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The Rev. Monsignor Larry J. Kulick, 54, will be ordained and installed as the new bishop of the Greensburg Diocese on Feb. 11, according to the diocese.

Monsignor Kulick appointed new bishop of the Greensburg Diocese

Diocese of Greensburg

Monsignor Kulick appointed new bishop of the Greensburg Diocese

When he re­ceived a re­cent call from the Vat­i­can rep­re­sen­ta­tive to this coun­try, Mon­signor Larry J. Ku­lick thought he might be re­ceiv­ing an up­date on the search for a new leader of the Roman Cath­o­lic Dio­cese of Greens­burg.

Mon­signor Ku­lick had been serv­ing as ad­min­is­tra­tor of the di­o­cese since Sep­tem­ber, when pre­vi­ous Bishop Edward Male­sic be­came bishop of Cleve­land.

What Mon­signor Ku­lick didn’t ex­pect was that he would get the as­sign­ment him­self — that Pope Francis had named him the next bishop of Greens­burg.


It was the ec­cle­si­as­ti­cal equiv­a­lent of of­fer­ing a per­ma­nent job to the temp.

“What I heard so clearly was an in­vi­ta­tion to serve” and as a “tre­men­dous bo­nus and bless­ing, to con­tinue to serve in the Dio­cese of Greens­burg,” he said Fri­day at a news con­fer­ence at Christ Our Shep­herd Center, a church con­fer­ence cen­ter in Greens­burg.

While bish­ops are typ­i­cally ap­pointed from out­side of a di­o­cese, it’s not rare to have a na­tive of that di­o­cese be­come its bishop. The most re­cent two bish­ops of the Dio­cese of Pitts­burgh, David Zubik and Don­ald Wuerl, grew up and be­came priests in that di­o­cese, but re­turned home only af­ter each served as bishop in an­other di­o­cese.

But Mon­signor Ku­lick said it’s more un­usual for a priest to be ap­pointed di­rectly from within a di­o­cese and for a tem­po­rary ad­min­is­tra­tor to find his care­taker role turned into a per­ma­nent one.


He said it may re­flect Pope Francis’ em­pha­sis on pas­to­ral lead­ers — “to have bish­ops be­ing named who are from their own di­o­cese, who know their di­o­cese and who are called to shep­herd in the di­o­cese they were raised and served in.”

Mon­signor Ku­lick, 54, will be or­dained and in­stalled as bishop on Feb. 11 at Blessed Sac­ra­ment Ca­the­dral in Greens­burg, ac­cord­ing to the di­o­cese.

“This is the di­o­cese in which I was born, bap­tized, re­ceived all of my sac­ra­ments, was or­dained and served as a priest for 28 years,” he said. “I do not un­der­es­ti­mate this priv­i­lege, nor do I take it lightly. I prom­ise our Holy Father and each of you that I will strive to ... be the best shep­herd I can.”

A na­tive of Leech­burg, he grew up at the for­mer St. Martha Par­ish, an eth­nic Slo­vak con­gre­ga­tion where he de­vel­oped his af­fin­ity for Slo­vak re­li­gious and cul­tural tra­di­tions. He grad­u­ated from St. Joseph High School in the Natrona Heights sec­tion of Har­ri­son, Saint Vin­cent Col­lege and Saint Vin­cent Sem­i­nary.

Mon­signor Ku­lick is a canon law­yer and has served as the pas­tor at St. James Church in New Al­ex­an­dria since 2012. He’s a clas­sic-car en­thu­si­ast, with an af­fin­ity for Pon­ti­acs, which he has brought to the par­ish’s an­nual car cruises.

The term mon­signor is an hon­or­ific usu­ally given to a priest who has per­formed an im­por­tant ser­vice or holds an im­por­tant po­si­tion.

He will be the sixth bishop to lead the di­o­cese. The first five came from other di­o­ceses in Penn­syl­va­nia.

The Rev. Tho­mas Reese, a Reli­gion News Ser­vice col­um­nist, said ap­point­ments such as this have some prece­dent. “A di­oc­e­san ad­min­is­tra­tor is nor­mally some­one with com­pe­tence and stand­ing in the di­o­cese, so he would be a some­one who would be con­sid­ered a can­di­date,” said Father Reese, a priest and au­thor of books on the Cath­o­lic hi­er­ar­chy.

