Temperatures ranging from the mid- to high 30s were too warm for ice to begin forming on the state’s Northern Tier and in the Allegheny Mountains.
Lake Erie and tributaries (Erie County) Despite low, clear waters, fresh chrome was found in pools near the tail end of Sixteenmile Creek. On the newly opened stretch of Twentymile Creek, immediately south of Route 5, steelhead of decent size were holed up below the falls at the iron bridge. No ice was visible. On Monday, anglers had hookups using single egg patterns and live minnows. On the bay piers, anglers threw lures at night for walleye and perch. Freezing rain and temperatures in the 30s were expected over Erie County through the weekend.
Lake Arthur (Butler County) Cold, wet weather chased most anglers off the water. Last week, two Pittsburgh fishermen caught crappies with tipped jigs thrown from shore at the McDanel’s Boat Launch.
Neshannock Creek (Lawrence County) After recent snowmelt and Wednesday’s rain, the creek was high and muddy.
North Park Lake (Allegheny County) One angler hoping for ice said he had no hits using a live minnow under a float.
Twin Lakes (Westmoreland County) Low angling pressure reported, but a few fishermen were seen casting from the lower dam.
Youghiogheny River (Fayette, Somerset counties) The same anglers who report most weeks from waters near the Outflow Camping Area said that despite recent weather, the bottom-release dam continued to warm the river as far north as the Route 281 bridge. Last week, they released three brightly colored rainbow trout of 15-18 inches caught on spinners.
File your fishing report and high-resolution digital photos (1MB minimum) at fishingreport@post-gazette.com. Include name, age (for under 18 years), town, species, size, body of water and details of the catch.
First Published: January 26, 2023, 8:23 p.m.