuck" a
mike: these are tomlins guys! dumbest bunch you can find
Dwight: Alex Collins looks like Eric Dickerson
Sunner in Orlando: The flag is saving us
Guest: why is Ray Ray on the team
Steeler guest: out of fg range
Sunner in Orlando: There still getting gashed though
AB Tennessee: Thank you for holding 73
Jw: Replay shows Ben can’t hit the guy. Wash wide open on cross
Rich: Makeup call
JT: Defense is getting gashed.
Guest: Being gashed
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Brady should only have six superbowls I say
Robert Layne: I’ve never seen a team run like this on the Steelers
Javi: Td here gonna be wrap
Ian: Pittsburgh live in the past of glory days nothing good as long as this coaching staff is here
Zeise: TJ Watt with a big play

AB Tennessee: Seahawks are beating us up
mike: where is the great bush! what a joke
Guest: Soft and cheesy defense
Guest: And when will the PPG staff step up and finally call out this entire organization for complete and utter failure?
Zeise: Norwood with a huge play

Steeler guest: javi jive
Patrick B: Please Mr Rooney - fire the coaching staff and being in new ones. Anyone.
Dwight: Why do they even pass the ball?
JT: Better start living in their fears.
Javi: Bush and edmunds liability
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Zeise... let me... why are they passing?
Ian: A good coach tells Ben enough Tomlin won’t
Guest: Tomlin isn’t the great coach people think he is
Steeler guest: hmmm good d
John b: Seattle can just run. Defense is done. They are helping us by throwing.
Dwight: Replace Edmunds with Norwood!!!
Next Coach: How do you Seahawks folks like that call?
Jw: Got to love the crowd keeping us in this
Sunner in Orlando: Norwood MVP tonight for the Steelers
Robert Layne: Norwood one of the few tinight
DW: Norwood having a game..
AB Tennessee: Big stop and big game for Norwood
mike: without watt this defense sucks!
Joe: A defensive player made a tackle!
Next Coach: Genius Seattle coaches ????
Sunner in Orlando: Ray Ray needs to do that on the kick off return
Picksixlisberger: They suck with Watt
Rudy: We dodged the bullet
Ebz: Game ball to Norwood.
Ian: As long as it’s not a run play mike
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I'll say this... Seattle is just as clueless
Destiny: Your all gonna sleep well tonight lol. ben is gonna make up for the fumble
Rich: I think Watt is still hurt.
Sunner in Orlando: Steelers need to reestablish a line of scrimmage and put a drive together.
Steeler guest: Here we go Steelers here we go. Stopped points while on 35 bend not break go Ben
Javi: Tomlin no losing record is the most overblown bs ever..4 easy wins for 10 years every season with browns bengals..not anymore!now what?
Patrick B: Thank god it went into the end zone. ray-ray was going to return it and go nowhere.
Steeler guest: Super Bowl Tomlin and you
Steeler guest: That was the Claypool I know
AB Tennessee: We need to use Najee. Johnson and Muth and beat the Hawks straight up
AB Tennessee: Nice extra effort by Claypool
Zeise: The Steelers are grinding and grinding against a horrible defense

Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: That turf is a slippery mess
Ian: Stutter step and nothing
Steeltunes88: Even if we win this game, does anyone think we can make the playoffs or even win a playoff game?
Zeise: I think playoffs are possible. Winning a playoff game is not

Destiny: The Bengals were not easy wins all those years lol.
Steeler guest: Someone tell Coach it is too early to run out the game. Score 7 and wing it Ben like last game
Rich: Why up the middle all the time
Ian: Playoffs?
DW: Haeg comes in now?
Zeise: yes

Dwight: Playoffs? No way
Ian: They are who we think they are
John: Lack of running game tonight...scheme or talent?
Steeler guest: yep playoffs 9-7 and your out of playoffs again
Ian: Hold on haeg
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I think the first time the Tuck Rule was ever called it was wrong and... the last time.
Sunner in Orlando: Ben is going to be trembling with Haeg left tackle
Next Coach: Awfully hard to look down the schedule and find 10 wins
Zeise: Ben can't throw the ball any more

