HARRISBURG — After debate that included claims about saving businesses and saving lives, a sharply divided Pennsylvania House late Tuesday afternoon narrowly failed to override Gov. Tom Wolf’s veto of a bill to loosen coronavirus restrictions on bars and restaurants.
The vote was 133 in favor of the override and 69 against; the attempt needed 135 votes to succeed.
“You are putting people in harm’s way with this legislation,” Democratic House Minority Leader Frank Dermody said before the vote. The Republican leader, Rep. Kerry Benninghoff of Centre County, said restaurants and other businesses needed restrictions loosened to “stay afloat.”
It was the second time in a month the Republican-led House was unable to override the veto of a coronavirus restriction-related bill by Mr. Wolf, a Democrat.
On Sept. 23, the House mustered 130 votes in a failed attempt to override the governor’s veto of a bill that would have given school districts final authority on running sports events during the pandemic.
On that occasion, 24 Democrats who originally voted for the bill switched their position during the override attempt and voted against it.
On Tuesday, 12 Democrats who were among the 145 votes to pass the bill flipped positions, and voted against the override.
Those Democrats were Reps. Joe Ciresi, Tina Davis, Daniel Deasy, Michael Driscoll, Carol Hill-Evans, Marty Flynn, John Galloway, Brian Kirkland, Steven Malagari, Jared Solomon, Jake Wheatley and Mike Zabel.
"I have been asked time and again, ‘Why would people flip? Why would they show that they were supportive and then turn around and flip?' ” Republican state Rep. Cris Dush of Jefferson County said. “I don’t have a good answer for that.”
Another Republican, Rep. Daniel Moul of Adams County, said Mr. Wolf’s orders curtailing restaurant operations were “pulled out of thin air” and “there was no data. There was no science. Nobody testified.”
Democratic Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta of Philadelphia said Mr. Wolf used his authority to keep people safe.
He called the Republican arguments foolish and silly.
“You are not the only ones who care about business owners who are struggling," Mr. Kenyatta said.
Another Philadelphia Democrat, Rep. Jordan Harris, said, "My job here is about saving lives first. We are in a pandemic.”
Among other things, the bill would have ended the prohibition on serving people at bars, rather than tables, in businesses.
It also would have ended the requirement that people buy food in order to be served alcohol, and it would have set a minimum operating level of 50% if the establishment followed guidelines from the state and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
About 30 Bethlehem restaurant owners and members of the business community rallied Monday in Bethlehem, pushing for the override.
Mr. Wolf vetoed the bill last week, saying it would jeopardize public health and safety.
First Published: October 21, 2020, 9:27 a.m.