Harmar supervisors have already raised taxes this year, and are expected to vote next week to raise sewer rates to meet increased expenses and repairs.
Supervisors approved a 1-mill property tax increase last month, raising the levy to 3.26 mills this year. The vote was 4-1, with James DiPalma dissenting.
Board Chairman Don Muse said the tax increase will generate about $100,000 in additional revenue. He said the increase is necessary because two major businesses successfully appealed their assessments and won big tax reductions, and the township owes $146,000 on 2005 invoices to the company hired to perform building inspections.
The township also must prepare to meet debt obligations, Mr. Muse added.
"The township has a $350,000 loan. One balloon payment plus the interest will be due in 2007, and previous [budgets] made no provision for that," he said.
Mr. Muse said the loan paid for paving Wise Hill Road, an access road to a new hilltop development.
A rate of 3.26 mills means the owner of a home assessed at $80,000 can expect to pay $261 in township property taxes.
Property owners can expect to pay increased sewage fees as well. Supervisor Michael Liberati said the rate should be at least $1.85 per 1,000 gallons in order to meet costs.
Currently, Harmar residents pay $1.50 per 1,000 gallons. Mr. Liberati, who also serves as secretary/treasurer, said fees from the Allegheny Valley Sewer Authority have increased, and money is needed for repair and installation projects.
The board expects to vote on a sewage rate hike at its meeting Tuesday. The new rate will be reflected on bills mailed at the end of the first quarter.
First Published: March 2, 2006, 5:00 a.m.