Pittsburgh Police are investigating anti-Semitic pamphlets found in Squirrel Hill and other neighborhoods.
The content of the pamphlets and the locations where they were found were not immediately clear.
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh’s CEO, Jeff Finklestein, described the pamphlets as “anti-Semitic and racist fliers.”
Mr. Finklestein saw the pamphlets circulating on Facebook and said they appear “to be recruitment information for the Ku Klux Klan.”
“This is a prime example of how hateful people don’t only hate one group of people,” Mr. Finklestein said. “The Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh stands in solidarity with the African-American community and all other communities who join with us as we continue to fight anti-Semitism, racism and hate with love. To quote Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’”
“We are committed to the safety and security of the Greater Pittsburgh Jewish community. We have the utmost confidence in our local and national law enforcement as they investigate,” he said.
According to a Department of Public Safety statement released on Sunday, Director Wendell Hissrich, police Chief Scott Schubert and Zone 4 Commander Dan Hermann “will follow every investigative avenue.”
“Such hate-filled material will not be tolerated in Pittsburgh — not by residents, City officials nor Law Enforcement,” the news release stated.
Pittsburgh police spokesperson Chris Togneri said no other information on the pamphlets was available and that the investigation is ongoing.
Ashley Murray: 412-263-1750, amurray@post-gazette.com, @Ashley__Murray.
First Published: December 9, 2018, 5:39 p.m.