Steeler guest: Shame good pass Ben
Robert Layne: Catch the damn ball
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Ben's arm is dead.
Dwight: 10 wins? How about funding 6?
Rudy: How do you drop balls that should be catches. Don't understand it.
Steeler guest: 9-7
Joe: It’s sad watching Ben try to throw on the move anymore
Picksixlisberger: Roethlisberger looks like a one legged cow hopping around out there
AB Tennessee: Johnson should have had that
Next Coach: That was one of his worst throws
Dwight: Missed Claypool by a mile
Robert Layne: Ben is dooooine
Destiny: That was a TD
Rungame0: accuracy. Hmm ha.
Bubby_Blister: My god, why have you forsaken me?
Steeler guest: I guess you saw that one before we die
Ebz: Queue the Jim mora sound clip. "Playoffs?????"
Zedo: Turn out the lights.......
Baghdad_Ben: Need Harvin here.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: 1st to say tonight... Rudolpho?
Ian: Underthrow overthrow when did Ben turn into Goldilocks
Steeler guest: Good special teams, it is not pretty but a win is a win
Jw: Now watts. Catch this one
Rich: Ben rushed that one
Destiny: Inception for a pick 6
Sunner in Orlando: How about putting some guys in the box to stop a run.
Rudy: How about "Jagoffs"!
Guest: Layne sighting
Joe: What we need is a big play by the D…you know, fumble or INT return for a TD like we used to get
John: Ben and Claypool just aren't on the same page tonight and it's gonna cost them!
Sunner in Orlando: Bush and Schobert are nowhere to be found tonight!
John b: Seattle can just run it for 7 minutes and kick field goal. We need turnover
Zeise: 2nd and 11 and they are running up the middle?

Ian: This will lead to ot and geno beats them
Javi: Lets see how Tomlin manages late game clock if seattle threatens
Ebz: Seahawks go back to the run here. Close out the game with long drive and finish over 200 rushing.
Steeler guest: john back to the toilet for you ha
John b: Finally we stoped run.
AB Tennessee: better scheme. Make Geno beat us
Guest: Gee...a Watt sighting on the field instead of standing around on the sideline....what a concept...
Destiny: Defense did their part
Ian: Amazing.
Steeler guest: Hmmm great D
Robert Layne: Finally went to 5 man D line
mike: nice recognition by heyward
AB Tennessee: Good set Defense!!
Zedo: Next one scores . that's the game.
Steeler guest: now run and pass to victory
Ebz: Glad I was wrong. Took long enough for us to adjust.
Guest: Ben gets another 4th quarter win
AB Tennessee: Good return by Ray Ray.
DW: Let’s go now!!
Steeler guest: Watt has been great this half
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I looked it up Ray Ray means East/West
Jw: Come on all Muth
Mountiansteel: How about louder
Zeise: Keep feeding him

Ian: Muuuth
Steeler guest: you called it Muth
mike: muth great catch
Destiny: we just need first downs
Guest: Yeah...Watt was so great this half that Seattle rushed for over 100 yards....
Steeler guest: najee here and muth again
Steeler guest: slow and steady
Sunner in Orlando: Keep running the damn ball!
Ian: Good this be a sign of old school grind the clock
Ian: Harris medic!!
Destiny: Please Ben do not get greedy
mike: watt is by far the steelers best player offense or defense
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Harris freaked out that looks like the defender is convulsing
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Second that Destiny
Steeler guest: Do you realize how many Brownies, Bungles and Ravins have felt a terrible feeling game after game losing out to the Steelers. Be happy you are fortunate to be a Steeler fan
Sunner in Orlando: At least Taylor is moving his legs
AB Tennessee: 52 looks bad. Hope he’s ok
Robert Layne: Stops our momentum but this guy is hurt bad.
Bubby_Blister: No matter the outcome
Zeise: The fact that the Steelers struggled to score 20 against this garbage defense is amazing

Bubby_Blister: feels like a loss
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I think the ref thought Najee was taunting for a second and he told no... this guy is hurt and then signaled the Steeler med team... not good
Guest: Boz pulls this one out
Guest: We always struggle...even when we win.
Nahcllib: iowa coach just accused steelers of faking injury
Ian: Not as bad as shazier
Rudy: Could still be a loss
Steeler guest: As an outsider bubbly you are used to losing
Ian: Z coach knows how to scout and lay down to teams
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Is it Zeise or is it typical Tomlin playing down?
Rich: Are the Steelers the worst team in the division?
John: Rams only scored 26 against this defense last week and only 3 in the first half.
John C: Steelers struggle to score because they can’t complete 15-20 yard passes anymore. Maybe a few each game
Dwight: You can be happy that you are a Steeler fan and still realize that they suck this year and need to make major changes. They are two completely different concepts.
Rudy: Tomlin playing down
Steeler guest: Typical Tomlin - too conservative game plan. attack your opponents weaknesses
Ian: It comes down to talented players playing good despite poor coaching
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Or as Noll once said... 'You're trying hard but most of you just aren't very good football players'
Guest: It's Coach Clichés only being able to spout euphemisms and not make adjustments....
Steeler guest: Dwight they QB has to be better but otherwise we are good
Rudy: I agree with Dwight. Dwight, you are right!
Ebz: Prayers for Taylor.
Zeise: Fans doing the wave while this is going on is ridiculous

