In addition to choosing among a slew of candidates, Allegheny County voters also will decide ballot questions on Tuesday.
One pertains to amending the county home rule charter to provide county council members an annual salary of $10,939. Now, council members can earn up to that amount each year, based on how many council meetings they attend. They receive the full amount if they attend 20 of the 24 scheduled meetings.
According to the League of Women Voters of Allegheny County, “The change from a stipend to a salary is meant to recognize that County Council members are being compensated not only for their regular meeting attendance, but also for County Council duties performed outside of the meetings.”
Voters in Monroeville only will be asked whether they want to change the job description for hiring a municipal manager.
If the majority of voters vote “yes,” the job description would increase the amount of experience required in a similar position to eight years from the current five; a master’s degree would no longer be “preferred” but would be “desirable;” and the requirement that the manager lives in Monroeville would be eliminated.
The League of Women Voters says the change is proposed to attract more qualified people when a vacancy for manager occurs.
Voters will be asked whether they want vacancies in the office of commissioner to be filled by the appointment of a candidate living in the same ward until the next municipal election.
The explanation on the LWV website says a yes vote would mean Mt. Lebanon will give “individuals appointed to fill vacancies an opportunity to serve for a meaningful amount of time and will move elections to fill vacancies into the already-established 2-year Municipal Election cycle. The change will eliminate confusion and better serve voters.”
Residents will see two questions on their ballots.
One would require the township to hire a licensed public accounting firm to conduct independent audits of township accounts. The current charter requires audits to be performed by elected auditors.
The explanation of the proposed change, according to the LWV: “The Township’s elected officials believe that residents are best served by using an unaffiliated, fully licensed CPA firm to audit Township finances and assure that Township financial practices meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.”
The second question would authorize a fire tax not to exceed one-half mill, or the equivalent of $50 per each $100,000 of assessed value on all taxable real estate. Currently the charter authorizes a fire protection fee of $40 per household and $100 per business.
The explanation, according to the LWV: Costs have increased since the current fire protection fees were set in 2006. If the majority of voters votes “yes” to this question, “the Fire Tax shall be implemented to replace the Fire Protection Fee.”
First Published: November 5, 2023, 10:30 a.m.
Updated: November 7, 2023, 3:57 p.m.