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Pirates pitcher Steven Brault pitches against the Cubs.

Jason Mackey's Pirates chat transcript: 11.18.20

Matt Freed/Post-Gazette

Jason Mackey's Pirates chat transcript: 11.18.20

Jason Mackey: Hello, everyone, and thanks for joining my weekly Pirates chat. We’ll get started in about a half-hour, but you can start asking questions now. Feel free to fire away about the Pirates or whatever else is on your mind. Thanks!
Jason Mackey: OK, gang. Let’s do this.

Guest: Is there any chance someone can buy out BOB NUTTING so that the PIRATES can get and keep good players, plus other fine personnel?
Jason Mackey: There is a chance, sure. There’s always a chance. I am curious whether COVID (and the resultant financial losses) has affected Nutting’s desire to keep the team. If he chose to sell, there certainly would be no shortage of interested buyers.

Theo: So I’m looking for a new resurrection project, and really, no team is as deceased as the one in your town. Should I let that newspaper guy know that I’m interested?
Jason Mackey: Hey, Theo. I think your buddy Ben beat you to the punch.


Ricky: Another week of no interest reported in puig. Have you heard of any interest? He is one of the best players in baseball easily. Imagine adding that bat to the lineup
Jason Mackey: There’s still plenty of time, Ricky. They’re just figuring out whether to buy him a yacht or mansion. I’d vote for both.

A.J. Burnett pitched three seasons in Pittsburgh, going 35-28 with a 3.34 ERA over 87 starts.
Jason Mackey
A.J. Burnett on Hall of Fame, STFD and why Pittsburgh was 'different'

Jerry G: Just wondering about a favorite or two of yours from my main side gig? I am fond of Get Out of My Life Woman. I did some some fine work on that one....
Jason Mackey: Jerry! ... My top 5 JGB tunes, in no particular order and discounting ones also done by the Dead: Lonesome And A Long Way From Home, Mission In The Rain, Don’t Let Go, Midnight Moonlight and My Sisters And Brothers. ... Just missed: Don’t Let Go, The Harder They Come and I’ll Take A Melody.

Josh Bell: What are you looking for out of me this year? And what was wrong with me last year? (Please answer without using the words “pressing” or “trying to do too much.”) And would you flip me for prospects if I have a great first half, or let me get to Arb 3?
Jason Mackey: Hi, Josh. Hope you’re enjoying your offseason. I’ll do my best.
Jason Mackey:

  1. I’m looking for consistency. Beginning to end. I know you’re not what you were in May-June 2019, and that’s not a slight. I also know you aren’t what you were after that, or what you were this past season. I’m looking for consistency in approach, with chase, strikeouts and putting the ball in play. I’m also looking for improved defense at first.
  2. I think you never got comfortable. Bouncing between 1B/DH wasn’t great for you. I also think you got outside of yourself too much -- too much chase. Hard to avoid the words you cited, but I think that had something to do with all of you guys. I think the shortened season messed with you; you started slow and sort of realized that fully recovering would be really hard.
  3. I would not -- at least not now. Stock needs to be higher. If you crush it during the first half of 2021, I would listen to offers. But I would have to be really moved to do something before I had to. I still hope the Pirates will offer you something long-term.



Kyle K: Jason - one thing that has stuck out to me is the PIrates’ confidence in Anthony Alford as being an option (and potentially the #1 option) in center field next season. What factors in to that confidence, and what other options do you see the Pirates turning to to compete?
Jason Mackey: I agree with you -- I think they want Alford to be their center fielder next year. What factors in, I think, involves their history with him. Ben Cherington probably watched Alford play more than many other Pirates players, because of the time they spent together in Toronto. Cherington knows what Alford can do. He’s just never had a legitimate chance. ... As for competition, I think Jared Oliva could easily be in the mix. Maybe Cole Tucker, although if they trade Adam Frazier, I expect Tucker to shift to the infield. Obviously Bryan Reynolds and Gregory Polanco will be in the outfield mix.

Patricia: Hi, Jason (and Squid, should he be here): Two part question: what do you think Barry Bonds’s chance of getting into the Hall of Fame is this year, and do Aramis Ramirez and AJ Burnett have any chance at all (my opinion: no)?
Jason Mackey: Hi Patricia. I wish Steven Brault was here. That would be a lot of fun. I should see if he wants to take one of these over. Ha. ... I see Bonds getting close. I think as older writers lose their votes and younger ones gain them, that helps Bonds. I’m 37. I would say the general consensus is for those much older to keep Bonds out because of steroids. Those younger grew up in a different climate and don’t feel the same way. So, I think he gets very close this year. Not so much on the other two. It’s nice they’re there, but I don’t see them getting in.

