I like to nibble on something crunchy and loaded with flavor when I’m reading a book, watching a game, sipping a cocktail, hanging out with pals, stuck in traffic. But don’t we all?
What I don’t like is a pile of greasy, salty chips with a ton of carbs or overly processed un-food. My years’ long quest has been for a snack that delivers flavor and crunch and is actually good for me.
I found that snack at Costco — Whisps, which are Parmesan cheese crisps. The crisps by Cello are made from one (count it) wholesome ingredient. And maybe some air. They are baked, bite-size discs about the size of a quarter. They taste just like the crunchy bits that ooze from a grilled cheese sandwich or pizza and get all toasty and a little fried on the cooking pan.
Because there’s just one ingredient, Parmesan cheese, Whisps are high in protein and calcium, and low to zero in just about all other ingredients. Munching on them offers a real-food, feel-good snacking experience. Ten or 15 of them is all you need for satiety. They are gluten-, preservative-, sugar- and carb-free. The bonus flavor is umami.
Use them in composed dishes, too. Toss in a salad, add to a cheese tray or tuck into a sandwich.
The snack has everything going for it except the name. Whisps, say it fast three times. If the product tanks, point to the person who thought whisps sounded like crisps.
But point to Cello, artisan cheesemakers in Wisconsin, for its very bright, but cheesy, idea. Cello sources its milk from just four family-owned farms, all within 50 miles of its Lake Country Wisconsin Dairy facility.
A 9.5-ounce bag sells for about $9, and each bag contains 15 servings. Buy Whisps at Costco and Walmart stores or online: www.cellowhisps.com. A good idea is never lonely. Fresh Gourmet brand makes a line of crisps (Cheddar, Parmesan, Pepper Jack, Romano and Asiago) that are available in Giant Eagle stores, $2.89 for 1.76 ounces. They are sold with salad toppings.
The latest guilt-free addition to the Whisp product line is: Cheddar Cheese Crisps. Guess how many ingredients?
Marlene Parrish: marleneparrish@icloud or 412-481-1620.
Comparing Cheese Crackers
• Cheez-It (Original) Crackers
Flavor: Cheddar
First ingredient: Flour
Number of ingredients: 14
Serving size: 27 crackers
Calories: 150
Protein: 3 grams
• Cheese Nips Crackers
Flavor: Cheddar
First ingredient: Flour
Number of ingredients: 15 (includes MSG)
Serving size: 29 crackers
Calories: 140
Protein: 3 grams
• Goldfish Parmesan Crackers
Flavor: Parmesan cheese
First ingredient: Flour
Number of ingredients: 10
Serving size: 60 pieces
Calories: 140
Protein: 3 grams
• Whisps
Flavor: Parmesan cheese
First ingredient: Parmesan cheese
Number of ingredients: 1
Serving size: 15 crisps
Calories: 100
Protein: 9 grams
First Published: July 5, 2017, 4:00 a.m.