Washington Football Team coach Ron Rivera has been diagnosed with skin cancer, a person with knowledge of the situation confirmed Thursday night.
“I was stunned,” Mr. Rivera said in an interview with ESPN, which first reported the news. “But I was angry because I feel like I feel like I’m in best health I’ve been in.”
The disease is reportedly in the early stages and considered “very treatable and curable,” according to the network. Mr. Rivera’s form of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, can be disfiguring and dangerous, but the majority of cases are “easily and successfully treated,” according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
“I’m planning to go on coaching,” Mr. Rivera told ESPN. “Doctors encouraged me to do it, too. They said, ‘If you feel strongly, do it. Don’t slow down, do your physical activities.’ But everyone keeps telling me by week three or four, you’ll start feeling it.”
Mr. Rivera, 58, reportedly discovered the cancer on his neck through a self-check in early July. He has since consulted with several doctors and specialists to determine a treatment plan with an outside specialist. He will remain the coach for the time being, but there is reportedly a “Plan B” in place. Not long before he announced the diagnosis publicly, Mr. Rivera reportedly informed the team.
“Some were stunned,” Mr. Rivera told ESPN. “A bunch came up and wished me well. I said, ‘I’m going to be a little more cranky, so don’t (tick) me off.’ ”
SCC is the second-most common form of skin cancer, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Squamous cells are one of the three main cell types near the top layer of skin, and the cancer can appear as various sores, lesions and patches. Sun-exposed areas are particularly vulnerable, which explains why Mr. Rivera wore an extensive, white head-and-neck covering at Thursday’s practice.
Treatments include outpatient therapy and proton therapy, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.
At first, Mr. Rivera told ESPN he was diagnosed with lymph node cancer. The team later said he had SCC of the neck. Lymph nodes are small structures that filter out harmful substances, according to the American Cancer Society, so for that reason, it’s common for cancer to start elsewhere and spread to the lymph nodes. The neck is one of the most common places for lymph nodes to swell.
Shortly after the announcement of his diagnosis, support for Mr. Rivera poured out on social media. New team president Jason Wright tweeted his “prayers for health to the innate strength and deep resilience in [Mr. Rivera’s] body, mind, and Spirit.”
The team’s Twitter account wrote it was with Mr. Rivera, his wife Stephanie, his son Christopher and daughter Courtney, who is a social-media producer with the team. And, in keeping with his reputation as a loyal and respected “player’s coach,” Mr. Rivera’s current and former players took to social media to share words of surprise and encouragement.
“Praying for Coach Ron & the Rivera family ... sending y’all love, know Ron gonna beat this,” tweeted Carolina linebacker Shaq Thompson.
First Published: August 21, 2020, 3:15 a.m.