We see certain politicians smirk and smugly say “Why haven’t Democrats gotten it done?” Two words: Conservative Congress. American voters have been putting conservative Republicans in control of law-making and budgets for 22 of the past 30 years in Washington D.C. and 30 of the past 34 years in Pennsylvania.
Our profit-driven media loves to pump up the drama for higher ratings and advertising revenue, so they create the illusion that everything changes when the political party in the White House changes.
That’s not how the Constitution works. Congress makes the laws, not presidents.
Clinton and Obama got 2 years each with a Democratic Congress. Voters gave President Biden a 50-50 Congress with independent Joe Manchin and his fellow moderately conservative Senate pals dictating what Biden-Harris could and couldn’t do.
It’s been Groundhog Day for 30 years. Democratic presidential candidates make promises; Republican Congresses cancel them. No help for seniors with nursing home costs or home health care, no affordable housing or childcare programs, no raise in that $7.25 an hour minimum wage. Conservatives cancelled all of it.
Always unhappy with America’s direction? Why do you keep voting to put conservatives in charge?
Dean Orfanoyannis
McKees Rocks
This is the last of the special readers election letters sections. We still welcome letters for publication on Sunday. Please send them (maximum 200 words) to letters@post-gazette.com for consideration. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.
First Published: October 30, 2024, 3:14 p.m.