I was so excited to read the Aug. 9 editorial “Cast a Wider News Net” about the critical importance of getting two different points of view from competing news sources.
When I was a boy growing up in the ’60s in the Mon Valley, at a time when most people didn’t read even one newspaper, I noticed that my dad bought two. This seemed redundant to me.
So one day I asked him why he bought two newspapers.
His answer has remained with me for a half-century.
He said, “to get two different points of view.”
This is a message I have taught my children. The only way to arrive at the truth is to read everything.
Watch Fox. Watch MSNBC. Read The New York Times. Read The Wall Street Journal. Read the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Read and watch everything, and then apply your common sense.
That way you will make an intelligent decision about the things that affect our country and society.
Forest Hills
First Published: August 14, 2020, 4:00 a.m.