President Barack Obama, Sen. Bob Casey and Sen. Chuck Schumer, as well as 30 other currently seated Democratic U.S. senators, have all supported the building of barriers on our southern border. House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi is also on record supporting additional protection against illegal immigration. Hopefully, our newly elected Rep. Conor Lamb can persuade his Democrat compatriots to approve funding for a border wall. As a Marine, Mr. Lamb surely understands the need for a secure perimeter and will publicly announce his support.
The effectiveness of a wall was demonstrated recently when CNN Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta noted that he saw no sign of a national emergency when he was standing beside a completed section of border wall in Texas. Interviewed by CNN, San Diego Democratic Rep. Juan Vargas said the San Diego of today is a “virtual paradise.” Compare that to 1986, when Border Patrol agents arrested over 600,000 illegal immigrants crossing the border near San Diego. The 46-mile-long border wall project that began in 1990 has made San Diego one of the safest cities in the U.S.
Congressional Democrats need to set aside their personal grievances and fully fund the construction of a border wall.
First Published: January 22, 2019, 10:30 a.m.