Boys Basketball
Allderdice 46, Obama Academy 38
Obama Academy 7 12 8 11 — 38
Allderdice 14 17 9 6 — 46
High scorers: (OA) Naron Jackson 17. (A) Lukas Stead 17, Asher Schwartz 11.
Carrick 81, Perry 48
Perry 7 14 10 17 — 48
Carrick 19 18 19 25 — 81
High scorers: (P) Chaz Jackson 12, Deonte Herring 12, Keith Johnson 10. (C) Brayden Fisher 38, Kelenn Ward 19. Stephon Malloy 10.
Brashear 76, Westinghouse 58
Westinghouse 11 10 14 23 — 58
Brashear 13 16 32 15 — 76
High scorers: (W) Tommy Moses 14, Amir Roberts 12. (B) Mike Lee 24, Nasir Thomas 18, Jayden Atkins 15.
Section 1
Fox Chapel 53, North Hills 48
Fox Chapel 6 16 16 15 — 53
North Hills 10 12 16 10 — 48
High scorers: (FC) John Rehak 23, Asher White 16. (NH) Zach Pollaro 20, Nathan Schanbacher 15, Jackson Long 11.
New Castle 55, Pine-Richland 47
Pine-Richland 13 8 11 15 — 47
New Castle 10 13 16 16 — 55
High scorers: (PR) Grant Spacciapolli 20. (NC) Damien Harrison 19, Kai Cox, 13, Ralphie Blundo 11.
Butler 72, Seneca Valley 57
Seneca Valley 11 9 9 28 — 57
Butler 12 14 23 23 — 72
High scorers: (SV) Owen Congdon 19, Tyler Pepin 16, Andrew Omasits 12. (B) Stainton Forbes 19, Andrew Gettinger 19, Tayt Lucas 18, Ayden Andrews 12.
Woodland Hills 54, North Allegheny 52
Woodland Hills 21 10 12 11 — 54
North Allegheny 9 18 16 9 — 52
High scorers: (WH) Scoop Smith 25, Donshae Mosley 13. (NA) Carter Melzer 15, Justin Stalter 10.
Section 2
Central Catholic 65, Norwin 50
Central Catholic 13 19 14 19 — 65
Norwin 10 12 11 17 — 50
High scorers: (CC) Christian Williams 18, Calvin Vento 17, Enzo Khalil 10. (N) Chris McKnight 10.
Canon-McMillan 71, Hempfield 59
Hempfield 14 17 14 14 — 59
Canon-McMillan 14 17 21 19 — 71
High scorers: (H) Danny Husenits 27, Jack Kopas 13. (CM) Mike Detrich 32, Dylan Kelly 13.
Mt. Lebanon 74, Connellsville 27
Mt. Lebanon 32 19 15 8 — 74
Connellsville 7 12 4 4 — 27
High scorers: (ML) Liam Sheely 33, Sam Deibert 12, Dane Barber 12. (C) Jayden Mickens 8, Rocco Farrell 8.
Section 1
Uniontown 75, Gateway 60
Gateway 12 15 20 13 — 60
Uniontown 17 12 22 24 — 75
High scorers: (G) Paul Nnacho 22, Mykel Bruce-McCrommon 18. (U) Calvin Winfrey 21, Notorious Grooms 19, Isaac Ellsworth 17, Kelan Milsom 14.
Franklin Regional 73, Latrobe 71 (OT)
Latrobe 23 10 16 18 4 — 71
Franklin Regional 18 14 12 23 6 — 73
High scorers: (L) Max Butler 23, Ian DeCerb 16, John Wetzel 10. (FR) Connor Crossey 38, Jonah Johnson 19.
Laurel Highlands 51, Albert Gallatin 47
Score by quarters and high scorers not reported.
Penn-Trafford 62, McKeesport 44
McKeesport 7 9 13 15 — 44
Penn-Trafford 25 13 12 12 — 62
High scorers: (M) Lamont Perkins 14, Valdez Stuvaints 10. (PT) Zach Feldman 12, Brayden Stone 12, Tyler Anthony 10.