Guest: Any idea on the health progress of the players on IR at end of season. I’m particularly interested in A Alford. Also, how long do you give Palanco in 2021 to prove himself
Jason Mackey: Alford’s rehab is going “exactly as we expected,” Shelton told me earlier this month. Haven’t heard much of the others, but also haven’t heard of any problems. ... At least a couple months on Polanco. And remember, there’s only so much you can do. You’re paying him. I don’t think it would be the worst thing to start Jared Oliva at Class AAA. If after 2-3 months he’s crushing the ball and Polanco is stinking up the joint, then you make the change. But I would let Polanco try to find it.

Jeff: Will Cherington try harder this off season than last?
Jason Mackey: It’s not that he wasn’t trying, Jeff. There are budget constraints, which I’m obviously not going to sit here and defend. I wish they would spend more money, and I think they should. But it’s not like Cherington failed to spend it because he was sitting on his couch eating Cheetos and watching reruns of Friends. He was learning, evaluating, figuring out a plan forward. Think about it this way: If Cherington and Co. can not screw up the future and perhaps acknowledge that it will take a couple years to get here, what the heck difference does it make if they sign someone to go from 69 wins or whatever to 74. Just lose. Stockpile picks. Development them. Then churn out a San Diego, Chicago White Sox, Toronto, etc. in a couple years. I think the majority of people would be OK with that.

Pirates second baseman Rodolfo Castro tags out Tigers second baseman Sergio Alcantara on a steal attempt during a February spring training game at LECOM Park in Bradenton, Fla.
Jason Mackey
Rule 5 draft: Pirates' outlook complicated by circumstances

The Black Avenger: I’m guessing the Pirates would never hire someone like Kathy Ng is because Bob Nutting would never hire anyone in a position of authority that doesn’t look like him. Correct ?
Jason Mackey: Kim Ng, first off. ... Second, I’m pretty sure Bob Nutting would hire a garbage can if it helped him save money, win for cheap and run a successful business.

Rich in CA: Any chance Ben C signs a 2-3ish starter. You can never have enough & they have a boat load of 4’s & 5’s?
Jason Mackey: I wouldn’t bet on it. If they sign someone, I see that person as a stopgap/4-5/veteran you can flip. I think a 2-3 is probably outside of what they’re willing to spend right now.

Rich in CA: Are any Pirates playing in the AZ fall ball?
Jason Mackey: There is no Arizona Fall League this year. That’s why they had a beefed up instructional league in Florida.

Fobert K Smutting: Jason- I see streets and statutes honoring the owners of the 2 other professional sports owner in Pittsburgh but none for the best sportsman of them all Robert J Nutting. Who would I speak to to begin a campaign to honor the best owner in professional sports ?
Jason Mackey: The funny part here is that this is nowhere close to the actual opinion that Bob Nutting has of himself.

Ricky: Who would have more value Frazier or Brault?
Jason Mackey: I would have to imagine Brault, honestly, given the fact the teams always want and need pitching, especially left-handed pitching. Although it might be a push because of Frazier’s back-to-back Gold Glove nominations and Brault’s up-and-down history.

Rich in CA: Time to trade Bell and get what you can unless they have DH in NL. He can’t play the position and you will never get more. He can only prove he can’t hit if this continues. Keep Moran at 1st with Osuna as backup
Jason Mackey: For the millionth time, no. You will never get more? Where’s that logic coming from? He may incredibly in May/June 2019 and has been average/bad since. What if he reverts back to May/June 2019 during March-June 2021? Then his stock would be crazy high. What if he has a consistently productive 2021? Then his stock would be much higher. It doesn’t matter if he fields like crap. Any acquiring team will likely try to DH him unless it improves.

Pirates Fans: Have the pirates even showed interest in any free agents?
Jason Mackey: If they have, they’re very, very minor. “Showing interest” is a term that always throws me. They toss around a lot of things. All teams in all sports do. But with the section of the store the Pirates are shopping in -- the cheap one -- those deals tend to not come together quickly, because the player involved usually wants to play it out and see if he can get more.

Pirates Fans: Anyone interested in Archer at this point?
Jason Mackey: There hasn’t been much on it, but I have no doubt someone will sign him on a prove-it deal.

Go to section

Jeff: I would guess a payroll around 50 million or less? Can’t see higher than what it was going into season last year. And that
Jason Mackey: I’m expecting it to be in the $50-$60 million range. But given no fans in 2020 and the impact of that, yeah, I wouldn’t be shocked at all if you were right.

