It’s another step in the pharmaceutical industry’s long game in growing its market by widening the diagnostic net to pull in lots of perfectly normal folks. Making people worried that they’re sick when they’re probably not is an effective business strategy for selling the drug that may cure the disease they probably don’t have.
In this case, it’s the Alzheimer’s market. Eli Lilly aims to create a sense of urgency for Kisunla (also known as donanemab), its new anti-amyloid treatment for early Alzheimer’s disease. But while early treatment of, say, diabetes, can avoid long-term health risks, “early” treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with the class of drugs that includes Kisunla can only hurt people.
Unproven hypothesis
When Lilly first developed anti-amyloid drugs decades ago, the company promoted the idea that amyloid (sticky plaque in older brains) was the “bad guy” in Alzheimer’s disease. That unproven hypothesis took hold.
In fact, there is no evidence that amyloid plaque in the brain is associated with cognitive function or that removing it will improve clinical outcomes. One in three cognitively normal elders over 70 have amyloid plaque; by age 95 over half do. Most amyloid carriers will never develop dementia.
Nevertheless, Lilly’s current marketing message is that there’s no time to wait to remove amyloid plaques from brains. “Time is Hiding Something,” an unbranded website targeting health care providers, encourages early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease through the use of blood tests and PET scans that identify amyloid. Lilly is pitching the same message to the public.
Olympic viewers saw ads featuring a Paralympian warning of the signs of early symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease and encouraging them to visit “More Than Normal Aging.”
The website raises concerns about memory issues such as misplaced keys and encourages a trip to the doctor for anyone experiencing symptoms that are really associated with normal aging. Conveniently, Lilly offers a series of questions to ask the doctor, with half of them focused on amyloid.
Pharmaceutical companies can make money off the tests, too: Lilly makes Amyvid and Tauvid imaging agents for PET scans, and is developing a blood test with Roche.
As soon as Kisunla was approved, branded websites appeared. The prescriber site promotes the drug with a marketing-friendly presentation of clinical data and, for those who prefer video, registration for talks by Lilly-funded physicians.
A headline boasts, “Kisunla gives you the power to help slow cognitive and functional decline in patients with early symptomatic AD.” In fact, while the rate of cognitive decline in the group treated with donanemab was statistically less than placebo, the difference was not clinically meaningful and would not be enough for a patient or family member to notice.
Lilly’s plan
The branded consumer website warns of the consequences of amyloid plaque, associating amyloid build up with difficulty remembering appointments, finding the right names, or retaining new information — all issues that can certainly be associated with normal aging.
If all goes according to Lilly’s plan, people with completely normal cognition will be eligible for donanemab. The mere presence of amyloid plaques in cognitively normal people will be sufficient to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease.
Donanemab does remove amyloid plaque, and as long as people think that clearing amyloid plaque improves cognition, that’s all Lilly needs for a marketing message. If these drugs were harmless, these campaigns would be less important, but donanemab comes with serious risks.
Three donanemab-treated clinical trial participants died from brain bleeding or swelling, an adverse effect experienced by more than one in three participants in the clinical trials. Even when these brain injuries were asymptomatic, moderate or severe cases require stopping donanemab until the bleed or swelling resolves.
Will patients on these drugs get the regular MRIs that were done in the trial to detect bleeding or swelling before it’s too late? Donanemab treated participants also showed an accelerating rate of brain shrinkage in comparison to placebo. Reduction in brain volume can be expected to worsen cognition over time.
Those with a gene linked to Alzheimer’s disease, ApoE ε4, are at much greater risk for brain bleeding and swelling. According to the label, “testing for ApoE ε4 status should be performed prior to initiation of treatment” to determine risk of brain bleeding and swelling. However, the label continues on to explain that there are no FDA-authorized tests for this status, so this information is useless.
Wrong approval
The FDA should not have approved donanemab. The European Medicines Agency recently rejected lecanemab, another anti-amyloid drug approved in the U.S. with a similar risk-benefit profile as donanemab, because the safety concerns of brain bleeding and swelling outweighed the small impact on slowing of cognitive decline. Donanemab is currently being considered by EMA.
Andrew Lechleiter, Lilly’s vice president of Alzheimer’s disease marketing, describes a marketing push with a goal to “light a fire at the earliest stages in primary care.” Now’s the time to douse that fire and protect elders from the risks of anti-amyloid treatments.
Judy Butler is a research fellow at PharmedOut. Adriane Fugh-Berman is professor at the Georgetown University Medical Center, where she also directs PharmedOut.
First Published: August 20, 2024, 9:30 a.m.