Section 2
Indiana 59, Armstrong 55 (OT)
Indiana 5 9 7 23 15 — 59
Armstrong 9 8 14 13 11 — 55
High scorers: (I) Stanford Webb 16, Will Olsen 13, Jordan Petrovich 12. (A) Jaydon Oliver 15, Quinton Olsen 15, Jacob Szep 12.
Kiski Area 70, Shaler 39
Kiski Area 21 19 21 9 — 70
Shaler 5 11 13 10 — 39
High scorers: (KA) Colin Keller 17, Amaree Gonzalez 14, Tyler McDermott 10. (S) Jordan Epps 15.
Penn Hills 52, Plum 45
Penn Hills 8 13 18 13 — 52
Plum 9 17 10 9 — 45
High scorers: (PH) Amon Hawthorne 22. (P) Max Grice 17.
Section 3
Baldwin 72, Ringgold 41
Baldwin 16 29 19 8 — 72
Ringgold 10 7 9 15 — 41
High scorers: (B) Evan Golvash 15, Nate Wesling 13, Jaden Duttine 11. (R) Demetri Lowe 20, Dennis Hawkins 10.
Peters Township 53, South Fayette 47
Peters Township 9 14 12 18 — 53
South Fayette 11 10 13 13 — 47
High scorers: (PT) Dylan Donovan 21. (SF) Gavin Orosz 16, Tyson Wright 13.
Bethel Park 65, Thomas Jefferson 63
Thomas Jefferson 13 18 15 17 — 63
Bethel Park 20 4 20 21 — 65
High scorers: (TJ) Justin Fry 18, Nick Trklja 16, Noah Kaszer 14, Kane Eggerton 11. (BP) Tanner Pfeuffer 16, Mike Bruckner 15, Will Sabatos 14.
Section 4
Blackhawk 80, Lincoln Park 67
Lincoln Park 19 22 18 8 — 67
Blackhawk 17 20 24 19 — 80
High scorers: (LP) Damar Johnson 16, Mason Rowan 13, Antonio Goodman 13. (B) Tyler Heckathorn 34, Justin Shanor 25, Carter Davis 14.
Montour 50, West Allegheny 41
Montour 11 16 10 13 — 50
West Allegheny 9 13 14 5 — 41
High scorers: (M) Ama Sow 17, Kaleb Platz 15, Colton Straight 13. (WA) Jonah Buglak 17.
Moon 64, Mars 54
Moon 15 20 17 12 — 64
Mars 14 15 11 14 — 54
High scorers: (MOON) Braeden Stuart 15, Amir Turner 15, Michael Santicola 14, Carter Tumulty 11. (MARS) Drew Navetta 19, Austin Campbell 15.
Section 1
Knoch 48, Deer Lakes 45
Deer Lakes 13 4 8 20 — 45
Knoch 7 13 14 14 — 48
High scorers: (DL) Nate Moore 14, Lucas Mangieri 10. (K) Jackson Bauman 16, Teegan Finucan 14.
Freeport 57, Burrell 51
Freeport 13 9 6 29 — 57
Burrell 4 12 20 15 — 51
High scorers: (F) Carson Kane 16, Gavin Tola 13. (B) Tucker Bitar 21.
North Catholic 69, Highlands 52
North Catholic 23 14 23 9 — 69
Highlands 14 10 15 13 — 52
High scorers: (NC) Jason Fredericks 20, Jude Rottmann 17. (H) Carmine Lacava 18, Troy Bielak 16, Preston Foster 10.
Section 2
Beaver 78, Ambridge 58
Beaver 22 10 26 20 — 78
Ambridge 12 10 14 22 — 58
High scorers: (B) Brady Mayo 34, Micah Pupi 13. (A) Jared Astorino 23, Adam Fernandez 19.
Avonworth 56, Central Valley 42
Central Valley 10 11 8 13 — 42
Avonworth 11 9 23 13 — 56
High scorers: (CV) Isaiah Jeter 22. (A) Rowan Carmichael 26, Noah Goetz 13.
