Mike White: Good morning, everyone. We might still have social distancing, but we can still talk a little high school sports. It always seems like there are a few happenings in Pa. high school sports, even with no games. So, let's go. Fire away with any questions.
GH: Mike - what is the best choice for Rodney Gallagher, a scholarship in basketball or football? Seems to me that basketball would be the safer option.
Mike White: You can't say yet what is his best choice. Time will determine that. I think how much he grows will determine where he is best suited. Even Rodney will agree with that. If he stays around 6 feet, maybe football will be better for him. I've compared his story somewhat to Darrelle Revis. Revis wanted to be a basketball player - and was dang good. But he never got to be more than maybe 6 feet. By his senior year he was a much better prospect at DB. He was maybe the same size as Gallagher at this age. Bottom line is that Gallagher will wait.
John Miller 4 President: Any word on vacant position of head boy's basketball coach of the North Allegheny Tigers? Maybe Joe Exotic?? HAHA I crack myself up.
But really, what's the word?
Mike White: Wooo hooo. Remember to tip your waitresses. The news is that there is no news. AD Bob Bozzuto originally said he hoped to have someone hired by April school board meeting, which I believe is tomorrow. But yesterday, Bozzuto said it will be May before they make a hire. So, candidates are left wondering.
Georgia Steeler: Mike you did a really good article on Rennie Cummings a couple of years ago. I saw the list of PA and WPIAL career scorers but Cummings never shows up ? He had 2411 points . Which puts him in the top 35-40 all time. Do you have any contact
Mike White: No idea what list you saw. Cummings is the fifth leading scorer in WPIAL history. I keep the list updated.
Baskets: Any news on the NA boys basketball coaching position?
Mike White: Look above. I talked about that. It looks like they won't hire a coach now until May.
Jim from Peters: Mike, you wrote an “expected to be hired” story for the Peters Township girls basketball coaching positions. They were hired last night and no story. Seems like laziness to me.
Mike White: Yep, I'm just sleeping all day. Doing nothing. Yes, they were hired last night "as expected."
6A fan: who is front runner for the Baldwin boys job? Who else is in the running for the NA job other than Carney and Tyree?
Mike White: No idea who the front runner is at Baldwin. I know they are doing interviews. As for NA job, I don't know who the front runner is there, either. Now we just have to wait. Sure we might no more the closer we get to the hiring.
Zman: Mike, arguably a college coach’s single most important attribute might be the ability to recruit well. In high school, aside obviously from having material to work with, in your years covering it, what do you think is the most important attribute for a high school coach to have to be successful?
Mike White: Good players. Pretty simple.
Big Skip: Mike - saw the article on the PIAA not allowing high school teams to hold any kind of workouts or practices until July 1. What's stopping travel coaches or personal trainers or workout coaches from gathering athletes at a playground for basketball drills, or a baseball field for football footwork drills, when the state opens up? The high school coaches can't do anything until July but these other people can meet with their kids? I know a few people that can't wait until they put basketball rims back up in some places to make a few extra bucks. Doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be up to each individual school when they start up?
Mike White: Well BIg Skip. The PIAA came out yesterday with FAQ - frequently asked questions. One of the questions was what about playing sports outside of school sports? Here's the answer they gave: :"As directed by Governor Tom Wolf and the PA Department of Health, non-life sustaining businesses should not be open to the public. Governor Wolf stated clearly that all sports, professional, non-professional and amateur have closed; this would include travel or club programs. If the Order were to change, guidance may be updated at that time."
Mike White: Hope that answers your question Big Skip.
Coach Z: When all state teams are picked do they consult with local writers who cover high school sports in the different areas throughout the state? I ask because every year in boys and girls I see players who make all state that don't make the FAB 5 or even sometimes all section.
Mike White: All-state teams for basketball and football are picked by writers and maybe even radio broadcasters around the state. I can tell you how it works now is that writers from around the state send nominations to a person handling all-state teams. The nominations include a paragraph bio on each player. The ballot, with all the bios, are sent to media around the state. Then we vote.
Mike White: Coach Z, of course there are people who don't make the Fab 5 and make all-state. There are only 5 players on the Fab 5. There might be 5 or more players from the WPIAL on an all-state team.
Driveway legend: i heard that coach Minear used to handle you pretty well on his driveway court, true or false ?
Mike White: Huh. We played once in a driveway years ago at a party. Bill made me play in sandals, I think. So, I wasn't able to poster him.
Coach Z: Stefko COY in 6A and McConnell COY in 5A. Cant go wrong with either as local COY. Thoughts on how big of a loss Megan McConnell is going to be for CV. Minus the scoring her game is very similar to what TJs was as a senior. Duquesne is getting a really good one in her.
