I saw the Christmas Spirit in person last Saturday.
As luck would have it, my husband had a 9 a.m. appointment for a root canal the day after our recent 8-inch snowstorm. It was an emergency, so despite the snow, off we went.
Upon arrival, we found the parking lot plowed, but a 2-foot snowbank around the perimeter and sidewalks that had not been shoveled.
I was concerned as my husband has Parkinson’s disease that has left him pretty unstable. We made it in and I mentioned the problem at the reception area. However, upon leaving, we discovered the problem remained.
This time we weren’t as fortunate and my husband fell in the snowbank. There is no way I am strong enough to get him up. However, a young man shoveling at the next building came to our rescue. He was so kind, so gentle, and so patient as my husband struggled to get back to the car.
I wanted to give him something, but my wallet was in the car. Before I could get to it, he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear “Merry Christmas.” I was so choked with tears that I didn’t even get to ask his name.
I am not a big believer in angels, but today I met one personally and am most appreciative of his act of kindness.
Has someone done you right? Send your Random Act of Kindness to page2@post-gazette.com, or write to Portfolio, Post-Gazette, 358 North Shore Drive, Suite 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.
First Published: December 24, 2020, 5:51 p.m.