Throughout most of American history, there have been alternatives to the dominant two parties, usually on the extreme left or right fringes of the political spectrum. The Libertarian Party is different, neither extreme left or extreme right, but the party of “live and let live,” the party that sees everyone as a unique and responsible individual.
We want people to be able to live their lives their own way, as opposed to Donald Trump’s way or Kamala Harris’ way. People should be free to follow their dreams and ambitions wherever they may lead, as long as they do not interfere with their neighbors’ equal rights to live their own lives.
In other words, it is never right to use force against another person, other than in self defense, even if you are an agent of the government.
Considering Trump and Harris
Considering the quality of the presidential candidates being offered to us by the Democratic and Republican parties, this would be a very good year to consider the Libertarian alternative. The two greatest dangers our country currently faces are the unsustainable national debt and the risk that one of our foreign military adventures will result in World War III.
Neither of the two candidates is even talking about these issues, let alone proposing to do anything about them. Either one would continue ramping up government spending and sending troops overseas.
The Libertarian alternative would bring smaller government and more personal freedom to the American people. We have a slogan that says that government should stay out of our wallets and out of our bedrooms.
Thus we would cut spending, cut taxes, cut business regulations, and get rid of laws that restrict our personal lifestyle choices. Libertarians believe in a balanced budget that would enable us to finally begin paying down the massive national debt.
Libertarians believe in a non-interventionist foreign policy, as envisioned by the founding fathers. We would cut the defense budget down to the minimum necessary to support a military capable of defending our country from foreign attack. There would be no more getting involved in countless skirmishes around the world, which serve as tripwires to involve us in larger conflicts. Thus the chances of inadvertently getting sucked into a new world war would be much reduced.
Intervention fails
The “war on drugs” has been a colossal failure. Libertarians believe that decriminalizing drugs, as Portugal has done, would save countless lives lost due to overdoses and tainted drugs. Drug prohibition, like the failed experiment in alcohol prohibition, has done more harm than the drugs themselves.
The Federal Reserve was created with the mandate to ensure stable money. Instead, we have had nothing but inflation in almost every year since then. In fact, the Fed’s misguided target of 2% inflation guarantees that the value of our dollars will continually decline. Libertarians would end the Fed and restore sound money.
The Libertarian Party was founded in 1972 in response to President Nixon’s action to impose wage and price controls. It was once thought that the Republican Party was the party of free enterprise and the Democratic Party was the party of industrial policy and control. Nixon’s action made it clear that this was no longer true, and showed the need for a new real free market party. It is ironic that our current Democratic candidate for President is now calling for price controls!
Since 1972 we have run a Presidential candidate every four years, and in 2016 our candidate Gary Johnson hit a high water mark of 4.5 million votes. We have also run numerous candidates for state and local office in all 50 states. Currently there is one elected Libertarian Party legislator in Wyoming. In the past we have had a handful of other elected state legislators in Alaska and New Hampshire.
In Pennsylvania there are approximately 45,000 registered Libertarian Party members. We currently have 108 elected Libertarians serving in office; this is more than in any other state. This year we have candidates on the ballot for all of the statewide races, as well as numerous state legislative candidates.
The Libertarian choice
This year’s Libertarian Party Presidential candidate is Chase Oliver, who is on the ballot in 48 of the 50 states, including Pennsylvania. Of course, realistically Chase is not going to win the election. So why vote for a Libertarian?
A vote for Chase is not a wasted vote. On the contrary, it is the only way to send a message that you are not happy with the way our country is being led. A quote often attributed to Albert Einstein says, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Continuing to vote for the Republicans and Democrats who have us gotten to where we are now is indeed insane. Consider sending the message that it is time to end the insanity.
Henry Haller, a former Libertarian party candidate for lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania, has served on the platform committee of the national Libertarian Party and is treasurer of the party’s Allegheny County chapter.
First Published: October 29, 2024, 9:30 a.m.