At this time of year, it’s easy to spot the crescent smile outline of the constellation Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. For the Ancient Greeks and Romans, this crown was a celestial wedding present from Aphrodite (Venus) to Ariadne, Princess of Crete.
The Shawnee people, who have lived in the Pittsburgh region since the 1700s, look to Corona Borealis and behold “The Celestial Sisters.” The heavenly sisters descended nightly to dance on Earth. The mighty hunter, White Hawk, fell in love with the most beautiful sister. They married, but she remained homesick for the heavens. She secretly intoned a magic chant and returned to the sky in a silver basket. She became the star Arcturus in Bootes, with her sisters sparkling nearby in Corona Borealis.
The Ojibwe people see Corona Borealis as a sweat lodge and nearby Hercules as the exhausted bather, his spirit renewed by a purification ceremony. The Iroquois and Algonquin tribes see a celestial bear den, fashioned from the stars of Corona Borealis and two stars from neighboring Bootes. Ursa Major, the Great Bear, emerged from this den after hibernation.
On Tuesday night, you might see Corona Borealis as the “scoop” that fell off the ice cream cone shape of stars that form the nearby constellation, Bootes. That “scoop” of stars will lead you to the upside-down letter H figure of the constellation Hercules.
First Published: August 3, 2021, 10:00 a.m.