Mike White: Char Valley has four starters back next season, but Megan will be a big loss. She was the point guard who made everything go. Let Megan be good in her own right and please let's not compare her with T.J. Just let that alone. Megan is indeed headed for Duquesne. I think good chance she will be redshirted next year. Maybe can get bigger and stronger in that redshirt year, which she needs.
All American: When will the boys all state teams be announced?
Mike White: Next week. One class will be released each day.
All American: I keep hearing Devin Carney is leaving Butler and going to NA, will he only be eligible for the regular season or playoffs too?
Mike White: This subject has come up a number of times on this chat. Those rumors continue to circulate because his father interviewed for NA job. But we have no idea what will happen until someone is hired. Like before, I can just tell you what rules are. Athlete would need to move into that district to be considered for eligibility.
Howard Stern: As I understand it, wouldn't Lincoln Park never be able to move back down from 4A. Even if they don't have success at the 4A level, they will almost always have a couple transfers and therefore never be able to move down to another classification. Am I correct?
Mike White: First off Howard, let me correct something. I stated on chat last week that OLSH and Lincoln Park would have to move up in class under new PIAA success formula. I was wrong. "ONLY" Lincoln Park moves up, from 3A to 4A. OLSH doesn't have to move up. My terrific skills made me add 3 and 2 and get 6. Botton line OLSH doesn't have to move up. As for Lincoln Park, classifications are aligned every two years. If, in two years, Lincoln Park's enrollment would put them in Class 3A and they would not have had any transfers in two years, then they would be 3A I believe. But that's a lot of ifs.
Howard Stern: Any chance the PIAA would allow football to be played in the Spring season if the whole Fall season was wiped out due to COVID-19?
Mike White: I guess anything is possible. But you can't answer that now. Not even PIAA will. As PIAA director Bob Lombardi has said, they really don't want to deal right now with hypothetical situations. Doesn't do you any good.
Howard Stern: Have you seen some of the video on Twitter some of these "independent trainers" working kids out and putting videos out. Looks like they were filming at Penn Hills (saw one also at McKeesport). How are they able to gain access to the field? Doesn't this go against the whole social distancing thing? Makes no sense to me.
Mike White: I have seen videos of kids working out with trainers. I have not seen one you are talking about. But I know I have talked to some athletes who have said they simply go up to a field - sometimes their own school - and walk on. Maybe they run or work on footwork. So, some of these fields apparently are open.
JD: Can you envision a world where some school districts opt to not play next school year? Or PIAA cancelling certain sports or changing them to limit roster size?
Mike White: I think it will be interesting to see what happens when schools are allowed to start playing sports. Again, talking "what ifs" is sometimes pointless. But let's say, schools were allowed to start having practice again maybe July. You can bet there will be parents who don't want their child to participate in team sports yet. Will there be schools that do the same? I guess there could be. Heck, Mt. Lebanon didn't want its boys basketball team playing in a second round game at a neutral site because of coronavirus. There are lots of things that need to be worked out in future with all sports. Many questions need answered. But I wish we would all learn that we just can't provide answers to a lot of questions yet.
Hoops lover: I can tell you McConnell is front runner for Baldwin Job, if he does not take the NA Job!
Mike White: I can tell you McConnell is not even involved in NA job. And unless Baldwin has a full-time job for Tim McConnell, he's not even the slight bit interested. They would have to come up with a job for him, and I would question whether that would happen.
NA Job: I am shocked at the candidate list for such a high profile job. I head Stockzynski was in the race, IMO he is the clear best coach of the candidates who have been rumored.
Nick Novak was on their bench last year. I know he has never had head coach experience, but he would be a way better option than any of the rumored candiates.
Mike White: Yes, I have also heard Tyler Stoczynski's name, but I don't know where things stand for the job. As for Nick Novak, excellent player at Franklin Regional, Pitt-Johnstown and played pro overseas. Big-time scorer. Loves to do one thing - shoot and score. Ha ha. I know Nick. Might be a good head coaching candidate someday. But very little coaching experience. NA isn't hiring someone with that little experience.
279: It has been quite some time since a two sport standout actually played both college. Is that a thing of the past because of kids specializing in one sport or are college coaches discouraging the idea? As a coach do you encourage kids to play multiple sports in HS?
Mike White: You still see here and there a Division I football player who comes and is a player on the basketball team. Heck, Montour's Devin Wilson went the other way a few years ago at Virginia Tech. He was a basketball player who played football one year. Heckuva athlete. But it's not done any more because it's just too hard. If someone is a football player in college, it takes up so much time. So hard to do and be any kind of factor in basketball.
Mike White: But 279, I forgot to answer the other part of the question. Yes, I like kids to play multiple sports. I think it's good for them. Works different parts of your body and just personally, I think it's good to have at least a little time away from a sport. And don't tell me a high school kid can't be good at more than one sport. Look how many still are today. Here's something that bugs the heck out of me. A kid in ninth or 10th grade gives up a sport, maybe basketball, because he says he wants to lift weights. Give me a break. When you hear that, it's usually an excuse. You can play a sport and still have plenty of time to also lift.
