The Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh has hired two firms: one to investigate allegations of child sexual abuse involving clergy, and another to receive reports of any wrongdoing at diocese properties.
The diocese announced Tuesday that it is contracting with CSI Investigators Inc. to staff the diocesan Office for Investigations and Monitoring.
CSI will handle inquiries into allegations not under the jurisdiction of law enforcement and civil authorities, according to diocese officials.
Also, a third-party service called Ethics Point will set up a 24-hour hotline where anyone can anonymously report suspected misconduct — whether financial, professional or personal — at any parish, school or diocesan office.
Bishop David Zubik said the new service will operate in addition to the existing clergy abuse hotline (1-888-808-1235) that the diocese set up in 2004. People can also call the state’s Childline hotline at 1-800-932-0313 if the victim is a minor.
He said the diocese will also continue to report all allegations of sexual abuse to law enforcement.
In announcing the new hotline, Bishop Zubik said: “Everyone who serves in this diocese, from the bishop to blue-collar workers, must be held to the same high standards of moral and professional behavior. Anyone must be able to report misconduct without fear of reprisal.”
The diocese said it will release more information on the new hotline once it’s fully operational. It said more than 30 other dioceses use Ethics Point.
In August 2018, a statewide grand jury reported on allegations of sexual abuse involving nearly 100 Pittsburgh priests over the past seven decades. Although most of the abuse occurred before 1990, much of it had not previously been revealed.
First Published: September 3, 2019, 2:57 p.m.
Updated: September 3, 2019, 3:05 p.m.