The Mall at Robinson has joined other local shopping centers in imposing a curfew for visitors under 18.
The mall now restricts young people without adult supervision from entering from 3 p.m. until its 8 p.m. closing on Fridays and Saturdays. It also said in a news release announcing the curfew that the “youth escort policy” can be implemented at management’s discretion at any other time deemed necessary.
Its policy, however, is less restrictive than one implemented last month at The Waterfront, the open-air center in Homestead, West Homestead and Munhall.
The Waterfront requires visitors under the age of 18 to be accompanied by an adult 21 or older after 6 p.m. every day.
The Monroeville Mall has had a curfew in effect since 2017 for shoppers under the age of 18 after 4 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. That mall had shooting incidents in 2015 and 2020.
The Mall at Robinson policy is in effect for the entire shopping center except stores with exterior entrances including Macy’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods and JCPenney. It includes walkways and any corridor leading to the mall, and unsupervised shoppers under the age of 18 can’t congregate in the mall parking lot.
The policy wasn’t enacted as a result of any single incident, according to a statement the mall issued.
“Our new youth escort policy was not developed in response to an incident, but instead is a proactive strategy focused on responsible behavior that is intended to benefit all shoppers,” the statement said, directing shoppers to for more information.
At The Waterfront, spokeswoman Emily Wittmer said the curfew there had posed no problems.
“It has gone exceedingly well, and our patrons have been respectful of the rules,” she said in response to emailed questions from the Post-Gazette.
The Mall at Robinson policy says that if the age of a youth, parent or legal guardian is in question, the person will be asked for photo identification issued by a state agency, school or employer.
Those whose age can’t be determined or have no identification will be asked to leave
Unescorted young people shopping Fridays and Saturdays before 3 p.m. must leave or be joined by a parent or guardian 21 or older at the curfew cutoff time.
Those who refuse to leave when requested to do so by mall security can be prosecuted for trespassing, the policy says.
Employees under 18 who work in the mall will be allowed access without a parent or legal guardian, but they must have proof of their work status and must go directly to their workplace. They also must leave the mall at the conclusion of their shift, if it’s after 3 p.m. on Friday or Saturday.
For mothers and fathers, one parent over 21 years old can escort all of their children. For unrelated groups, one parent or guardian over 21 can escort up to four youths, but at least one of the youngsters has to be a child of the adult.
First Published: March 6, 2023, 11:00 a.m.
Updated: March 7, 2023, 11:10 a.m.