Imagine, for a moment, that you are Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Mt. Lebanon. He represents a swing district. He has the left flank of the Democratic Party demanding that he oppose President Donald Trump at every turn, while the Republicans insist that he oppose Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at every turn.
Mr. Lamb’s Republican opponent is encouraging political violence and division with a Twitter hashtag — #SilenceTheLamb — and demanding unquestioning loyalty to the president.
Mr. Lamb will meet with anyone. He doesn’t pit one side against the other. He reminds us, at every opportunity, that we are all Americans. He didn’t go to Washington, D.C., to impeach the president — he went to reach across the aisle and work with the president to serve both the Democrats and Republicans in his district.
And yet, when the president committed an offense so brazenly corrupt that there was no other option but to impeach him, Mr. Lamb chose his oath to the Constitution against the very real threat he may lose his seat (Dec. 13, “Lamb, Citing Oath to Protect Country, to Vote for Articles of Impeachment”).
Ask yourself if Sean Parnell would do the same. Ask yourself how you’d like to be remembered in this moment.
For the sake of America, democracy and freedom, I hope and pray the future is filled with more men and women like Mr. Lamb.
Mt. Lebanon
First Published: December 18, 2019, 5:00 a.m.