The Greens­burg Dio­cese in­cludes 78 par­ishes in Arm­strong, Fay­ette, In­di­ana and West­more­land coun­ties.

It has 126,649 Cath­o­lics, ac­cord­ing to the 2020 Of­fi­cial Cath­o­lic Direc­tory. Like many Cath­o­lic di­o­ceses in the re­gion, its ranks of mem­bers have been aging and de­creas­ing amid de­mo­graphic shifts and grow­ing sec­u­lar­i­za­tion. The church has lost 14% of mem­bers in the past five years and nearly a third in the past 20 years.

For those who have been ac­tive in their par­ishes, he ap­pealed to them to con­tinue to be so and to ex­pand their work where they can.

He apol­o­gized to vic­tims of sex­ual abuse, say­ing he has met “face to face” with sur­vi­vors and would do what he could to help them and pre­vent fu­ture abuse.

The di­o­cese was one of six named in a 2018 state­wide grand jury re­port, which said 20 of its priests had been ac­cused since the di­o­cese’s cre­ation in 1951. The di­o­cese has paid $5.9 mil­lion from a com­pen­sa­tion fund to 72 sur­vi­vors.

He ac­knowl­edged the im­pact of the cor­o­navi­rus.

“Mass at­ten­dance is 30 to 40% of pre-pan­demic lev­els,” he said, and im­pact­ing fi­nan­cial giv­ing. “But I want you to know that even dur­ing the pan­demic, God’s work con­tin­ues.”

He ap­plauded Cath­o­lics’ re­sponses to the pan­demic in mo­bi­liz­ing to aid the needy and pro­vid­ing for min­is­try re­motely and in per­son us­ing safety pre­cau­tions.

He also pledged to con­tinue the di­o­cese’s re­sponse to the opi­oid ep­i­demic in the re­gion, which was a pri­or­ity of Bishop Male­sic’s work.

Reli­gious lead­ers from the re­gion ap­plauded his ap­point­ment.

“He has been a very good friend to our con­gre­ga­tion,” said Sis­ter Cath­er­ine Meinert, pro­vin­cial su­pe­rior of the U.S. Prov­ince of the Greens­burg-based Sis­ters of Char­ity of Seton Hill. “Our prayers will be with him as he as­sumes lead­er­ship of our di­o­cese.”

Mon­signor Ray­mond Rif­fle, rec­tor of Blessed Sac­ra­ment Ca­the­dral and di­rec­tor of Cath­o­lic Char­i­ties for the di­o­cese, has known Mon­signor Ku­lick since the early 1990s, when they served at the same par­ish.

“When ... he is talk­ing with you, that’s where his at­ten­tion is, and you def­i­nitely know that he is in­ter­ested in what you have to say and that it is im­por­tant that he hear it,” said Mon­signor Rif­fle. “He has al­ways ev­i­denced that de­sire to be con­nected to the peo­ple.”

“Bishop-elect Ku­lick is an amaz­ing pas­tor and an out­stand­ing ad­min­is­tra­tor,” said Bishop Zubik in a state­ment. “I have known him since he was a sem­i­nary stu­dent. He was im­pres­sive then and even more so now.”

The Rev. Liddy Bar­low, ex­ec­u­tive min­is­ter for Chris­tian As­so­ci­ates of South­west Penn­syl­va­nia, an ec­u­men­i­cal or­ga­ni­za­tion of Cath­o­lic, Ortho­dox and Prot­es­tant de­nom­i­na­tions, said Mon­signor Ku­lick has “demon­strated a strong in­ter­est in ec­u­menism and a warm, pas­to­ral heart.”

Arch­ab­bot Mar­tin de Porres Bar­tel of Saint Vin­cent Arch­ab­bey in Latrobe noted that Mon­signor Ku­lick stud­ied at its af­fil­i­ated col­lege and sem­i­nary. “We are so pleased that ‘one of our own’ will take the helm as our chief shep­herd,” he said in a state­ment. “We look for­ward to our con­tin­ued part­ner­ship with him.”

Peter Smith: peter­smith@post-ga­ or 412-263-1416; Twit­ter @PG_PeterSmith.

First Published: December 18, 2020, 11:39 a.m.

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The Rev. Monsignor Larry J. Kulick, 54, will be ordained and installed as the new bishop of the Greensburg Diocese on Feb. 11, according to the diocese.  (Diocese of Greensburg)
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Diocese of Greensburg
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