Chartiers Valley school directors voted 6-2 June 25 to approve $67.4 million budget that includes a tax increase of 0.4885 mills.
The millage increase would mean a $48.85 increase in taxes per every $100,000 of assessed property value and bring the total millage to 17.5595, or about $1,756 on every $100,000 of assessed property value.
The tax increase is expected to generate about $1.1 million
Board members Mark Kuzinski, Darren Mariano, Robert Kearney, Eric Kraemer, Tony Mazzarini and Julie Murphy, voted for the budget. Brian Kopec and Jeff Choura voted no. Sandy Zeleznik was absent.
The district is using $602,253 from its risk management and $934,591 from debt service fund balances to balance the budget and is not using any of its unassigned fund balance to do so.
In other matters, Edward Joyner was named as the district’s safety and security coordinator and school police officer at a salary of $65,000 per year. He will start August 15.
Mr. Joyner will serve as the school liaison for the safety committee, department, law enforcement and other organizations and will coordinate training and resources for students and staff in matters related to situational awareness, trauma education, behavioral and mental health, substance abuse awareness and emergency procedures and training.
He has 27 years in law enforcement including time as a Pennsylvania State Trooper and a school police officer with Pittsburgh Public Schools as well as working as a personal assistant to Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.
Deana Carpenter, freelance writer:
First Published: June 26, 2019, 5:05 p.m.