Jerry G: So that’s a fine list you offered. Your deadhead credentials are hereby validated.
Jason Mackey: Haha. Thanks, Jer. You’re the greatest.

Jeff: I know you haven’t been around Cherington as much, but what are the differences you can see?
Jason Mackey: I’ve actually been around Cherington more than Huntington. Remember, I only came onto the beat in May 2019. I think with Cherington there’s more of an openness to what’s happening around the game. He pays attention to it and learns. I think Huntington was very proud of what the Pirates did, and they hung their hats on that, almost to a fault. I think Cherington is more guarded and cautious. Not that Neal was ever letting it fly like Jim Rutherford, but I can’t picture Ben saying “10,000 simulations” or something like that. I think Neal wanted to try and explain things and sometimes got himself into trouble as a result.

Guest: What do you think the Pirates are going to do with Williams?
Jason Mackey: Trevor, I’m assuming. Baseball-wise, I’d say non-tender. I don’t see that money or opportunity making sense for a team in their situation. However, them putting him out there on social media the way they are, that’s an odd thing to do for someone you plan on non-tendering in a couple weeks. So, I’m beginning to think they might keep him around for another year, thinking he can find it again.

Scott: Did Rios, Murphy, and Maile reject or accept their outright assignments? I know they all had the option to reject, and it would be atypical for someone in that situation to accept them. I feel like I’ve seen conflicting reports, so I wasn’t sure.
Jason Mackey: Good question, Scott. I’ve sought clarification on this. I will post the answer if I get it before the chat is over. If not, shoot me another email, and I’ll get it to you. Thanks.


and along the same....Williams vs Coonelly?

Jason Mackey: Hard to say for team initiatives and business stuff since COVID was so weird. Travis is definitely way further away from baseball, whereas Frank was definitely involved in baseball decisions. Frank also talked a lot more. We haven’t heard from Travis since February, which, in my opinion, has been too long. But I do think Travis has a strong sense for the business operations of this thing. Frank did, too, of course. But I think that Travis might have a little more experience with fan perception, place in the market, promoting the team, etc. Think about the stuff the Penguins have done well. David Morehouse is obviously a huge, huge part. But Travis has had influence and learned a lot there, too.


Your Name Here: Its only November and the Pirates are mathematically eliminated from the postseason or breaking .500. Correct ? In fact they never break .500 again. Yes ?
Jason Mackey: I don’t understand what you’re asking. I don’t see the 2021 Pirates as a playoff team, but if they get pitching and some hitters -- Bell, Reynolds and Newman -- bounce back, I could see them flirting with .500, at least for certain stretches. I don’t think they’re as bad as 19-41.

Cory: Have you checked out the draft prospect Brady House? He would be an interesting 3B choice.
Jason Mackey: I agree with you, although I’m not sure I see a scenario where it makes sense for the Pirates to draft him.

Jeff: With minors shut down last year, do you think a rule 5 pick would be more a crapshoot than normal?
Jason Mackey: Potentially. I think it’s circumstantial, meaning I think it depends on the player and his own situation. But with where the Pirates are at, I absolutely think they should be able to find someone in that spot who can contribute.

Guest: Is bring back Kela a thing that is being thought about in the Front Office?
Jason Mackey: I think it’s being thought about -- but not seriously. I think they expect him to try and test the free agent market, as he should. I think they expect him -- because of his arm and potential -- to land something while going that route. If he doesn’t and he’s available for cheap, yeah, I think it’s something they would be open to. I think Kela would, too, now that the regime has changed. But I think the priority for him is going to be to make more than the Pirates might be willing to pay given where they’re at in their build.

Jeff: Keith Law wrote recently Rooker is not a slam dunk for 1.1
Jason Mackey: I’m sorry. I’m not sure I follow.

Evil Dave: A last place finish seems inevitable, but do you predict the worst record again in MLB?
Jason Mackey: I’m gonna say no. I can understand why a last-place finish feels inevitable. Out of the Brewers, Cardinals, Cubs and Reds, I don’t know who you can say will have gotten worse than the Pirates. But I don’t think the Pirates are 19-41. There has to be someone out there who’s worst.
Jason Mackey: worse*

Scott: Since you kind of mentioned it, what percent of the pie did Frank have in the Archer trade? It was so out of character at the time, and the more that came out after he was gone the more it seemed like it was more than we may have thought.
Jason Mackey: I don’t know if I could put a percentage on it, but I definitely believe he had an influence in the Archer trade. And given his stature, I’d have a tough time believing it was insignificant.

