The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority should seriously consider two offers to acquire PWSA, one from Peoples Gas (July 3, “Peoples Gas Seeks to Create Water Utility”) and another from Pennsylvania American Water (July 2, “Pennsylvania American Eyes PWSA for Acquisition, Pushes Consolidation”), both well-managed companies and good corporate citizens.
One of our region’s most important assets is our access to a reliable and abundant source of potable water. This is in sharp contrast with many areas of the United States and the world. In recent years, that resource has been compromised by the poor stewardship of the city of Pittsburgh and PWSA. Mayor Bill Peduto, who is always quick to take credit for anything positive that occurs, appoints the PWSA board and subsequently complains about its performance as if he has no responsibility. The city of Pittsburgh has clearly demonstrated it cannot manage PWSA.
Although the mayor generally has shown disdain for the private sector, he should recognize his failure and protect our future by entertaining these legitimate offers.
Former Allegheny County Executive
Former Chairman PWSA
First Published: July 6, 2018, 4:00 a.m.