Section 3
Hopewell 60, Quaker Valley 58
Quaker Valley 12 13 18 15 — 58
Hopewell 20 16 8 16 — 60
High scorers: (QV) Sam Champion 22, Nic Cohen 13. (H) James Armstrong 18, Zach Kovell 13, Thomas Pipkins, III 11.
Derry 56, Yough 26
Derry 8 9 21 18 — 56
Yough 7 12 3 4 — 26
High scorers: (D) Stanley Rajkovich 16, John Wasnick 16. (Y) Charlie Quinn 10.
Belle Vernon 76, East Allegheny 49
East Allegheny 6 16 10 17 — 49
Belle Vernon 20 13 22 21 — 76
High scorers: (EA) Jayden Patterson 25. (BV) Zion Moore 37, Trevor Kovatch 11.
Elizabeth Forward 58, West Mifflin 54
Elizabeth Forward 18 9 11 20 — 58
West Mifflin 12 17 10 15 — 54
High scorers: (EF) Daniel Spence 18, James Gile 17, Tyler Basic 14. (WM) Daven Reynolds 18, James Rideout 10.
Section 1
Mohawk 63, Beaver Falls 50
Mohawk 15 23 15 10 — 63
Beaver Falls 13 10 19 8 — 50
High scorers: (M) Bobby Fadden 26, Joey Nail 16, Drew Wrona 13. (BF) Jason Frank 14, Dajaun Flenory 13.
Aliquippa 89, New Brighton 17
New Brighton 7 4 1 5 — 17
Aliquippa 30 30 13 16 — 89
High scorers: (NB) Not reported. (A) Josh Pratt 19, Qa’lill Goode 17, Antonio Reddic 16, Rasaun Banks 15.
Riverside 46, Freedom 33
Riverside 8 15 15 8 — 46
Freedom 9 10 9 5 — 33
High scorers: (R) Logan Young 13, McCartney Plassmeyer 12, Will Sullivan 12. (F) Justin Shegog 14.
Section 2
Bishop Canevin 78, Carlynton 39
Carlynton 7 14 14 4 — 39
Bishop Canevin 15 20 27 16 — 78
High scorers: (C) Devonte Dean 24. (BC) Jackson Maddix 23, Damar Olds 21, Drew Allen 11, Roukeem Hawkins 10.
Keystone Oaks 55, McGuffey 47
McGuffey 6 9 7 25 — 47
Keystone Oaks 7 14 21 13 — 55
High scorers: (M) Erond Jakupi 19, Joseph Colton 12. (KO) Ayden Cunningham 19, Sam Stout 12.
Washington 43, Sto-Rox 41
Score by quarters and high scorers not reported.
Section 3
Shady Side Academy 60, Apollo-Ridge 35
Shady Side Academy 18 13 14 15 — 60
Apollo-Ridge 8 3 9 15 — 35
High scorers: (SSA) Seamus Riordan 21, Paul Benec 13, Cam Mallory 11. (AR) Zane Beatty 23.
South Allegheny 55, Seton LaSalle 47
South Allegheny 12 17 7 19 — 55
Seton LaSalle 10 9 10 18 — 47
High scorers: (SA) Drew Cook 25, Cam Epps 16. (SL) Pat Weldon 21, Ryan Marini 10.
South Park 57, Steel Valley 43
Steel Valley 7 5 7 24 — 43
South Park 5 16 20 16 — 57
High scorers: (SV) Nate Yuhas 28. (SP) Luke Scarff 23, Danny Battista 13, Cooper Hochendoner 11.
Section 4
Ligonier Valley 75, Brownsville 65
Score by quarters not reported.
High scorers: (LV) Parker Hollick 22, Michael Wisniewski 18, Brian Wisniewski 12, Michael Vargulish-Graver 10. (B) Not reported.
Charleroi 68, Mount Pleasant 51
Mount Pleasant 20 7 14 10 — 51
Charleroi 22 20 17 9 — 68
High scorers: (MP) Jonah Townsend 11, Isiah Taylor 11. (C) Braeden Todaro 16, Noah Pletcher 12, Jackson Keranko 11, Amaru Staub 11.
