Taxpayers in the Chartiers Valley School District can expect to see their taxes increase for the 2019-20 school year.
The school board approved a proposed $67.1 million budget with a 0.4885 mill increase at its May 28 meeting. The increase would bring the property tax rate to 17.5595 mills. The increase would amount to about $48 on every $100,000 of assessed property value.
“We are going to end the year at more of a deficit than we anticipated,” said Emily Eckman, director of finance for Chartiers Valley.
Ms. Eckman said the district budgeted for a $467,000 deficit for the current school year, but the actual deficit is about $1.1 million.
The district has an unassigned fund balance of $733,844, but is using $660,833 of it to balance the 2019-20 budget, leaving $72,011 in its fund balance.
The state Department of Education recommends districts carry a minimum unassigned fund balance of 8%, which in Chartiers Valley would be around $5.2 million.
Ms. Eckman said she will have updated numbers for the board before it votes on a final budget at its June 25 meeting.
In other business, the board voted to ratify the appointment and approve the contract for Misty Slavic, who will be starting at Chartiers Valley June 3 as the assistant superintendent for curriculum and assessment. Her salary will be $124,000 per year.
She was most recently employed in the Freedom Area School District as its director of curriculum and instruction and director of special education and federal programs. She has a doctorate in education from the University of Pittsburgh and a master’s degree in curriculum instruction and design and a bachelor’s degree in education.
“She went through a robust interview process and rose to the top,” said Chartiers Valley Superintendent Johanna Vanatta. “We look forward to having Dr. Slavic join the administrative team and believe that she is well-suited to serve and impact the Chartiers Valley School District.”
Ms. Slavic replaces former director of curriculum Jillian Bischel, who resigned last year.
Deana Carpenter, freelance writer:
First Published: May 29, 2019, 2:54 p.m.