A handful of the demonstrators who have been protesting weekly outside Sen. Pat Toomey’s Pittsburgh office got to meet the object of their disaffection on Thursday.
“We had a very respectful exchange with the senator,” said Jill Helbling, one of those organizing weekly “Tuesday with Toomey” protests outside the Pennsylvania Republican’s Station Square office. The demonstrations have raised a variety of issues since January, with protesters sharing concerns with office staff. At this week’s protest, five participants were invited to meet with Mr. Toomey himself.
“We obviously have differences of opinion about policy, but he was actively listening,” said Ms. Helbling. “We’ll see how that pans out in future votes.”
In a statement, Mr. Toomey said “the conversation, while serious in nature was civil and provided me with the opportunity to listen to their concerns.”
The discussion followed a similar meeting Tuesday in Harrisburg, and both sides say it covered a range of issues: the fate of the Affordable Care Act, immigration policy, and fracking for natural gas.
Ms. Helbling said the group also brought up concerns about the proposed First Amendment Defense Act, which would bar the federal government from acting against individuals or entities that discriminate against LGBT Americans. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has pledged to introduce such a measure this year.
A spokesman said Mr. Toomey’s office is reviewing the matter, but Ms. Helbling said she was “pleasantly surprised by the comments he made about LGBT protection.” The senator has charted a middling course on LGBT issues: He has opposed same-sex marriage but supported a 2013 measure barring job discrimination against gays and lesbians.
But the group also reiterated its long-standing request for a broader town hall meeting. Mr. Toomey held a recent telephone town hall, but he and other Republicans have eschewed large gatherings in the face of Democratic anger over President Donald Trump’s election last year.
“We tried to make it clear that while we very much appreciated the meeting, there were only five of us, and a lot of people want to engage with him,” Ms. Helbling said.
Mr. Toomey’s staff said he has no town hall meetings scheduled. Ms. Helbling didn’t expect that to change.
“I plan to be outside his office again next week,” she said.
Chris Potter: cpotter@post-gazette.com or 412-263-2533.
First Published: February 24, 2017, 5:01 a.m.