Southmoreland 58, Waynesburg 51 (OT)
Waynesburg 11 12 12 11 5 — 51
Southmoreland 4 8 17 17 12 — 58
High scorers: (W) Cole Headlee 17, Alex Eck 13, Dane Woods 11. (S) Noah Felentzer 28, Brady Sherbondy 11.
Section 1
Frazier 66, California 58 (OT)
California 11 11 19 8 9 — 58
Frazier 15 17 5 12 17 — 66
High scorers: (C) Jacob Ziolecki 28. (F) Kolby Stewart 23, Dailan McManus 15, Conlan Higbee 17.
Greensburg Central Catholic 65, Riverview 34
Greensburg C.C. 16 16 22 11 — 65
Riverview 10 6 8 10 — 34
High scorers: (GCC) A. J. Tarpley 18. (R) Matt Orbin 8, Levi Roupas 8.
Jeannette 54, Springdale 39
Springdale 15 6 8 10 — 39
Jeannette 17 16 11 10 — 54
High scorers: (S) Robbie Simmen 11, John Duku 11. (J) Marcus McGowen 19, Jayce Powell 13.
Section 2
Brentwood 69, Leechburg 30
Leechburg 12 5 3 10 — 30
Brentwood 23 29 7 10 — 69
High scorers: (L) Brady Rollinger 13, Chase Henry 10. (B) Forrest Betz 30, Colton Rosing 11, X’havier Nunez 11.
Northgate 63, Winchester Thurston 32
Northgate 20 20 12 11 — 63
Winchester Thurston 8 9 6 9 — 32
High scorers: (N) Ty Daniels 14, Robert Mckinley 13. (WT) Mike Hammerling 11.
Sewickley Academy 69, Propel Braddock Hills 40
Propel Braddock Hills 9 10 10 11 — 40
Sewickley Academy 28 9 23 9 — 69
High scorers: (PBH) Raymon Russell 9. (SA) Nolan Donnelly 18, Lucas Grimsley 17.
Section 3
Chartiers-Houston 57, Beth-Center 20
Chartiers-Houston 17 25 10 5 — 57
Beth-Center 6 2 8 4 — 20
High scorers: (CH) Justus Buckingham 15, Aaron Walsh 13, Jake Perchinsky 10. (BC) Acie Lawrence 5.
Jefferson-Morgan 45, Fort Cherry 44
Fort Cherry 16 10 13 5 — 44
Jefferson-Morgan 5 17 11 12 — 45
High scorers: (FC) Shane Cornali 23. (JM) Jeremiah Robertson 12, Jase Bedillion 11, Dayten Marion 10.
Carmichaels 64, Mapletown 40
Carmichaels 17 10 21 16 — 64
Mapletown 7 15 5 13 — 40
High scorers: (C) Robbie Wilson-Jones 21, Colin Andrews 12. (M) Lucas Stevenson 15, Tyler Howard 12.
West Greene vs. Burgettstown, ppd. until today
Section 4
Union 70, Rochester 42
Rochester 10 11 14 7 — 42
Union 21 24 17 8 — 70
High scorers: (R) Nate Bills 15. (U) Landon Eckert 19, Lucas Stanley 18, Jamel Mitchell 10.
Shenango 75, Our Lady Sacred Heart 70
Shenango 17 13 25 20 — 75
O.L. Sacred Heart 12 24 23 11 — 70
High scorers: (S) Joey Campoli 25, Taegan Russo 24. (OLSH) Tiernan McCullough 23 Vann Kavals 16, Jake Johnson 11.
Laurel 68, South Side Beaver 58
South Side Beaver 13 12 16 17 — 58
Laurel 12 19 20 17 — 68
High scorers: (SSB) Carter Wilson 21, Andrew Corfield 15, Mateja Pavlovich 12. (L) Jayden Iorio 23, Luca Santini 18, Vern Sipe 11.
Neshannock 89, Western Beaver 32
Western Beaver 8 5 7 12 — 32
Neshannock 32 29 19 9 — 89
High scorers: (WB) Nate Schwarz 11. (N) David Kwiat 48.