Kyle K: Another name that everyone kind of forgets about is Phillip Evans, who was on fire before getting hurt. Is he the kind of guy the Pirates have in their plans for the next few years? Or more of a fringe piece?
Jason Mackey: I fully expect Evans to be on the 26-man roster in 2021. Great pickup for them. Made peanuts. Showed he could hit and play multiple positions. That’s the sort of thing they need to find -- minor league guys or fringe major leaguers other teams overlooked. But, yeah, Evans was outstanding.

Jeff: Rocker as number one pick in draft for Pirates. Your thoughts?
Jason Mackey: I think we should let the college season play out. At this point, I don’t see how he wouldn’t be the No. 1 overall pick. But again, they don’t have to make it right now. They have to make it after the college. I’m fine waiting until then for a final answer.

Scott: A Rule 5 thought you can weigh in on...with team’s looking to cut costs with cheap controllable players, may this not be a route to do it? As we saw this past season, teams weren’t shy in calling up inexperienced players from the lower minors and giving them a shot. To me, it makes it feel more likely that someone like say...Ogle gets selected than what he normally would be.
Jason Mackey: Possibly. But, a counter-argument: Given the innings issues sure to be experienced around the game, necessitating more pitchers, is it worth it to allocate an active roster all season to a Rule 5 guy if there are any questions about his ability to perform? I don’t know. But if I’m carefully curating my roster and trying to make I don’t overtax guys who didn’t throw much in 2020, I’m not sure I’m going to do it with Class A guys if I don’t have to.

Scott: Do you see absolutely any chance the Pirates are active in the expected robust nontender market? Based on some of you other replies, I would guess no. While I’m not hopeful either, I think it wouldn’t be an awful plan.
Jason Mackey: Ummm ... I think they’ll look through the bin. But again, I don’t see them over-extending themselves for NOW. And I think that’s a lot of what they might encounter. The sense I get from this group is that they’re very interested in building from within and acquiring guys for cheap and fixing them. More than they are by doing it via major league free agents who are even semi household names.

Jimmy: What in the world was Cam Bonifay thinking by not protecting Joe Randa in the 1997 expansion draft after he hit .307?
Jason Mackey: Because he smiled too much? I honestly have no idea. It didn’t make sense then and doesn’t make sense now. Randa hit .302, BTW.

The Eman: For all you old Pirate fans, I saw ElRoy Face recently at a golf outing and he can still hit the ball. As one of the first modern relievers, I think he should be in the HOF - what think you, Jason? He has the second most consecutive victories in MLB history and!
Jason Mackey: I’d second that. Don’t know if they still do it, but Face told me last year that he and Maz still get together every week or every other week, something like that, to play this cheap nine-hole course in Greensburg. They play like $1 hole or something like that. Could think of worse ways to spend a morning.

The Eman: And had he not blown the save in the ‘60 WS 7th game, would have been the MVP of the series.
Jason Mackey: Have done a lot of cool stuff in this job. This ranks right up there:

Rich from Indio CA: Jason, how do you see the minor league season playing out next year. ?If they don’t play again development is completely lost. I am concerned about the realignment in the minor league and it’s impact on development
Jason Mackey: I’m concerned about it, too. I’m also concerned about what happens if they can’t play. I don’t know if a lot of these cities can survive two summers without baseball. But development-wise, I think minor league spring training will happen after the major league one. I think they’ll hope and pray for a vaccine, like all of us. And failing that, I think they will do everything humanly possible -- including, I would imagine, confining things to Arizona and Florida -- to get something done, though it would be much better if it happened in affiliate cities.

Les: Hello, who are you projecting to be the 1-4 hitters in the Pirates lineup next season?
Jason Mackey: Hi Les. I’d go Alford CF, Hayes 3B, Reynolds LF, Bell 1B.

Old enough to drink: PNC Park enters its 21st season this year. Not long in the tooth exactly, but I’m noticing more signs of wear and tear over the last few years -- cracked sidewalks outside and inside the stadium, beat-up restrooms, etc. If you were in charge of the Pirates’ capital budget, what big or small enhancements would you make?
Jason Mackey: I’d spend more on the players. I’ve been in a bunch of stadiums for hockey and baseball. PNC Park is as nice as it gets -- yes, including the aforementioned wear and tear. The best thing the Pirates can possibly do is put a competitive product on the field and worry about the rest later.
Jason Mackey: OK, folks. I gotta run. Thanks so much for doing this. Looking forward to doing this again next week!

First Published: November 18, 2020, 4:14 p.m.

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Matt Freed/Post-Gazette
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