It’s great seeing Top Gun Maverick climb the all-time domestic gross movie charts. And since all six films currently above it are essentially glorified cartoons that don’t exist without CGI, green-screens, and digital effects, Tom Cruise’s pet project is already the #1-grossing “real and practical effects” movie. As a film showcasing the outermost physical limits of humans operating rocket-fast tech, it’s far more engaging than mutant skills of fantasy heroes, or worlds generated by pixels.
No fan of Top Gun, I find its sequel to be almost perfect cinema. A theater screen is ideal for the scenes involving jets, particularly a breathtaking final act that sends audience fingernails deep into armrests. The script excels, too, with a well-defined mission against an unnamed enemy running parallel to the sensitive tale of a once-cocky fighter pilot showing age, remorse, and vulnerability.
Sick of Democrat leaders and others who do nothing but denigrate and poison America, I enjoyed the rush of hope and patriotic pride the film gave me. Pride in a country founded by men brilliant enough to craft government that would someday end an atrocity entirely unsolvable in 1787.
Hope for its citizens to realize how the Democrats’ radical agenda erodes precious liberties.
Most movie-goers may not experience what I felt. I doubt the film’s producers intended such a political reaction. What they did intend and delivered was the best movie experience in years. See it in theaters. May the G-force be with you.
Robert Szypulski
First Published: August 14, 2022, 4:00 a.m.