Tha Truth: What ever happened to them jackson twins from da dice. Best athletes to not go anywhere. Now i gotta see about this talented freshmen from brashear. Buddy V couldn’t hav helped them kids out at all? Only worried about his wins didn’t help them boys and creighton go no where. what a shame. they beat up on teams that had kids go on to get a free college experience. I’ll take Ralph Blundo over him all day. Taught them kids discipline and helped get them outta there and onto better things. He knew it was bigger than him. smh
Mike White: I have no idea where the Jackson twins are. But please, stop with blaming Buddy Valinsky. Are you really serious? Buddy tried to help them when they were in high school. And I know the Jacksons bounced around a couple of places after high school, like junior colleges. But they didn't stick. So how in the world is that Buddy Valinsky's fault? Ramon Creighton went to California, Pa. Good spot for him. I think he was a D-2 level player. He did some good things as a freshman. I don't know what happened but he no longer was there. So that's Buddy Valinsky's fault, too? Please. Some of Ralph Blundo's former players didn't make it in a college career, either. So is that his fault, too?
Bill: Mike, with the hoops season cancelled by the PIAA, looking into your "what if" crystal ball what remaining WPIAL girls hoop teams had a chance at state gold...NA, Chartiers Valley, Trinity, North Catholic, Mohwak, Beaver, Ellis School, Rochester ?
Mike White: NA, Chartiers Valley and maybe North Catholic probably had best chances.
GH: Has anybody in WPIAL history ever gone directly to the pros in either basketball or football?
Mike White: No one anywhere has gone directly to pros in football. Not allowed. And no, not in basketball, either.
Guest: Hi Mike - the alltime Fab 5 article was really good. There was somebody that didn't have the high school credentials as those players...he was a late bloomer. However, he had a pretty good pro career. Do you have any memories of Armin Gilliam of Bethel Park. I know he has since past away
Mike White: Armon had a great career. But for purposes of the Fab 5 teams, only players who made Fab 5 were considered. We did it because it was the 40th anniversary of Fab 5. As for Armon, I remember him. I saw him play also. Bethel beat USC and Joe David. Armon didn't deserve Fab 5. Wasn't even close to it. He got into basketball late. I think he was a wrestler. He started to come on as a senior. But he was so raw. I seem to remember he averaged about 10 pts a game as a senior. He went to junior college and really blossomed - both physically and with his talent. Then went to UNLV and took off.
D1 Recruits: Who are the biggest recruits in WPIAL basketball for the upcoming season? Gallagher seems to be the obvious prize jewel. Does Carney have division 1 offers? Any other obvious D1s out there?
Mike White: Senior class next year will be down, as far as college recruiting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not aware of any current juniors who have Division I offers. Carney is only a sophomore. The only offer I know of for him is St. Francis. But like I said, he is only 10th grade.
Zman: Mike my question about coaches before, did Tim Sweeney just luck into good players when he resurrected Derry football? Or Palko when he first went to WA? Yes talent is most important but I was looking for a personal trait these guys have that maybe other coaches don’t?
Mike White: A coach can make a world of difference. Some guys just have "it" to build a program and make a winner, whatever "it" is. But I know some really good coaches in some sports that you don't hear much about because they just don't have the talent. However, a really good coach can sometimes make a sub-par team competitive. A lot of things go into making a good coach. I wouldn't say it's one thing.
cyber Sal: I have been told that there are a large number of kids who do not play for their school but rather just play AAU basketball. This surprised me. Is that a trend you are aware of?
Mike White: Well since AAU basketball doesn't go on during the high school season, I think you're a little off base. Kids don't start up with AAU teams until after the season. Some kids might play CYO ball instead of high school. But I don't think there are a ton of high-level players that are being overlooked because they're playing CYO.
Tha Un-informed truth: Seems like "tha truth" is assuming the dice kids had their crap together. It's not always a coaches fault a kid doesn't pan out. Horse to water and all that...
Mike White: Amen, far out and solid.
Mark: Mike, who had more NBA players, WPIAL or City League? I can think of these guys immediately, WPIAL - Fortson, McConnell, and flyin Myron Brown, City: Blair and Mo Lucas.
Mike White: The WPIAL has had more NBA players. Not even close. But you can't compare the two. There are more than 100 schools in WPIAL basketball. City League in its heyday, might have had 14-15 schools at most. Lots of WPIAL NBA guys before 1970s that maybe you hand't heard of.
Mike White: Hey, that's about it for now. Time for turkey sandwich that my beautiful, wonderful wife just brought home for lunch. I guess we can keep this going. Let's meet again next Tuesday at 11 a.m.
First Published: April 21, 2020, 1:25 p.m.