Joe b: That is sad. Hope guy is ok.
Ian: Didn’t know the game was in philly
Zedo: It's the beer talking
AB Tennessee: Agree. No time for the wave or anything like it.
mike: thats modern society
Steeler guest: ahum, john facenda voice, there are 31 teams in the NFL and then there are the Pittsburgh Steelers..... but a far cry from those teams - just win
Steeler guest: What is the wave
Rich: Fan come from the word fanatic.
Patrick B: The injury reminds me of Shazier. Hope he’s ok.
Guest: Hillgrove is giving play by play of the cart being loaded
Paul: I would be pleased to see Taylor move legs and get a win tonight.
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Fans that complied with cashless stadium... welcome to Progress... sigh
Dwight: I guess it depends on what you call good. The QB is what he is at this point. How many games do you need to watch to see this? The rest of the team is a mix of some very good players and many who are marginal. At the end of the day not good enough to compete for the playoffs, in my opinion.
Steeler guest: Sometimes when I used to watch up close James Harrison hitting people I used to think is this like the gladiator days one notch down?
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: He was moving hopefully just precautionary
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: Apparently Chris clueless Collinsworth didn't see the fans doing the wave
Steeler guest: that is why he was 1st pick

Go najee

Rudy: Nicw run

Lots of 10 yr runs for Najee

Jw: Field goal? How bout 6
Ian: Wow actually grinding and positive yards
Zedo: running the clock out for a field goal.
Robert Layne: Why did the Steelers wait so long to go to a 5 man line?
Bubby_Blister: Was he moving at all?
Joe b: Two more first downs. Bring out Boz with no time for win.
Rich: Terrico keeps saying steelers getting closer for a fg . They need a td
Jw: BS. I want 6 for watching this
Elderberry On The Autumn Wind... Dad?: I'm out.
Ian: That would be nice. Joe
Steeler guest: The Steelers are good but need the whole season for O line to get better which should make Ben better as the receivers and rb are top notch. D is good but if you are on the field 3/4 of the game you do become tired and bend. Highsmith is coming on. Big Alum is a big loss. Percy hopefully is more consistent. takes time but we are there
Dwight: Claypool awful penalty at the worst time!
Joe b: Why not keep running it? Dumb
Robert Layne: Horrible call
Next Coach: Pushing each other all the way down the field
Steeler guest: It is all on Ben and that one almost was
Ian: really
Dwight: Another dropped pick 6
Zedo: Claypool pushing off , he's need to STOP!
Steeler guest: Coaching needs to be more instictive
Ian: Go for it
John: Why stop running the ball?
Ian: Stupidly
John: Should go for it.
Guest: Told ya
Dwight: Thank god for Boswell
Steeler guest: As much as I like Tomlin - if you do the same thing over and over again and do it bad thinking the result would be different it is insan......
Next Coach: Good from another 10
Mountiansteel: Let’s go defense
Steeler guest: Stupidity to a win
AB Tennessee: Boswell is money in the bank
Ian: The defense will fail them
Joe b: Boz is money. Left time. Need defense to end it
Zedo: Steelers still suck
Joe: Steelers have a lot of really dumb players, mostly on offense…
SC Steeler: Now…defense please
Ian: Live in fear to lose
Steeler guest: i am losing to the Steelers again, sorry I an
Guest: Need an INT to seal it
Dwight: The one time we want them to kick it short and eat some clock.....go figure
AB Tennessee: Need some defense now
Steeler guest: Just pressure Geno
Ian: Some stupid pi call for win coming
Rudy: I do not need this kind of excitement.
Ian: Ben is miffed
Guest: Do NOT play any type of "prevent"...Attack.
Steeler guest: Attack, attack atttack, did I say attack
mike: wonder what the average iq of team is
DariusK: This is going to OT
Ian: Time for the bomb and pi
Next Coach: Still think Pete is a genius?
Dwight: I fear we're heading to OT
Zedo: Loved the Dallas/ NE game today
Bubby_Blister: Win or lose, feels like a loss
Steeler guest: no catch but
Next Coach: Way too easy
Zeise: They should kick the FG here
Zeise: They will screw it up if they dont


Ian: This dis gassed
Baghdad_Ben: Making Geno Brady
Guest: WHY is he WIDE OPEN in the middle of the field???????????
Ian: Good d tomlin
Rich: Prevent you from winning
Zeise: It is Geno Smith - if they try and run a play he will take a sack or there will be a hold

Ian: ben is still smoking mad
Guest: He's gonna go for Metcalf here....
Rich: Blitz him
Guest: I called it....
Bubby_Blister: what the heck?
Zedo: WTF?
DariusK: LMAO
On The Road: A loss tonight should kickstart the complete overhaul. Start trading guys for picks.
Ian: Wind and kick fg
Joe b: Typical. One second left.
On The Road: See what a team will give them for Tomlin.
Zeise: This is a mess

Jw: Can watt block a kick?
Ian: Only with Tomlin
Steeler guest: never should have gotten to this point.
Zeise: I have to start writing my column to have a prayer of getting in by deadline so it has been fun but I have to run. We will do it again in two weeks

First Published: October 17, 2021, 11:30 p.m.

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