Section 1
Aquinas Academy 55, Beaver Co. Christian 21
Beaver Co. Christian 3 4 3 11 — 21
Aquinas Academy 20 14 11 10 — 55
High scorers: (BCC) Nick Necaster 7. (AA) Jake Guillen 18, David Zaharko 13, Sam Duer 12 Jonah Burchill 10.
Cornell 65, Avella 60
Cornell 19 13 8 25 — 65
Avella 10 21 17 12 — 60
High scorers: (C) Santana Lee 20, Eduardo Benitez 16, Walter Clarit 12. (A) Bryce Wright 26, Cam Ullom 12, Rylan Bell 11.
Nazareth Prep 53, Summit Academy 36
Summitt Academy 5 11 14 6 — 36
Nazareth Prep 16 16 10 11 — 53
High scorers: (SA) Ky'zir Rowan 16, Quaran Joiner 10. (NP) Leon Harrison 18, Will Evans 13.
Section 2
Monessen 76, Environmental Charter 49
Monessen 6 21 29 20 — 76
Environmental Charter 10 10 20 9 — 49
High scorers: (M) Devontae Robinson 22, Rodney Johnson 16, Tyvaughn Kershaw 11. (EC) Tobias Howard 11, Caleb Dalton 10, TYler Hurst 10.
Neighborhood Academy 80, Geibel Catholic 37
Neighborhood Academy 25 24 21 10 — 80
Geibel Catholic 9 8 11 9 — 37
High scorers: (NA) Courtney Wallace 23, Kedron Gilmore 22, Shamar Simpson 15. (GC) Evan Strimel 14, Gary Trabuk 11.
Serra Catholic 75, St. Joseph 30
St. Joseph 5 4 10 11 — 30
Serra Catholic 22 22 21 10 — 75
High scorers: (SJ) Gabe Maltese 9. (SC) Owen Dumbroski 22.
Girls Basketball
Allderdice 78, Obama Academy 42
Allderdice 14 20 21 23 — 78
Obama Academy 5 12 15 10 — 42
High scorers: (A) Bailey White 33, Peyton Lynch 23, Rhyan Sledge 17. (OA) Taylor Phillips 19, Nia Benjamin 10.
Brashear 53, Westinghouse 19
Brashear 8 19 16 10 — 53
Westinghouse 10 3 2 4 — 19
High scorers: (B) Ra'Niyah Morris 12, Shayla Washington 12, Sa'Najah Hendley 10, Ma'Ryah Terrell 10. (W) Ajah Malloy 12.
Carrick 47, Perry 45
Carrick 13 17 6 11 — 47
Perry 10 12 9 14 — 45
High scorers: (C) Jocelyn Fisher 24, Reona Grant 13. (P) Nikea Johnson 14, Keisha Adams 11.
Section 1
Pine-Richland 56, North Hills 43
Pine-Richland 15 15 14 12 — 56
North Hills 8 9 15 11 — 43
High scorers: (PR) Cate Gentile 19, Rebekah Shaffer 12, Zoe Cook 11. (NH) Zoe Devlin 16, Delaney Amato 13, Gia Minton 12.
Seneca Valley 57, Butler 53
Seneca Valley 20 14 9 14 — 57
Butler 16 13 12 12 — 53
High scorers: (SV) Gracie Cato 15, Natalie Hambly 14, Reece McFadden 14. (B) Amelia McMichael 22.
North Allegheny 56, Woodland Hills 26
Woodland Hills 11 4 9 2 — 26
North Allegheny 27 10 15 4 — 56
High scorers: (WH) Kaleina Earl-Hayden 12. (NA) Vange Balouris 21, Rosalia Varlotta 18.
Section 2
Canon-McMillan 48, Hempfield 47 (OT)
Hempfield 4 9 14 16 4 — 47
Canon-McMillan 9 17 9 8 5 — 48
High scorers: (H) Allie Cervola 20, Mads Pevarnik 11. (CM) Lauren Borella 19, Madison Clair 15.
Section 1
Shaler 48, Gateway 10
Gateway 4 0 1 5 — 10
Shaler 7 14 20 7 — 48
High scorers: (G) Not reported. (S) Reese Smetanka 20.
