WILKES-BARRE — First came the morning apology from Department of Corrections Secretary John Wetzel. Then came the afternoon calls for his firing by state lawmakers. And finally, Gov. Tom Wolf on Tuesday night removed Mr. Wetzel from the decision-making process about whether to close State Correctional Institution at Retreat, pledging the possible closure will get a fresh, thorough look.
During a whirlwind day on the heated topic, three state lawmakers from Luzerne County — Reps. Gerald Mullery (D-Newport Township), Mike Carroll (D- Avoca), and Eddie Day Pashinski (D-Wilkes-Barre) — urged their fellow Democrat, Mr. Wolf, to fire Mr. Wetzel after new open microphone comments surfaced from a recent hearing about the proposed closure of the State Correctional Institution-Retreat in Newport.
“Honestly, we’re just making it look like I’m paying attention. I just want people to think that I’m paying attention,” Mr. Wetzel was heard saying while whispering to a deputy during a break in the hearing at Greater Nanticoke Area High School that was attended by hundreds of people.
The lawmakers condemned the comment as an indication that a decision was already made in violation of the law and that Mr. Wetzel didn’t care what the people had to say.
“What are we, or anyone hearing such a comment, to think about the sincerity, professionalism, or empathy of the person making this statement? Secretary Wetzel confirmed what many believed, that neither he nor your administration take Act 133 seriously,” reads the statement from the lawmakers to Mr. Wolf. “Without doubt, Secretary Wetzel’s comments are in violation of the spirit of Act 133 if not the letter of the law. He proved the public hearing was nothing more than a charade. Upon making his comments, Secretary Wetzel removed all doubt that he possesses the ability or temperament to remain in his position and make an unbiased recommendation regarding the closure of SCI-Retreat.”
Mr. Wetzel made the remarks prior to the public comment section of the hearing, a forum required under Act 133. The law also requires an administration to compile a cost analysis that takes into consideration the public safety impact, the local economy, loss of local tax revenue and proposals for repurposing a facility.
Mr. Wetzel, who faced criticism last week for other open microphone comments that surfaced from the hearing, issued a statement to The Citizens’ Voice on Tuesday morning prior to the calls for his firing.
“During the SCI-Retreat closure hearing, I made several comments that were inappropriate and insensitive to the process and the people sharing their comments and concerns about the potential closing of SCI-Retreat. I am very sorry and deserve all the criticism for my comments,” Mr. Wetzel said. “Unfortunately, my comments have created a distraction from what is most important — the staff and community. I’ve said it before, closing a prison is one of the most difficult decisions I’ve had to make. I respect the process and will continue to work through it as directed by the legislature, analyzing and considering the community and staff concerns before making a final decision.”
At the recent hearing, state lawmakers, union officials and prison staff members made impassioned pleas to Mr. Wetzel to keep the prison open. During a break in the proceedings, Mr. Wetzel is seen laughing and whispering to a deputy, but his comments were captured by microphones at his table.
The full video of the hearing — including the open microphone portions — was later published on the Department of Corrections You Tube page.
The representatives, Mr. Mullery, Mr. Pashinski and Mr. Carroll, demanded Mr. Wolf fire Mr. Wetzel immediately.
“You cannot sit idly by and allow members of your cabinet to lead with such callousness, especially at this time of great importance when the closure of this facility is under consideration. We firmly believe the safety of all Pennsylvanians is at stake and certainly the lives of the 400 employees and the economic stability of an entire region,” they concluded.
Previously, Mr. Wetzel took fire last week for another comment from the hearing that was caught on the open microphone.
“This does [stink]. I wish I didn’t have to close this [expletive]. It is what it is,” Mr. Wetzel said.
A final decision on SCI-Retreat’s fate was expected the first week of December, but Mr. Wolf’s spokesman issued a statement Tuesday night that said the possible closure will get a new review with someone else leading the process. While the statement didn’t address Mr. Wetzel’s future with the department, it said Mr. Wolf has removed Mr. Wetzel from the process regarding SCI-Retreat’s future.
Prior to Mr. Wolf’s announcement, Sens. John Yudichak (D-Luzerne), and Lisa Baker (R-Luzerne), issued a joint statement criticizing the latest comments from Mr. Wetzel that surfaced. They asked Mr. Wolf to “immediately halt” the plans to close SCI-Retreat, arguing Mr. Wetzel’s words show the decision was made prior to the hearing in violation of the law.
Additionally, they said it appears Mr. Wolf’s decision to close SCI-Retreat and the White Haven Center for the intellectually disabled in White Haven, both which employ about 400 people, was done without transparency.
“This has been a recurring problem in the administration. Folks in the community have long suspected this was the attitude of state officials, and now words seem to confirm it. The people of Luzerne County deserve better than gallows humor and a feigned interest in an objective and transparent process to evaluate if closing SCI-Retreat is detrimental to public safety and a serious economic blow to the area,” the statement said. “It is bad enough that the administration is ripping over 800 jobs out of the Luzerne County economy and disrupting the lives of thousands of people, we now have to suffer the indignity of being told our voices do not matter even though the law, Act 133, requires that the Department of Corrections listen to the people impacted by the closure of SCI-Retreat.”
On Tuesday evening, Mr. Yudichak issued a statement saluting Mr. Wolf for removing Mr. Wetzel and agreeing to restart the decision-making process.
“I have spoken directly with Governor Wolf and Secretary Wetzel to express my profound disappointment that adherence to Act 133, which governs prison closures in Pennsylvania, is being handled in such a cavalier manner and the people of Luzerne County are being treated so disrespectfully by the Department of Corrections,” Mr. Yudichak said. “Governor Wolf has listened to our concerns and removed Secretary Wetzel from the decision to close SCI-Retreat and will restart the Act 133 process to ensure the people of Luzerne County who are fighting for their jobs and their communities are appropriately heard by the Department of Corrections.”
Larry Blackwell, president of the Pennsylvania State Correctional Officers Association, also issued a statement criticizing Mr. Wetzel’s words and the process behind the possible closure of SCI-Retreat.
“It’s easy to say it was a joke or poor humor, but words have meaning. It’s clear to any objective observer that his words show this public hearing was a sham and the decision has already been made to close SCI-Retreat in violation of state law,” Mr. Blackwell said. “Corrections officers, business owners, elected officials and residents all went there to make a case to save their community. They deserve so much better than this, and so do all Pennsylvania residents. More than half of all parolees return to jail within three years. Yet, the commonwealth is rushing to close prisons to save money at the expense of the public’s safety.”
First Published: October 30, 2019, 2:41 p.m.