The Carnegie Science Center celebrated the Winter Solstice on Friday night with a party that allowed people to socialize with science.
“You know, I haven’t been here since I was a little kid. I thought it would be really fun,” said Kathryn Straatmann. “And you know, learn something for once,” her companion, Carter Smith, added with a smile.
They joined nearly 500 others roaming among the exhibits, making star clocks, getting into karaoke and enjoying live music by Jane West. Both Jake Pollak of Pollak’s Candy and Joe Soom entertained their friends with a go at karaoke.
“A lot goes into the planning, from the theme to trying to decide what people will like, from the science experiences to the food and drinks,” said Brad Peroney, the science center’s program development coordinator.
“We are excited to host the 18 and over nights for our Pittsburgh community,” added Marcus Harshaw, senior director of museum experiences. “Because this is the Winter Solstice we have great things happening in our planetarium.”
Everyone wore masks, but that didn’t stop the fun. “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere and I hope everyone’s loving life right now because it’s the holiday season,” said an enthusiastic Eric Warren.
Among those taking advantage of all the activities were Barbara Brutt and Robert Kasper, Kaitlyn Blannck, Alyssa Betarie, Amanda and James Hillen, Darian Pedrotty, Allie Burns, Jen Collins, Lily Lalchan, Cassidy Krug and Maham Ahmed.
First Published: December 21, 2021, 12:00 p.m.