With the new year, Carnegie Museums in Oakland are offering “Free Sundays” — free admission on the third Sunday of each month to Carnegie Museum of Natural History and Carnegie Museum of Art.
President and CEO Joe Ellen Parker likened the free days to “a kind of open house for the Pittsburgh community.”
The free days join other free or discounted offerings at the four Carnegie museums, including:
• Free Good Fridays (from 5 to 10 p.m.) at The Andy Warhol Museum, North Side, this January (sponsored by UPMC Health Plan).
• A free Sunday at Carnegie Science Center, North Shore, on March 25 (sponsored by Duquesne Light).
• Three Spring Break Free Days at the Oakland Carnegie Museums and at The Andy Warhol Museum, coinciding with spring break at Pittsburgh Public Schools (March 28-30) (sponsored by The Jack Buncher Foundation).
• Carnegie Science Center’s annual June Snowball Day, which invites visitors to pay whatever they choose — as long as they bring a preserved snowball with them.
• Free fall RADical Days as part of the Allegheny Regional Asset District’s annual celebration of the region’s cultural and educational attractions.
Admission discounts that are regularly available are half-price admission every weekday after 3 p.m. at the Oakland museums and every Friday after 5 p.m. at The Warhol.
Bob Batz Jr.: bbatz@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1930 and on Twitter @bobbatzjr.
First Published: January 5, 2018, 6:45 p.m.