Pennsylvania fishing license sales, which peaked around 934,000 during pandemic-related business closures in 2020, were expected to increase in 2021 as the opening of the state’s general trout season approaches, according to the Fish and Boat Commission.
From Western Pennsylvania to Centre County, Wednesday’s near-freezing temperatures were expected to rise to the mid-50s by Saturday and the 60s by Sunday, with virtually no chance of rain. The cold front that blew in mid-week may put down trout in lakes but will have less impact on streams and rivers. Cloudy skies blanketing the state will be good for the fish; reasonably comfortable temperatures are likely to please anglers.
Lake Erie and tributaries (Erie County) Recent state stockings put brown trout in the East and West Basin Ponds and Upper Gravel Pit. A second stocking of Lake Pleasant was expected Tuesday. On Thursday and Friday, brown trout were delivered to Cascade, Conneaut, Crooked, Elk and Twentymile creeks. Northern pike were caught in Presque Isle marshes and inlets. Yellow perch took minnows and soft plastics, while panfish went for live minnows in the bay. Low, clear streams slowed the steelhead fishing with no rain despite cloudy skies. The state Fish and Boat Commission has begun its annual pre-spring stocking of steelhead smolts on the tributaries. Wading anglers were asked to be careful where they step.
Shenango Reservoir (Crawford County) With the pool level still low, anglers caught panfish in this Panfish Enhancement Program waterway.
Clarion River (Elk County) While kayaking and banking occasionally to cast flies or spinners, Greg Harold of Bellevue landed three trout including a 20-inch wild brown. “This wild whopper made the trip worth it,” he said.
North Park Lake (Allegheny County) Accompanied by her father and grandfather, Brooke Wollenschlaeger, 11, caught her first trout on Mentored Youth Trout Day.
Big Sewickley Creek (Allegheny County) On Mentored Youth Trout Day, Andrew Miller, 12, of Franklin Park, and Ronan Karavlan, 11, and his brother Logan, 13, of McCandless, landed more than 20 rainbow trout using salmon eggs and Powerbait mice tails. Ronan caught the whopper, a 20-incher.
Peter’s Creek (Allegheny County) The first state-stocked opening day at the county’s newest trout stream begins at 8 a.m. Saturday, as it does throughout Pennsylvania. Prior private stockings preceded the stream’s redesignation as a Stocked Trout Water, which mandates open season restrictions. A 5.4-mile all-tackle section was stocked with browns, rainbows and golden rainbows March 23.
Cross Creek Lake (Washington County) On a windy day March 26, James Kosey of Avella released a 24-inch walleye taken on a Gulp Minnow. Bluegills and crappies were taken in shallow bays.
Show off your catch in the annual Post-Gazette Trout Photo Contest. Through May 23, file your fishing report and high-resolution digital photos (1MB minimum) at Include name, age (for under age 18), town, species, size, body of water, details of the catch and photographer’s name and town. Winners in the Big Fish, Kidstuff and Artsy Shots categories will be interviewed for a feature article published May 30.
First Published: April 1, 2021, 7:27 p.m.