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Walsh — Accounting

Dateline Pittsburgh: 09/07/14

Dateline Pittsburgh: 09/07/14


Sis­ter­son & Co. LLP pro­moted Megan E. Walsh to man­ager, con­sult­ing ser­vices prac­tice; Tim­o­thy J. Man­tick, IT man­ager; Dana L. Al­len and Megan E. Myszak, tax su­per­vi­sors; Mary A. Trigo, as­sur­ance ser­vices su­per­vi­sor; Lisa D. Ewing, se­nior as­so­ci­ate, tax prac­tice; and Bran­don J. Valasek and Laura A. Wo­har, se­nior as­so­ci­ates, as­sur­ance ser­vices prac­tice.

Bal­let The­atre

Pitts­burgh Bal­let The­atre an­nounced its board of trust­ees lead­er­ship team for the 2014-16 term. Chair­man: Mi­chael LaRocco; vice chair­man: Mark Popov­ich; trea­surer: Mi­chael Haver; sec­re­tary: Kath­leen Mi­clot. Mr. LaRocco is the founder, pres­i­dent, and chief ex­ec­u­tive of­fi­cer of Amer­i­can Made LLC and U.S. Liner Co. (a di­vi­sion of Amer­i­can Made LLC). Mr. Popov­ich is man­ag­ing di­rec­tor in the Pitts­burgh of­fice of Holl­i­day Feno­glio Fowler LP. Mr. Haver is part­ner with Ernst & Young. Ms. Kath­leen Mi­clot is owner and cu­ra­tor of The Frame House.

Con­trac­tor & Con­struc­tion

Lan­dau Build­ing Co. hired Jamie Malo­ney as proj­ect en­gi­neer.


Mary Claire Ka­sunic was ap­pointed pres­i­dent of Oak­land Cath­o­lic High School.

A new po­si­tion within Duquesne Univer­sity’s Divi­sion of Mis­sion and Iden­tity has been de­vel­oped to help im­pact the way the Spir­i­tan char­ism is viewed as it is lived through the univer­sity’s mis­sion. Luci-Jo DiMag­gio will serve as the di­rec­tor of mission an­i­ma­tion.


Tucker, John­ston & Smelzer Inc. hired David V. McDon­nell as com­mer­cial op­er­a­tions di­rec­tor, as­sis­tant vice pres­i­dent of the com­mer­cial lines de­part­ment.


Kop­pers Hold­ings Inc. an­nounced the ap­point­ment of Mi­chael J. Zu­gay as chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer.


Bat­telle an­nounced the elec­tion of Subra Suresh, Car­ne­gie Mel­lon Univer­sity pres­i­dent and an in­ter­na­tion­ally dis­tin­guished sci­en­tist and re­searcher, to its board.


The AIA-MBA Joint Com­mit­tee an­nounced that An­gelo Mar­tini Sr. is the re­cip­i­ent of the 2014 James Kling Fel­low­ship Award. Mr. Mar­tini is CEO of A. Mar­tini & Co., a con­struc­tion man­age­ment, gen­eral con­tract­ing and de­sign-build firm. The James Kling Fel­low­ship Award was es­tab­lished by the AIA-MBA Joint Com­mit­tee to rec­og­nize those in­di­vid­u­als who best ex­em­plify col­lab­o­ra­tion be­tween the de­sign and con­struc­tor pro­fes­sions. These in­di­vid­u­als, through their ac­tion and ex­am­ple, pro­vide both mem­bers of the AIA and the MBA stan­dards of ex­cel­lence to strive for in an ef­fort to bridge the gap be­tween both pro­fes­sions. To qual­ify for this award, in­di­vid­u­als must be nom­i­nated by the op­po­site pro­fes­sion. The name­sake of this award, James Kling, is af­ter a long­stand­ing fig­ure on the AIA-MBA Joint Com­mit­tee.

Two out­side sales pro­fes­sion­als from FASTSIGNS of Pitts­burgh-City/​South were rec­og­nized for their out­stand­ing sales achieve­ments at the 2014 FASTSIGNS Out­side Sales Sum­mit. Deb­bie Fos­sick re­ceived the plat­i­num sales award, which rec­og­nizes out­side sales pro­fes­sion­als who achieved sales of $900,000 or more from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. With more than 550 FASTSIGNS cen­ters world­wide, only 10 out­side sales pro­fes­sion­als re­ceived this award. Jamie Jones received the sil­ver sales award, which rec­og­nizes out­side sales pro­fes­sion­als who achieved sales be­tween $400,000 and $599,000 from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014. Only 31 Out­side Sales Pro­fes­sion­als re­ceived this award.

Pho­tos sub­mit­ted for the print edi­tion ver­sion of this col­umn may be sent via email in JPEG for­mat, 170 dpi, to pho­tos@post-ga­zette.com. Photo size should be an 8- by 10-inch or 4- by 5-inch head shot at 170 dpi.

First Published: September 7, 2014, 4:00 a.m.

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