Houston, PA. October 21, 2014 – Drive 4 UR School is a one-day fundraising event designed to benefithigh schools throughout the country. High schools partner with a local Ford dealership and for every test drive taken during the event, Ford Motor Company donates $20 to that school’s participating organization.
During the event, which took place August 3rd in the parking lot of the Chartiers-Houston High School, 247 test drives were taken. Ford Motor Company was able to donate $4,940 to the high school to support the Buccaneers. Pictured above is Chartiers-Houston’s Varsity Football Coach and social studies teacher, Terry Fetsko, accepting the check from Washington Ford’s General Manager, Dan Wind.
Chartiers-Houston School District is located in Washington County, PA. The district’s average enrollment is 1,145 students. For more information about the school or their football team, please visit the school’s website at chbucs.k12.pa.us.
Located less than four miles from Chartiers-Houston Junior/Senior High School, Washington Ford has been serving Washington County as the area’s largest volume Ford dealership since 1983. For more information, visit the dealership’s website at WashingtonFord.com or call (724) 223-5100.
Contact: Dan Wind| Washington Ford | (724) 223-5100 | WashingtonFord.com
First Published: November 20, 2014, 10:00 a.m.