Section 3
West Allegheny 63, Montour 57
Montour 12 13 8 24 — 57
West Allegheny 13 16 21 13 — 63
High scorers: (M) Abby Cleary 18, Sofia Brandy 15, Zoe Woessner 12. (WA) Emma Ruperto 22, Ella Smith 13, Alaina Holtz 10.
Mars 54, Moon 53 (OT)
Moon 2 14 18 12 7 — 53
Mars 15 7 10 14 8 — 54
High scorers: (MOON) Jaedin Griggs 26. (MARS) Alexis Cashdollar 16, Carmella McDole 16.
Section 4
Thomas Jefferson 60, Bethel Park 53
Thomas Jefferson 21 6 12 21 — 60
Bethel Park 12 13 18 10 — 53
High scorers: (TJ) Maggie Spell 20, Emma Altavilla 13. (BP) Sadie Orie 21, Ella Sabatos 16, Fiona O'Neill 13.
Section 1
North Catholic 59, Freeport 24
North Catholic 18 21 11 9 —59
Freeport 5 2 2 15 —24
High scorers: (NC) Brady Wehner 12, Sam Weir 11, Sarah Loughry 10. (F) Lilly Holloway 8.
Section 2
Greensburg Central Catholic 83, East Allegheny 10
East Allegheny 1 6 2 1 — 10
Greensburg C. C. 31 23 19 10 — 83
High scorers: (EA) Not reported. (GCC) Erica Gribble 28, Jayla Peterson 13.
Section 1
St. Joseph 64, Western Beaver 42
St. Joseph 13 20 18 13 — 64
Western Beaver 8 10 11 13 — 42
High scorers: (SJ) Bella Bartolovic 19, Kasey Cienik 16, Gia Richter 12. (WB) Elizabethe Squiquero 22, Taraji Backur 12.
Boys Basketball
Section 1 -- Clairton at Greensburg Central Catholic, Noon.
Section 3 -- West Greene at Burgettstown, 4:30 p.m.
At Sewickley Academy
Ellwood City vs. Eden Christian, 4:30 p.m.; Nazareth Prep vs. Sewickley Academy, 7:30 p.m.
Berlin Brothersvalley at Bishop Canevin, 1:30 p.m.; Bethel Park at Mt. Lebanon, 12:30 p.m.; Carmichaels at Monessen, 2:30 p.m.; Chartiers Valley at Peters Township, 7:30 p.m.; Monessen at Carmichaels, 3 p.m.; Ringgold at South Park, Noon; Sharon at Beaver Falls, 12:30 p.m.
Girls Basketball
Section 4 -- Albert Gallatin at Bethel Park, 11:30 a.m.
Section 2 -- Ambridge at Hampton, Noon.
Section 3 -- Charleroi at Seton LaSalle, Noon.
At Sewickley Academy
Hopewell vs. Rochester, 1:30 p.m.; Ellwood City vs. Eden Christian, 3 p.m.; Beaver Falls vs. Sewickley Academy, 6 p.m.
Aquinas Academy at Karns City, 1 p.m.; Brentwood at Our Lady of Sacred Heart, 2:30 p.m.; Elizabeth Forward at Kennedy Catholic, 1 p.m.; Erie at Oakland Catholic, 2 p.m.; Frazier at Monessen, 1 p.m.; Lincoln Park at Neshannock, 6 p.m.; North Allegheny at Indiana, 2:30 p.m.; Serra Catholic at Penn Hills, Noon; South Fayette at Norwin, 12:30 p.m.; South Park at McKeesport, Noon.
Saturday -- Connellsville (10-1) vs. Norwin (14-1) at Peters Township, 1:30 p.m.; Franklin Regional (15-0) vs. Thomas Jefferson (12-0) at Peters Township, 1:30 p.m.
Championship Match and Consolation Final
Saturday -- at Peters Township, 3 p.m.
Saturday - Burrell (12-1) vs. Quaker Valley (12-4) at Peters Township, 10 a.m.; Derry (17-2) vs. McGuffey (15-4) at Peters Township, 10 a.m.
Championship Match and Consolation Final
Saturday -- at Peters Township, 11:30 a.m.
First Published: February 1, 2025, 4:30 a.m.