Allow me to commend the Post-Gazette on the Nov. 25 story “Hiding Behind God.” As one who was an altar server for two of the identified alleged predator priests and subsequently interacted with several clerical and lay persons associated with this sad saga, I have a very personal interest in this story.
Of particular note are the unidentified attorneys involved in the August 1978 meeting with the two victims and their mother. Absent the improper harsh grilling and intimidation that they were subjected to that resulted in the withdrawal of charges, many later victimizations could have been avoided.
Despite the “memory lapses,” it is imperative that this event continue to be investigated. Had these charges been pursued, they could have prompted earlier intervention to contain these criminal actions and the associated psychological trauma and shaken faith that have resulted. The two victims and their mother should feel no remorse for their actions. It was the legal system that failed and those then associated with it should be remorseful.
North Fayette
First Published: November 29, 2018, 5:00 a.m.