While crowds clamor for position on some opening day waters, kids 12 and under accompanied by an adult will find a more welcoming experience at Children's Fishing Day on Little Pine Creek at Fawcett Fields Park in Shaler. Penn's Woods West Trout Unlimited, which organized a stabilization project on those waters, will stock trout for the event. 8 a.m. to dusk April 12, the start of the statewide trout season. State Fish and Boat Commission regulations apply. Details 412-486-9700.
In Washington County, California University of Pennsylvania will sponsor the annual Pike Run Youth Fishing Festival 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 19 at Rotary Park, off Route 88, California. An adult must accompany children younger than 13. Gear can be borrowed through the state's loaner program. The festival includes games, raffles, fishing coaches and contests, vendors, food and beverages. Fish and Boat regulations apply, registration starts at 7 a.m. Details 724-938-4211. Kids are invited to help stock the stream 2 p.m. April 18.
Erie perch and walleye
Anglers will have more access to Lake Erie walleye in 2014, but the total allowable catch of perch will be down. At a recent meeting of The Lake Erie Committee, senior fisheries managers from Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Ontario recommended recreational angling quotas of 4.027 million walleye (an increase since 2013) and 11.081 million pounds of yellow perch (a 9 percent decrease).
While walleye hatches were generally poor in recent years, the committee said moderate to exceptional year classes in 2003 and 2010 warranted an increased catch. Biological assessments showing a lake wide decline in yellow perch biomass led to the reduced allowable catch.
Clean stream
The success of a pollution treatment project near a Somerset County mine has resulted in the reintroduction of trout and an invitation to anglers for the first time in 80 years. Implementation of a $306,000 state grant in 2010 funded a passive treatment system on Weaver Run at Windber. In the spring and fall of 2013, caged trout were placed in the stream to gauge their reaction to the water quality. Apparently they approved. Brook trout, which are highly sensitive to acidic water, will be stocked in Weaver Run before the April 12 trout opener.
Female fly anglers
Representatives of major fishing-wear companies will be at International Angler in Robinson April 10 for a free wine and cheese clothing and equipment show for women. Includes special offers and certificates for a free fly casting lesson. Doors 5 p.m., show 6-9 p.m. Details 412-788-8088.
Club news
Amy Miller and Jan Lauer of the Allegheny County Conservation District will talk about healthy watersheds at the April 9 meeting of the Tri-County Trout Club. 7:30 p.m. Fisher Hall, Burrell Lake Park. Non-members $3, members and kids 12 and under free. 724-335-2679.
First Published: April 6, 2014, 3:20 a.m.